Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

Russian National Unity group and .. Dmitry Rogozin .. Flag strangely looks familiar ..


interesting ..


The younger version ..


He is btw in charge of Russia's Space Program and was a Russian representative to Nato ..

BBC report. CCTV footage of Russian solders killing civilisations.

"When Leonid Pliats and his boss were shot in the back by Russian soldiers, the killing was captured on CCTV cameras in clear and terrible detail. The footage, which was obtained by the BBC, is now being investigated by Ukrainian prosecutors as a suspected war crime."

"In Western countries, people have a choice and they vote for the candidate they like.

Perhaps in Russia the people also vote for the candidate they like, and this candidate is Putin?

No, they simply have no choice, they vote at gunpoint, and in general the elections are rigged.

But maybe the people of Russia want to live in a traditional society, with traditional religion, without LGBTXYZ+-% domination?

No, they are just dark barbarians/orcs.

But how can these barbarians withstand our economic sanctions and come up with advanced weapons?

As I said above, at gunpoint, in the Gulag.”

Reading between the lines I'm sensing a low esteem most likely a result of censorship, brainwashing and false narrative. A dose of western culture, free speech and free thinking should sort that out in no time :)

I notice you mention traditional values / religion and i was initially pleased that Putin and his regime had found some morals however something was nagging me..... i couldn't put my finger on it....then i saw the light....yes it was the pesky old 10 commandments. I've copied and pasted them below along with some notes for reflection.

1. I am the Lord your God … thou shalt have no other gods before Me.

Yes this includes Putin

2. Thou shalt not make for thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down to them, nor serve them.

Yes this includes swastika 's and other Nazi emblems, institutions and paramilitary factions operating out of Russia

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days thou shalt labor and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God.

5. Honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee, and that thy days may be long upon the earth.

6. Thou shalt not kill.

This is a biggy and I thought it would have been fairly obvious but this includes storming a country bombing and shooting the population. Also includes ethnic cleansing and the LQBT community.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Another biggy and believe it or not this also includes the raping of women ( and men or trans men or people otherwise identifying as men #mentoo ) by horny soldiers praying on the vulnerable while their other half is at home knitting or fixing the car.

8. Thou shalt not steal.

Yes this includes dish washers, wide screen tv's, underpants, dildo's etc

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Yes this includes the propaganda pumped out by Putin's press

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, nor his field … nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.

Yes this includes entire countries, it's people and possessions.

Hope this helps

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biden threat to Putin.jpg
Nice house ..

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Reading between the lines I'm sensing a low esteem most likely a result of censorship, brainwashing and false narrative. A dose of western culture, free speech and free thinking should sort that out in no time :)

I notice you mention traditional values / religion and i was initially pleased that Putin and his regime had found some morals however something was nagging me..... i couldn't put my finger on it....then i saw the light....yes it was the pesky old 10 commandments. I've copied and pasted them below along with some notes for reflection.

1. I am the Lord your God … thou shalt have no other gods before Me.

Yes this includes Putin

2. Thou shalt not make for thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down to them, nor serve them.

Yes this includes swastika 's and other Nazi emblems, institutions and paramilitary factions operating out of Russia

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days thou shalt labor and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God.

5. Honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee, and that thy days may be long upon the earth.

6. Thou shalt not kill.

This is a biggy and I thought it would have been fairly obvious but this includes storming a country bombing and shooting the population. Also includes ethnic cleansing and the LQBT community.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Another biggy and believe it or not this also includes the raping of women ( and men or trans men or people otherwise identifying as men #mentoo ) by horny soldiers praying on the vulnerable while their other half is at home knitting or fixing the car.

8. Thou shalt not steal.

Yes this includes dish washers, wide screen tv's, underpants, dildo's etc

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Yes this includes the propaganda pumped out by Putin's press

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, nor his field … nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.

Yes this includes entire countries, it's people and possessions.

Hope this helps

Great comment, thanks. Now my counterattack.

1. It is in the Western world that Putin is the "Evil God" who raises prices at American gas stations, hacks into your laptop's webcams and shits in your front yard. And the Russians, respectively, are his demons. Next, you can search Google for the phrase The Russians did it and see what else they did.

2. Now seriously. The Russian army participating in the special military operation in Ukraine is composed of people of different confessions. The operation was supported by official representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia. Regarding the creation of idols, you can look at the cult of George Floyd (icons, the desire to canonize him as a saint, etc.).

3. "The storming of the country, the bombing and ethnic cleansing" - are you talking about the attack of NATO countries on Serbia? Or about 8 years when Ukrainian troops shelled Donbass?

