Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Why are you sure that you are bringing liberation and democracy where you are not asked? We don't need to be freed from Putin. Free Ukraine from the USA. In Ukraine, there have always been minor skirmishes between East and West at a small level. The United States took advantage of this confrontation and ignited the fire of war.
We know all about the hundreds of thousands of men leaving Russia. We know about the fear in Russia. We know the desperation of releasing prisoners to fight this dirty war. You can't hide it... We already know. Maybe Putin will give you a medal for your assistance with the propaganda. The end is coming for Putin by the hand of his own people. Save up your tears for his demise. Be careful of the retribution to those who supported Putin. I pray you, your family and the Russian people survive yet another dictator.
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Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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US in its own words want to spread the liberal world order. None of the other countries want any of the woke/liberal crap.
Welp, apparently a good chunk of Europe, UK common wealth countries want that woke/liberal garbage and so does about 1/2 the people in the USA. We are certainly in a struggle to quash that crap. I hope we can overcome it.


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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@Lyudmila Ok let's start again.

"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."

This is what a duck looked like in 1939


And this is what a duck looks like today


With that in mind we have the past.

In the 1930s the Nazis began rearmament which created thousands of jobs. They expected the German people to follow the Nazi way of life and used the Nuremberg Rallies to get their message across.


And we have the present


We have the past

Hitler's basic principles

These principles are abstracted from Jowett & O'Donnell.
  • Avoid abstract ideas - appeal to the emotions.
  • Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.
  • Give only one side of the argument.
  • Continuously criticize your opponents.
  • Pick out one special "enemy" for special vilification.

And we have the present


We have the past

The Nazi government attempted to control the minds of the young and thus, among other means, intruded Nazi beliefs into the school curriculum. A major part of biology became “race science,” and health education and physical training did not escape the racial stress. Geography became geopolitics, the study of the fatherland being fundamental. Physical training was made compulsory for all, as was youth labour service. Much of the fundamental curriculum was not disturbed, however.

The Nazis tried to brainwash the German population into believing in the Nazi way of life. They believed that the best way to do this was by changing the minds of the young.

And we have the present

We have the past





And we have the present





Winter is coming. This is not a bluff :)


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Crimea Bridge Hit ..


Explosion at the bridge partially destroyed it. Fire is still ravaging.
This is the official explanation (press relese) from the authorities: one of the fuel tank cars a part of a cargo train caught on fire. Bridge's structural integrity isn't affected. The situation is under control. Car traffic has been stopped.

Car traffic has been stopped? Well, no kidding Einstein! Look at the picture below, one of the bridge's spans is completely destroyed. Try not to stop traffic with that kind of damaged.

One picture tells a better story than a thousand words. The situation is under control. Look at the picture, there's nothing else to be said. The question remained is do we trust the official government's explanation? How many times it cried Wolf?

View attachment 141916
View attachment 141917

View attachment 141918
View attachment 141919


View attachment 141920

Google translate gives: "The Crimean Bridge is on fire. "Exactly at 6 o'clock!" "
Горить Кримський міст. «Ровно в 6 х&ернули!»

more coverage..

Location of hit ..

more ..

This one shows view from a car and hit ..
"EXPLOSION on the Crimean bridge! Part of the bridge is broken, the train is on fire! / Crimea, News, Explosion | News.LIVE "

some analysis ...

driving up to the damaged section ..

Blast captured on CCTV

day time view .. after the fire ..

A little update on the source of the blast. I mentioned in the other thread I didnt believe it was a truck bomb.

Down in the comments to this article, an observant poster sees what I thought Id seen..
Ukraine update: Destruction of Kerch Bridge connecting Russia and Crimea sends war to new phase

Saturday, Oct 8, 2022 · 1:49:45 PM EDT · Mark Sumner
Just restating the obvious, here’s why I don’t believe a truck bomb was involved, no matter what kind of backstory is being passed around or how many suspects get named. First, here’s the last full frame immediately before the explosion.

Frame one of explosion on Kerch Bridge

Last full frame before explosion.

One frame later, the CCD sensor in the camera is already becoming saturated. As the rolling shutter moves up the screen, the light levels are overwhelmed.

