Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

Well I thought the Poles were smarter than this. To be fair I think the Leftists won the Presidency and not sure all of Poland is behind this.

Though the ridiculous hype of protecting Europe from a Russian invasion, just might bring on a Russian invasion! which is what the Euro's want. They only way to get us involved and turn on the $$$ spigot

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Well I thought the Poles were smarter than this. To be fair I think the Leftists won the Presidency and not sure all of Poland is behind this.

Though the ridiculous hype of protecting Europe from a Russian invasion, just might bring on a Russian invasion! which is what the Euro's want. They only way to get us involved and turn on the $$$ spigot

The best thing that could happen to that part of the world is if Russia invaded. They would put a immediate stop to the goat fuckers.

The US needs to cut all ties with the UK and all the leftist ilk.
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The ironic part being that Russia liberated Europe in 1945 :rofl:
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The best thing that could happen to that part of the world is if Russia invaded. They would put a immediate stop to the goat fuckers.

The US needs to cut all ties with the UK and all the leftist ilk.
'goat fuckers' is a disease and it will not stop spreading.
A question for those who like to talk about the "tragedy in Bucha". Using the example of the genocide in Latakia, we can see what real mass murder looks like in the hyperinformation era: everything is practically live, in a day or two there are hundreds of photos and videos with disfigured corpses, rivers of blood. And this is under the control of Latakia by jihadists. Compare with Bucha: information that something was happening there began to arrive only 2-3 days after the Ukrainian Armed Forces entered the city. A week later, the first murky videos, fragmentary photos, with neatly laid out corpses whose faces are not visible. In almost three years, there is less photo and video material from Bucha than in two days from Latakia.
Lets cut cut all ties with NATO.

Then let the leftist scum over there who support the crack head invade Russia. Let them relearn the lesson that Germany learned during WW2.

You didn't learn much from WWII? The US tried to stay out and got attacked. Likely to happen again especially as it's easier with missiles these days. No need to float a flotilla off Hawaii anymore. After the EU the only major threat to communism and communist world domination is the US.

The other big lesson to come out of both WWI and WWII is that if you appease an invading nation they rearm and come back for more. What is Trump doing other than appeasing Russia by alloiwng them to win land through a forced settlement?

HIstory repeats itself.
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HIstory repeats itself.
It would be nice if the cycle could be broken this time and many thousands of lives saved. Trump is the first president in a long time that doesn't like wars. Don't forget that the victors of war write the history, so you'd have to wonder whose version would be repeating.
So the theme I'm picking up is we (the US) need to funnel all of our energy, $ and efforts into building up a big military force to put in Ukraine to deter Russia from invading Europe, (potentially directly engage Russian troops and start what would clearly become a major global shooting conflict), even though they have not done so in the last 100 years and have publicly stated they have no desire or intention to invade Europe, and if we don't, Russia will evidentially attack us after they get done eating Europe?
And if we don't, then we're appeasing Russia and Europe wont like us because we didn't do it for them and they'll have to turn their socialist spigot off to fund their own defense?
"Do you even own a Thawb?"

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interesting testing of shot sizes on drone materials...