See 2nd. Amandment for explanations to the above..
Hey all speaking of audiences i have found Putin's secret popularity machine. He plans to bombard the Donbas with this on May 9th. It's so fiendish and if unleashed on Europe and the world it could lead to............. Well enough said have a look
@N-i-k-s-o-n raised some valid points. Any internet search will show a catalogue of errors, blunders, mistakes, intentional or otherwise made by all countries East and West including Russia, America and my native U.K.
The are two key differences though. In the western free society you are free to openly criticise, debate, object and even revolt if feelings are deep enough. You are able to do this without fear of bombings, murder, ethnic cleansing (currently on going in Ukraine) and also poisoning, boating accidents or slipping in the shower. The price of being free is that no matter what your viewpoint you have to put up with "shite" from those with a differing viewpoint. Russian citizens have experienced some of this freedom despite efforts to prevent.
The alternative to freedom is a dictatorship. They exercise control of the citizens. Anyone deemed threatening the status quo or not towing the government line is shut down or eliminated. This includes individuals, media, private companies and you guessed it foreign countries. There is a fear of losing control.
The state can allow people to be fed and it can warm them if they cry but it will not win hearts and minds. The state can try bombing, try and breakdown, try and brainwash people, try and create model citizens but they will not win hearts and minds. The hunger of the people for the mobile phone and associated freedom will prevail. That genie is long out of the bottle.
It's about now there's going to be some "whataboutery". What about this, what about that and some of the criticism is justified but do two wrongs make right?
Times they are a changing.
Epilogue- It's sad that the ever enlightened Putin is repeating mistakes that history has shown will ultimately fail and is destined to end up a court jester in the Peoples Republic of China
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