I do recommend Pushover... works great for me. It did take me a bit to get it configured properly. I'll quote a post I made to another thread as it may help you get set up and avoid a couple of nits I stumbled into:
First: when after you sign up and download the app, etc you will need to put the string noted in Jaydeel's great post into BI's actions.
-s --form-string "token=YOUR_APP_TOKEN_HERE" --form-string "user=YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a href='&WAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg'>Hi-Res</a> <a href='&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB'>UI3</a>" --form-string "html=1" --form-string "device=YOUR_PUSHOVER_DEVICE_NAME(S)_HERE" --form-string "sound=YOUR_PUSHOVER_SOUND_HERE" -F "attachment=@D:\
You will need to change the APP TOKEN and USER KEY. That part is easy. But you also need to put the
Blue Iris alert path in at the end of that string. If your Blue Iris path is different (mine was), make sure it's correct here, and do not change the words \&ALERT_PATH" ... don't substitute anything here. So my version of the part after _SOUND_HERE" is
_F "attachment=@D:\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"
Now if you try to test this in BI alerts/actions by using the lightning bolt to trigger the set you made, It will NOT work here! You must test this by actually going outside and triggering the camera... I went nuts trying to test it with the BI trigger and couldn't figure what I did wrong. Good luck, hope this helps a bit.