Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm getting the error like many below. I have installed all the C++ packages that were suggested, restarted the PC, used the noavx version, etc. I have deepstacks installed on Portainer in Home Assistant and tried installing the Windows version (which gave the could not find server error). Thanks in advance for any help.
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.028]: Starting analysis of X:\AI Input/FCSD.20200523_014031937.jpg
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.081]: (1/6) Uploading image to DeepQuestAI Server
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.188]: (2/6) Waiting for results
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.341]: (3/6) Processing results:
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.347]: System.NullReferenceException | Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (code: -2147467261 )
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.353]: ERROR: Processing the following image 'X:\AI Input/FCSD.20200523_014031937.jpg' failed. Failure in AI Tool processing the image.
When you setup the DeepStack docker, did you add "-e VISION-DETECTION=True" to the docker command when you created it I had similar problems until I did that.
Thanks a lot. I've ordered the USB-accellerator. For some reason I could not get it delivered in France, where I live. Had to get it delivered to my father in Norway. It arrived yesterday, and he will mail it to me next week. Now I'm wondering if in the meantime I should spend the time and test tensorflow-lite without the Edge.Right. I started up an Ubuntu (19.10) VM. Then I used the Get started with the USB Accelerator information on google to install the dependencies needed for linux. I then downloaded the MobileNet SSD v2 (COCO) object detection Edge TPU model from Models | Coral. I then installed coral-pi-rest-server on the server. This is basically the "deepstack" equivelent and you point the AI Tool to that instead of the deepstack program. This will use the COCO object detection instead of sending off the images. Of course, you could also make your own object detection to make the processing even better.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm getting the error like many below. I have installed all the C++ packages that were suggested, restarted the PC, used the noavx version, etc. I have deepstacks installed on Portainer in Home Assistant and tried installing the Windows version (which gave the could not find server error). Thanks in advance for any help.
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.028]: Starting analysis of X:\AI Input/FCSD.20200523_014031937.jpg
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.081]: (1/6) Uploading image to DeepQuestAI Server
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.188]: (2/6) Waiting for results
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.341]: (3/6) Processing results:
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.347]: System.NullReferenceException | Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (code: -2147467261 )
[23.05.2020, 01:40:33.353]: ERROR: Processing the following image 'X:\AI Input/FCSD.20200523_014031937.jpg' failed. Failure in AI Tool processing the image.
Hi All,
I have running about a month without any problem this tool but I added detection for dogs (now that I have a dogand its not identifying it as a dog (or a cat)... I attached two images... I know that the dog is small but even with dogs or cats, it doesnt detect it. Do you know what I could configure in order to work? Its strange because it detects like an object ... Regards
Sorry, I didn't want to attack you. I think kumar2020 advice with motion zones is indeed the best solution to that issue.I am not trying to monitor the road in the bad - thats my issues, i am trying to mask the entire area in the back but as shown in my pictures - when i mask the back, the front door area is also getting masked so as shown the person at the door then is half cut from the top as i am trying to block the street from the back. Am i doing something wrong with the mask?
As per the Pic, you can see that i have masked the whole street and sidewalk in the back. But now if you notice, my front porch is now masked as well. So if a person comes to the door, the top half of them will be cut. How would i address this?
Thank you,
I'm having the same issue. It's a problem with the tool, when you run it in debugging mode via Visual Studio it spits out errors with some of the code.
This is the first error:
I then commented out that bit of code since logging isn't critical. I then got this error:
I'm not sure how to code in this language so unsure how to fix this. Hope the dev can assist.
delete history.csv in cameras subfolderAlso, is there a way to 'reset' the stats tab/information?
Found the video you mentioned:
it's a very nice visual explaination of the whole setup
An update is in testing, which includes the ability to flag alerts and ...@GentlePumpkin sorry if this has been asked/explored... I just was told about your app, today so have only read the first post. Have you contacted the BI team to see if there was a way to auto-create the duplicate cameras and set the appropriate settings on them... and hide them from the GUI? It would be great to have the AI be seamless and not have to manage multiple cams that are not 'directly used' Just a thought. thx!
@GentlePumpkin wirh the latest version of BI ken has made a change which will allow a new URL trigger variable.
The new variable is &trigger&memo=text which allows up to 35 characters to be stored. This is great because it allows you to specify keywords ie “person” or “dog” or the actual relevant triggers?
Therefrore is it possible if you could add some variables into the program so we can do %trigger% Or similiar which will allow us to store the exact relevant trigger word? Great for high level overviews!