Also, strange, if I clear the custom mask and try to redraw a rectangle across the image, it only masks the top left? The rectanble below should be right across the screen, but have tried clearing and redoing it, and keep ending up with this?
Running AI
View attachment 132542
Looks like I am getting a resolution mismatch error?
View attachment 132543
Got it. Will look at updating AI. Will it retain all my settings?The issue is that sometimes the camera or blueiris doesnt always create the image from the same resolution camera stream. For later versions (than what you have) of AITOOL you can create a mask for each resolution image that is spit out.
bi-aidetection/src/UI/Installer at master · VorlonCD/bi-aidetection
Alarm system for Blue Iris based on Artificial Intelligence. - VorlonCD/
Yes, setting should stick but I would make a backup of your folder first.Got it. Will look at updating AI. Will it retain all my settings?
Just seems odd that this suddenly started happening out of the blue a few weeks ago.
You can send alerts to multiple telegram groups using same toolWhen I used AITool, I liked AITool's UI and stats views. Now that BI natively supports Deepstack, what are your reasons to continue to use AITool? I might try AITool again to see if I can get the status info again.
@animous This is explained in the BI5 docs, see screenshot below. Try flagalert.Still using AI Tool + Deepstack GPU and very happy. The memo is useful (e.g. Person 90%), but is there any way to get the correct icons in the BI timeline? E.g. if a person is detected, show a person icon in the timeline. I only ever get the flag. The API doesn't seem to have an option for this, but maybe I missed it.
Note, flagalert was added in more recent BI5 versions. If you are on some old version, this parameter may not be available.
Also, I've used AI Tool myself and have since upgraded to latest BI 5.6.x for CodeProject.AI integration for AI detection --- much more capabilities than AI Tools. There is no cost to CodeProject.AI and it can be used with CPU only or leverage your graphics card (GPU) for even more performance.
Thanks for the super helpful answer!
You're right! My bad, looks like I was looking at outdated doc. I'm on I'll add this to the list of reasons to pay for a BI upgrade, haha.
I've taken a few looks at CodeProject.AI in the past weeks, especially since the native BI integration and MikeLud1 said he'd port his custom models over. I guess what's been holding me back is 1) "if it ain't broke don't fix it", AI tool and DS have been working well; 2) I read some accounts of users reverting to DS after trying CP.AI because it's more ressource hungry and slower compared to DS (anecdotal and in their env of course) and 3) I'm running a measly GT1030 and saw feedback that 2GB was not enough (this may have changed, now see some modules can be disabled).
How's your experience for footprint + perf compared to DS?
Sorry, don't want to derail the thread or make it about switching to CP.AI!