4. The myth of mass rape was created in the office of Joseph Goebbels, developed after the Second World War, and now it is being used again. So far, no evidence of rape has been presented.

5. You again use stupid speculation that Russian soldiers steal old washing machines and TVs, and take them to their Siberia on tanks and further on riding polar bears. By the way, I recommend that you go to Ukraine and bring a convenient water faucet with one tap. As far as I know, in England they have not yet been invented, and they use two taps - for cold and hot water.

6. Putin's propaganda is a "little child" compared to the sprawling empire of lies created by the Western media.

7. Tell it to your government.
Great comment, thanks. Now my counterattack.


5. You again use stupid speculation that Russian soldiers steal old washing machines and TVs, and take them to their Siberia on tanks..

5. You again use stupid speculation that Russian soldiers steal old washing machines and TVs, and take them to their Siberia on tanks.. - @N-i-k-s-o-n

hmmmm .. these must be Special Operation Machines ...





Of course with Ikea closed, Ukraine is the nearest store for home goods ..


@N-i-k-s-o-n Interesting choice of words did you run the term term counterattack past the regime and their association of captive press. I think they would prefer "special verbal operation" :)

In reply to your points

1 In the UK Putin is not regarded as a God nor is he feared. Russians are not regarded as demons nor are they feared. Before he sent death squads into Ukraine the UK was "unsure" of him and Russians were welcomed. Now serious crimes aside he's regarded more of a laughing stock than a leader and Russians are still welcome. You give him too much credit

2 Just because the church is in Putin's pocket and values the coin over faith doesn't make the commandments any less relevant.

3 Is matter of opinion and you neglect to say how repeating the same "failures" is going to lead to a radically different "successful" outcome. Putin having the benefit of and not learning from this knowledge takes a "special kind of stupid" . Seek approval from the captive press and regime HQ if you wish to use that one lol

4 Geobbles killed his kids and before he and his wife topped themselves. He nor his office was around after the war to create this myth as you put it. It is a fact that a vulnerable German populace were sexually abused by Russian solders because they were out for revenge or because they were horny. Currently there is a mountain of reports of the same crimes in Ukraine being investigated.

5 It is an irrefutable cast iron fact that Russian solders are stealing / plundering and sending home anything that is and isn't nailed down.

6 Putin's propaganda works best on a shackled mind assisted by a big stick. You can choose to have neither in the free world.

7 Could you ask your government when witchcraft or sorcery will be stated as a reason for war. I'd like the scoop

And since we started on the subject of religion. May your god be with you :)
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This thread is highly slanted toward believing USA/western info over Russian info. Kind of Ukraine good, Russia bad. I frequent another forum where it's just the opposite, i.e. Russia good, Ukraine bad. For every video posted here, there's another one out there showing that the atrocities are by the Ukranian military and the Russian military is protecting the Ukraine civilians. Is there any good reason that USA/western propaganda should be believed over the Russian propaganda? So many of the Russian atrocity videos have been debunked, yet we should believe others? We've seen how the US and western governments have spewed false propaganda about covid to the detriment of the population. We see that the USA is holding political prisoners without due process. We saw how Canada cancelled basic rights and seized civilian bank accounts. Are we now to believe that what we're told about Ukraine is the truth? Is there maybe a motive to keep the war going as long as possible to funnel wealth to the military contractors and politicians? Do we need to whip up public support for this current $40 billion spending bill? My take on recent history is that the USA has interfered with a lot of other countries and killed a lot more civilians than Russia has. I'm not saying that Russia is a good guy here because I don't profess to know. But I sure as well think the USA 'pot' should clean up its own act on interfering with other countries and starting wars before it calls the Russian 'kettle' black.
It is just the start. It will get worse as all wars are! They are all DRIVEN to this stuff or "blinded" so to speak.
The outcome is predictable too! He is a link.....

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@tigerwillow1 hi there what's the other forum you mention. I'd like to have a look as anything I've seen coming from Russia has been so badly acted, staged, scripted and choreographed that I'd need a dark room, a bottle of gin and 6 Jamaican woodbines to get within an acre of believable.

I'll be the first to confess that language is a barrier so i concentrate more on visuals, body language, surroundings etc

What videos have been debunked so i may watch and apply equal scrutiny both sides?
This thread is highly slanted toward believing USA/western info over Russian info. Kind of Ukraine good, Russia bad. I frequent another forum where it's just the opposite, i.e. Russia good, Ukraine bad..

Hi @tigerwillow1

I try to filter what I can to find truthful posts .. attempting to get truth from Russia posts has been extremely difficult.

