Okay, I got the camera wired up, used the load resistor so we don't have to listen to a doorbell ringing in the house (we have terriers who HATE doorbells.) Setup was a little difficult, and I may very well reset it and start over this coming weekend. For now, it connects to the app on my phone and provides video. What has thrown me initially is that the MAC address printed on the ID sticker on the box is NOTHING like the actual MAC address registering from the device.
ID Sticker: 14-2F-FD-xx-yy-zz
Actual MAC: 00:95:69:aa-bb-cc (LSD Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.)
For the benefit of others, here are the open ports detected from the nmap scan I ran against it:
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.012s latency).
Not shown: 65531 closed ports
554/tcp open rtsp
|_rtsp-methods: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)
8000/tcp open http-alt?
9010/tcp open sdr?
9020/tcp open tambora?
The good news is, SADP v3.0.0.10(20170119) does detect the camera.
View attachment 22194
Here's a snapshot taken with the Hik-Connect app. Nothing has been done to this picture. It looks that bad on my phone, as well.

And before anyone asks, I *did* remove the plastic shield from both the lens and the IR led ring. No, it's not scratched, either.
View attachment 22196
Blue Iris cannot get any ONVIF information from the camera. It fails with HTTP error response in the 12000 range, I believe they were 12029 (Connection could not be established) and 12031. It does detect the open RTSP port, but doesn't have a clue what are the actual RTSP path names.
Now that it's darker outside, I snapped an IR picture. There's bad IR feedback at both the top and bottom of the image, as you can see.
View attachment 22197