Yep, we've got some screech owls and horned owls that big up here in the Bankhead National Forest. So for our 2 Chi's, 2 Chi-mix's and stepson's Yorkie I had the dog run fence laid out 10 years ago to be narrow in the perceived approach/departure area and also aided by 2 dogwood trees. Sadly both the dogwoods caught a fungus and had to be cut down last year so now we go out at night with them for a last, whole-pack bathroom break of the night then drop in the board to close the doggy door.One family got a surprise visit from someone coming down their chimney Thursday — but it wasn’t Saint Nick.
Instead, it was a barred owl.
The huge bird flew into the family’s house, spotted their Christmas tree and decided he would make a nicer star than the one they already had on top.
Barred owl takes the spotlight as unexpected Christmas tree topper
The Animal Welfare League of Arlington says this is a good reminder to keep chimneys capped during the