Frame 2 of Kerch Bridge explosion

Initial light from explosion begins to overwhelm camera
Even in this partial frame, the trucks have advanced over the last full frame and are not distorted. None of the vehicles in this scene is the source for the light.

Frame 3 of Kerch Bridge explosion

Debris immediately visible on right moving to left

As soon as light levels are reduced enough for the camera to operate, a cloud of debris can be seen appearing off the right of the roadway and being thrown up and left across the area where the vehicles had been. Also, the cooler, darker portion of the explosion is below and right of the roadway, while the traveling wave is moving up and left.

Everything suggests that the explosion was not centered on the road, but originated somewhere below the roadbed and off to one side

Plus the truck in question was already on the incline part of the bridge. The damage shown after clearly shows two spans down on the flat part of the bridge.

Watch the video again, all of the "debris" is moving right to left and up.
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Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
yes .. Well, this is how it goes when the card player at the table for Team USA is unable to perform the game well to force the main opponent ( Putin ) to fold before everyone is forced to put more money on the table ..

Team USA should have stopped this war before it became a war .. imho failure of those in command to do the proper threats ..
No arguments here...


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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But who started all the color revolution around the world. US in its own words want to spread the liberal world order. None of the other countries want any of the woke/liberal crap.

Russia didn't stop other countries pipe lines. They have a price advantage over the gas from Middle east. Only the US has a problem with other countries becoming better.
US will not even allow EU to become a peer competitor.

As of today USA still steals syrian oil, no amount of sugar coat can change this fact percieved by the rest of the world.

ISIS oil was infact being shipped to Turkey for onward transportation. When Russia entered syrian war in 2014, the first think they did was air strikes on the ISIS controlled oil tankers heading to turkey.

While US with all of the ISR from drones to space just watched ISIS grow.
I liked your post and admire your bluster. It is a decent attempt at justification and deflection and probably the most sophisticated on here to date but it's really based on your opinion and a lot does not bear up to scrutiny. See below for starters

"But who started all the color revolution around the world. US in its own words want to spread the liberal world order. None of the other countries want any of the woke/liberal crap."

I'm not sure of the context of the word colour. It could be a spelling correction, a Freudian slip or just plain old supremacy but besides that the world would appear to be at odds with your opinion.

If you are are following wars closely in defence forums you will know there is only losers in war and call on Russia to withdraw its troops immediately and save lives.

Winter is coming :)


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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A little update on the source of the blast. I mentioned in the other thread I didnt believe it was a truck bomb.

Down in the comments to this article, an observant poster sees what I thought Id seen..
Ukraine update: Destruction of Kerch Bridge connecting Russia and Crimea sends war to new phase

Saturday, Oct 8, 2022 · 1:49:45 PM EDT · Mark Sumner
Just restating the obvious, here’s why I don’t believe a truck bomb was involved, no matter what kind of backstory is being passed around or how many suspects get named. First, here’s the last full frame immediately before the explosion.

Frame one of explosion on Kerch Bridge

Last full frame before explosion.

One frame later, the CCD sensor in the camera is already becoming saturated. As the rolling shutter moves up the screen, the light levels are overwhelmed.

Frame 2 of Kerch Bridge explosion

Initial light from explosion begins to overwhelm camera
Even in this partial frame, the trucks have advanced over the last full frame and are not distorted. None of the vehicles in this scene is the source for the light.

Frame 3 of Kerch Bridge explosion

Debris immediately visible on right moving to left

As soon as light levels are reduced enough for the camera to operate, a cloud of debris can be seen appearing off the right of the roadway and being thrown up and left across the area where the vehicles had been. Also, the cooler, darker portion of the explosion is below and right of the roadway, while the traveling wave is moving up and left.

Everything suggests that the explosion was not centered on the road, but originated somewhere below the roadbed and off to one side

Plus the truck in question was already on the incline part of the bridge. The damage shown after clearly shows two spans down on the flat part of the bridge.

