I realize this is off topic, but I must say this: It gets worse.
Most, but not all, cannot write, do simple math in their head, speak proper English, count back change, and so on.
Their constant and sole means of social interaction and contact via social media, texts, e-mail, etc. will prove to be responsible for producing a generation unable to successfully communicate verbally with others, especially those of earlier generations and age groups. They don't pick up or properly interpret traditional means of face-to-face interaction such as facial expressions, body language, voice inflection, speech pauses, and other cues.
I think this will make their own personal relationships difficult to establish and maintain.
Most cannot use a knife to cut a steak either...but that's because their parents only fed them finger foods.
So if there's any young parents out there, listen up: Don't expect the world to raise up your children; it's in YOUR hands. And don't start raising them when they turn 6 or 8, 10 or 13... it's too late then. Start when their feet touch the ground. And good luck...you're going to need it because they'll be with their peers a lot more than they'll be with you. And when you turn 30, congrats...you're no longer just a parent in their eyes....you're a moron.
Happy 2019!