Similar others are posting:Can you share what URL you are using to cancel the alert? I haven’t been able to get this working.
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I run BI locally on the same host.
You can test it in the browser and should see the last image icon on the left side of BI change.
AI has a bug it doesn't send the cancel that he fixed in a future release too so if the browser works and just AI isn't sending that's why, the tool bug.
Sadly it would appear that some cameras running H.265 do not work with this function. After your post I began to think it was pilot error on my side but after several hours of testing I have proven conclusively that the issue is to do with camera compatibility. For example I have amongst others two HikVision cameras (see attached) one works with switching H.265 streams the other will only work when set for H.264. I could post all the settings but you would simply see that they are all the same with the exception of camera stream resolutions.
I have 6 HikVision and my nest camera recording. Are your HikVision running same or latest firmwares? Maybe they have an issue in FW differences and thus different results? Mine are on latest dated few months back. Also on the one not working if you upgrade the firmware factory reset it just to be safe but end of the day H265 is a standard like H264. So long as you're not using the "+" camera should ideally not matter because a video stream is a video stream. I know Hik did have some bugs in the original FW my cameras came with and even bugs the newer FW made but it only related to the + which I don't use so I don't care on that one hah.