The official "WTF" thread

One family got a surprise visit from someone coming down their chimney Thursday — but it wasn’t Saint Nick.
Instead, it was a barred owl.
The huge bird flew into the family’s house, spotted their Christmas tree and decided he would make a nicer star than the one they already had on top.

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One family got a surprise visit from someone coming down their chimney Thursday — but it wasn’t Saint Nick.
Instead, it was a barred owl.
The huge bird flew into the family’s house, spotted their Christmas tree and decided he would make a nicer star than the one they already had on top.

Yep, we've got some screech owls and horned owls that big up here in the Bankhead National Forest. So for our 2 Chi's, 2 Chi-mix's and stepson's Yorkie I had the dog run fence laid out 10 years ago to be narrow in the perceived approach/departure area and also aided by 2 dogwood trees. Sadly both the dogwoods caught a fungus and had to be cut down last year so now we go out at night with them for a last, whole-pack bathroom break of the night then drop in the board to close the doggy door.

Small domestic pets are easy prey for such large raptors.

Some of that is CGI...but not taking away from its capabilities...which is, if to be 100% believed, is astonishing.

Hello hunter-killers mechs! Make no mistake about it.
This video appears real. I think in marketing video they sped the video up.

Here is their robot without wheels, I think they are using some kind of video touch up that makes it look CGI, the fast spins/flips definitely looks like CGI.
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WTF .. car in a box .. DIY assembly for WWII

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If we had a contest ..

Goat beats Wheeled Robodog from China :

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Hence the oft-repeated question at local hospital ER's across this great country....."Was this the results of one of those "HEY Y'ALL! WATCH THIS!" moments?"

Surely there was no alcohol involved. :facepalm: