Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

I wish it had POE but if it's reliable and responsive enough on WIFI, I'm in. Can't wait for your review.
rippoff....LTS sells it for 169...

LTS doesn't sell to end users so the only way to get one, for most people "not in the know", is to buy it from a re-seller.
LTS doesn't sell to end users so the only way to get one, for most people "not in the know", is to buy it from a re-seller.
Not that difficult to figure out... theses will likely be available via China soon for even less...
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Yes, probably an "early adopters" tariff plus the re-sellers markup. However, they did give me a 10% new customer discount plus free 2-day shipping (which ended up being overnight because I live in Dallas and it shipped from LTS Houston) so all things considered I think I faired reasonably. Also, this re-seller gives you a 3-year warranty on the unit so that's a plus. I think the standard LTS warranty is 2-years and I bet zero years on the direct from China units.

I had to pick up a masonry bit today or else I would have installed it last night. I'm hoping to get it done tonight and report back.
Yes, probably an "early adopters" tariff plus the re-sellers markup. However, they did give me a 10% new customer discount plus free 2-day shipping (which ended up being overnight because I live in Dallas and it shipped from LTS Houston) so all things considered I think I faired reasonably. Also, this re-seller gives you a 3-year warranty on the unit so that's a plus. I think the standard LTS warranty is 2-years and I bet zero years on the direct from China units.

I had to pick up a masonry bit today or else I would have installed it last night. I'm hoping to get it done tonight and report back.
lts warranty is 3 years..
Any idea what app (android) is used for your LTS doorbell version? I don't see any new offering in the Play store from Hikvision/LTS.
How did the install go? Lets see some pictures and video samples. This unit looks great. Especially if this integrates well with Blue Iris....
@VorlonFrog and @SuruGuru are the ones who've actually bought the camera. I'm waiting on their thoughts before buying. Sorry if my post was confusing
Well, placed an order, anyway. Didn't hear from the guy today. Hopefully next week.

EDIT: 9/25 afternoon: Spoke with him (well, IM anyway) this morning, and he's ordering it this afternoon. Should be here in just a few days.
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Any update SuruGuru? Eager to hear your thoughts.

Yes, probably an "early adopters" tariff plus the re-sellers markup. However, they did give me a 10% new customer discount plus free 2-day shipping (which ended up being overnight because I live in Dallas and it shipped from LTS Houston) so all things considered I think I faired reasonably. Also, this re-seller gives you a 3-year warranty on the unit so that's a plus. I think the standard LTS warranty is 2-years and I bet zero years on the direct from China units.

I had to pick up a masonry bit today or else I would have installed it last night. I'm hoping to get it done tonight and report back.
My LTS doorbell camera arrived at the dealer late this afternoon, and he contacted me after we had both returned home from work. I'll be meeting him Wednesday morning to pickup the camera, and will take pictures as I receive and unbox it, and later when I get it connected and installed.
Okay, it took longer to mail the photos to my work address than it did to take or edit the pictures. :screwy:

First, it arrived in a totally non-remarkable brown cardboard box:

With an identifying label on one end:

Inside, a packet of screws, leads, and torx wrench:

A closer look:

Beneath the packet, the doorbell covers, black, white, silver, and the doorbell itself, with a dark grey cover. Notice the insulated junction connector between the white and silver covers. More on that, later.

Here's a look at the face of the doorbell, outside its plastic bag:

Beneath the cover, another ID label, the pushbutton, and camera lens:

At the bottom, a security screw for the cover:

On the backside, two screw-down electrical contact points for the push button wires:

The contents of the bag. Note the two pigtail leads for the contact points. If your doorbell wire is very short (and a LOT of them are) this saves your butt. A very nice touch from them.

Finally, a small printed copy of the installation instructions manual, which can be downloaded as a PDF from the Hikvision site:

I should point out, you won't have to twist and/or solder and insulate if you use their pigtails. They include an insulated junction connector, in between the white and silver face plates. Another very nice touch from them.

That's all, until tonight when I can get back to my house and complete the wi-fi setup.
For whats its worth... both LTS reps said that this doorbell wasn't Onvif... but you are able to pull the RTMP stream for playback and recording to a NVR/Blue Iris etc.
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