Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

Hedseth got tattoos... tough guy I'm sure... two Christians... I don't need tattoos
This is a 2-minute point-of-view video by a British pundit. He starts with:
"A lot of people who like to start wars are suddenly angry with one guy who wants to stop this war."

Other points:
-We are seeing changing geopolitics
-Americans are tired of wars
-Americans are tired of Europe not paying for its own defense
-US has other defense needs to worry about, example China
-Europe needs to pay to defend itself

Just for discussion from looking at it from the opposite end... After WW II, US provided all of the defense for the western European countries for a long time. In the past I wondered how those countries were becoming wealthier than the US, then realized that the US paid for the European defense while allowing them to offer things like free healthcare and more generous retirement benefits. Why should the European countries continue to get a free ride on defense expenditure, using the freed-up money for social programs that the US can't afford for itself?

As to the wealthy aspect, the divide between common people and the ultra wealthy is a problem and continues to get worse in the US. With this and many other things, the US is also sliding into the abyss, it's just some number of years behind the European countries.

UK / EU healthcare is paid for by taxes. Just take a look at the difference. We have 20% sales tax on everything but food and clothing. Our "Gas" (Petrol / Diesel) is far more expensive than yours because of taxation....and it continues. You could have free healthcare if many of your providers didn't charge so much and you were taxed to pay for it.

eg. Tax on a vehicle up to £2745 for the 1st year, then an additional £410 a year for the next 4 years after that (5 years total) if the vehicles worth more than £40k plus £190 a year as standard rate forever which goes up by inflation every year. Low emmission vehicles pay a much lower initial amount, but a typical large engined US vehicle will be at the upper end.

A gallon of diesel is on average $8.37.

Income Tax is 20% or 40% if you earn over £5k, and 45% if you earn more than £125k.

Council Tax runs at around $200 a month.

Heating lighting even for what would be a very compact US home around $250 a month+.

Thats just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of taxes. You want to know where our free healthcare comes from? We pay for it, not the US!

..and don't think it's that great either. Expect a 12-24hr wait in A&E to get seen unless immediately life threatening. Up to 5yrs wait for a non urgent operation. You'll be on a shared ward with shared toilets and only a curtain between beds. Many hospitals are no longer cleaned properly because of cuts and areas go months without cleaning which means infection is rife.

This is a tyical UK hosital ward (labeit this is an empty brand new one so ultra clean and without the clutter - 6 people looking at each other in shared rooms:

You want to know where our free healthcare comes from? We pay for it, not the US!
I didn't mean to suggest that the US paid for European healthcare. What I mean is not having a large defense budget meant that what was spent for defense in the US was available to spend on other things in European countries. Right now, social programs are the biggest US budget item, but for a whole lot of years after WW II, defense spending was the largest budget item by a wide margin. We're on the path to full socialism too, unless Trump can turn that around. We have our own huge list of taxes , and in some of the democrat run states the combination of federal, state, and city income tax plus social security tax runs above 50%. I finished our state income tax form today and the blasted thing totaled 13 pages, most of which are for about 100 additions and subtractions for liberal social engineering. It's spiraling out of control!
keep an eye on this. Not the smartest move by the Europeans.

Well I thought the Poles were smarter than this. To be fair I think the Leftists won the Presidency and not sure all of Poland is behind this.

Though the ridiculous hype of protecting Europe from a Russian invasion, just might bring on a Russian invasion! which is what the Euro's want. They only way to get us involved and turn on the $$$ spigot

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Wow....the responses are, imo, fucking stupid!
