- Jun 24, 2015
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Anybody can help me to configure the cam in the IP CAM VIEWER????
I have one thats been running 24/7 for several years and expect it to last many more. There's nothing mechanical to wear out so they should last forever (assuming the voltage is proper and stable with no spikes), but electrolytic caps will eventually dry up and mechanical stresses from temperature changes (which causes materials to expand and contract) will eventually cause semiconductors to fail. The other thing that can damage them is capturing the sun stationary in the image for any length of time as the heat from having the sun focused on the CCD will overheat and damage the sensor elements the sun is focused on.
Hi stepz
The 'top201' type of camera board does not come with the IR switching/ blocking components, and needs to use an IR blocking lens to keep the colours right.... (doesn't come with it cos the case/box is to small)
So if you can find a pinhole lens that is IR blocking then all will be well.
So the Top201 is as reliable in component degradation as full fledged CCTV cams like dahua, hikvision, axis?
I spent 2 hours researching all this. I think the *fixed* IR filter is put right on top of the sensor and not part of lens coating. So no matter what lens you use, IR filtering works because the IR film is right on top of sensor. Why do you believe it is in the lens coating in the case of the Top201? Have you actually examine the inside of board and lens? Can others confirm what is early the case?
Just to expand..
The standard top-201 as ruppmeister says above is IR blocking, which is good if 1. you don't need IR capability and 2. the lens focal length is perfect for the chosen situation.
IF you need a different lens then and point 1 is still valid then it will have to be also IR blocking (if available)... if the required lens is not available as IR blocking then a separate IR filter will need to be attached 'right on top of the sensor' as stepz said.
If the standard case were bigger, then a standard electronic IR filter could be plugged into the board.... but its not, lol
So for non IR blocking lens (maybe like the pin hole type mentioned earlier) an option could be to take apart a cheaply available electronic IR filter and remove the filter which then could be laid over the sensor and held in position by what ever means your happy with or capable of (blue tack or glue gun are two options I have used).
Hi stepz
It looks like an IR filter.. but only way to prove it, is to test it.
The cheap way to obtain a filter is to purchase something like this ... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Infrared-...479?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item58c57de5ff
Take it apart and butcher it as required.