Neither the SS snipers that couldn't see him because of the tree nor the SS snipers who were facing the opposite way due to their assigned area of responsibility took shots before the hooter got of 8 rounds. However, the article didn't say the shooter got off 8 rounds before the snipers took action. The article stated the snipers had the opportunity to neutralize the shooter minutes before the shooter fired a shot. So which sniper had the shooter in their scopes for minutes? Was it the snipers who couldn't see him or was it the snipers who were facing the opposite direction?
While we're at it, I dont take your presented "facts" as facts either. Is their testimony to that effect? Have any of the agents testified publicly? Can you point me to those detailed statements? (PS I dont take anything the former discredited SS Director said as it was clear she was lying and resigned)
Short list of other things that would be interesting to know:
SS no-shows at the prep meeting that morning?
Roof- nobody saw him climb up? 8 officers surrounding bldg. at least 2-3 min before shooting looking for him- nobody alerts Stage Detail
Drone offered ...drone denied
No roof coverage
No delay of Trump speaking despite the kid being spotted for 20 minutes as suspicious with rangefinder.
Shooter 3 overseas email accounts?
White Van AZ plates- towed - explosives?
8 shots before they get him?
SS texts? recordings? Non-existant
Top NYT photog, CNN live, never covered before?
Cell phone 8 pings to DC?
Why did a Blackrock affiliate short Trumps company Bigly the day before?
Who was the ATF guy demanding pictures be sent to their Philadelphia office?
Parents? Called to report him missing? House sanitized? Explosive materials delivered to house?
When is the last time we've seen an FBI agent hosing down a crime scene
No public comments or updates, No press conferences