This is really what should be taught in all American schools .. how to evaluate and judge "news" / "media" ..

Reviewing history of conflicts and the participants of conflicts, yes there will be atrocities from all participants. No question about that.

Now, ask ..
  • Was there a significant atrocity problem in Ukraine before Russian invasion in 2014?
  • Was there a significant atrocity problem in Ukraine before Russian more invasion in Feb 2022?
  • Was there a significant atrocity problem in and around Kiev / Kyiv?
  • Which side is allowing 3rd parties to inspect atrocities, and allowing them to inspect the evidence?
  • Did Ukraine give up Nuclear weapons for guarantees of border security from Russia and USA?
  • How was the vote in the UN to condemn this action vs Russia ( for and against )?
  • What is the history of KGB / Soviet State truthfulness?
  • What is the history of CIA / White House truthfulness?
  • What is the history of Ukraine?
  • What is the history of Russia?
  • What is the history o Russian treatment of Ukraine?
  • History of WWII and actions which could have been done to reduce the conflict ..

Overwhelming, once examining the evidence it should be clear that neither Russian State Media / Government nor US State Media / Government is trust worthy. ( yes, each side sometimes does have some truths, but you really need to filter carefully as both lie a lot .. thus I only share selected posts from VOA sources and Russia sources )

On Western Governments .. yes, they can become authoritarian .. this is why we must defend vs foreign and domestic tyrants .. and honestly, Trudeau, and Biden administration, and Australia have all indicated significant authoritarian tendencies .. as have various governors in the USA.

All governments of power have played influence games .. you can just look at the influence Israel has on the US Government .. truly punching higher than their size ..

Hopefully, the populations will resist ..
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Guide to Russia's Armored Artillery

What videos have been debunked so i may watch and apply equal scrutiny both sides?
I can't research any details tonight, but a couple of teasers I remember:
(1) A video of a large group of claimed dead Ukrainian citizens in body bags that was traced to a climate change die-in in Vienna a few years ago.
(2) A video from a moving vehicle showing body bags lining the side of a Ukrainian street, where somebody spotted a body crawling out of one of the bags after the vehicle had passed by, shown in the side mirror image.
(3) A claimed Russian missile still picture that was discovered to have been used several times in prior year conflicts around the world.
I can't research any details tonight, but a couple of teasers I remember:
(1) A video of a large group of claimed dead Ukrainian citizens in body bags that was traced to a climate change die-in in Vienna a few years ago.
(2) A video from a moving vehicle showing body bags lining the side of a Ukrainian street, where somebody spotted a body crawling out of one of the bags after the vehicle had passed by, shown in the side mirror image.
(3) A claimed Russian missile still picture that was discovered to have been used several times in prior year conflicts around the world.

This one has been de-bunked .. mirror issues .. was not a hand, was not moving, certainly was a dead body ..
(2) A video from a moving vehicle showing body bags lining the side of a Ukrainian street, where somebody spotted a body crawling out of one of the bags after the vehicle had passed by, shown in the side mirror image.

Media and Journalists now are far more lazy and many fail to do a good job .. lots of evidence of main stream media failing ..

War crimes have clearly been systematically committed by Russian Troops in Ukraine .. plenty of evidence on that ..

Amnesty is probably the more balanced source on this topic ..
While I am no longer a big fan of bbc, they've done a good job putting the video evidence together here ..

While I am no longer a big fan of bbc, they've done a good job putting the video evidence together here ..

For one reason or another I'm not a huge fan of the BBC but I feel their war coverage to date has been second to none. They run live postings during the day and are often first out of the blocks with reports. As always cross referencing is a good idea.

Posted below are some examples from today as of 9am UK time. Excuse the long links i don't know any other way to provide them.

Plot spoiler - some encouraging news if confirmed :)

7:03 Russia investing 'significant effort' into eastern breakthrough - UK MoD

7:30 First Russian soldier to stand trial for war crime today

7:55 Scenes of devastation as Russian river crossing goes wrong

8:19 Images show another boat sunken off Snake Island

I can't research any details tonight, but a couple of teasers I remember:
(1) A video of a large group of claimed dead Ukrainian citizens in body bags that was traced to a climate change die-in in Vienna a few years ago.
(2) A video from a moving vehicle showing body bags lining the side of a Ukrainian street, where somebody spotted a body crawling out of one of the bags after the vehicle had passed by, shown in the side mirror image.
(3) A claimed Russian missile still picture that was discovered to have been used several times in prior year conflicts around the world.

I look forward to seeing them :)

Could you provide some Russian footage of atrocities or preferably links to the forum / website you mentioned so I / we may similarly critique.