Watch the video again, all of the "debris" is moving right to left and up.
Excellent analysis :)


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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We know all about the hundreds of thousands of men leaving Russia. We know about the fear in Russia. We know the desperation of releasing prisoners to fight this dirty war. You can't hide it... We already know. Maybe Putin will give you a medal for your assistance with the propaganda. The end is coming for Putin by the hand of his own people. Save up your tears for his demise. Be careful of the retribution to those who supported Putin. I pray you, your family and the Russian people survive yet another dictator.
You don't know anything about Russia. Completely. You don't know anything about the Russians, about our thinking. Maybe we should go free you from Biden? We will free your children from hormone blockers. But we won't go. We don't need it. Do whatever you want at your place. The main thing is that you do not meddle with us. And you interfere in other countries. Constantly.
There are people who prefer someone else to do their dirty work for them. And they will come ready. Those who left are such people. It's not fear, it's character. By the way, national minorities in Russia are exempt from military service.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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@Griswalduk, your post is propaganda, an attempt to give wishful thinking. Show a photo where Jews with one suitcase fled to Germany, asking for protection from Hitler. And now those living in Ukraine, including Ukrainians, are fleeing to Russia. Your pictures don't fit together.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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For anyone wondering, you really have to have sensitive and careful eyes to spot the difference between one frame. I had to scroll up and down to appreciate the difference, and yes, my display is 97% uniform. :D

A little update on the source of the blast. I mentioned in the other thread I didnt believe it was a truck bomb.

Down in the comments to this article, an observant poster sees what I thought Id seen..
Ukraine update: Destruction of Kerch Bridge connecting Russia and Crimea sends war to new phase

Saturday, Oct 8, 2022 · 1:49:45 PM EDT · Mark Sumner
Just restating the obvious, here’s why I don’t believe a truck bomb was involved, no matter what kind of backstory is being passed around or how many suspects get named. First, here’s the last full frame immediately before the explosion.

Frame one of explosion on Kerch Bridge

Last full frame before explosion.

One frame later, the CCD sensor in the camera is already becoming saturated. As the rolling shutter moves up the screen, the light levels are overwhelmed.

Frame 2 of Kerch Bridge explosion

Initial light from explosion begins to overwhelm camera
Even in this partial frame, the trucks have advanced over the last full frame and are not distorted. None of the vehicles in this scene is the source for the light.

Frame 3 of Kerch Bridge explosion

Debris immediately visible on right moving to left

As soon as light levels are reduced enough for the camera to operate, a cloud of debris can be seen appearing off the right of the roadway and being thrown up and left across the area where the vehicles had been. Also, the cooler, darker portion of the explosion is below and right of the roadway, while the traveling wave is moving up and left.

Everything suggests that the explosion was not centered on the road, but originated somewhere below the roadbed and off to one side

Plus the truck in question was already on the incline part of the bridge. The damage shown after clearly shows two spans down on the flat part of the bridge.

Watch the video again, all of the "debris" is moving right to left and up.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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You don't know anything about Russia. Completely. You don't know anything about the Russians, about our thinking. Maybe we should go free you from Biden? We will free your children from hormone blockers. But we won't go. We don't need it. Do whatever you want at your place. The main thing is that you do not meddle with us. And you interfere in other countries. Constantly.
There are people who prefer someone else to do their dirty work for them. And they will come ready. Those who left are such people. It's not fear, it's character. By the way, national minorities in Russia are exempt from military service.
"You don't know anything about Russia. Completely."

"You don't know anything about the Russians, about our thinking. Maybe we should go free you from Biden? We will free your children from hormone blockers."

.. and yet somehow the Russians seem to know so much about Americans and others ..

" The main thing is that you do not meddle with us. "

.. and yet the Russians have no issues meddling with others ..

" And you interfere in other countries. Constantly."

.. and yet the Russians interfere also .. as did the Soviets ( who started WWII with the Germans ) ..

" .. By the way, national minorities in Russia are exempt from military service. "

This is clearly not the case from the reports we have seen where ethnically Russians from areas like Moscow and St. Petersburg are less likely to be drafted ..


Each day we learn more about Russians .. and each day I have less respect for them due the to massive lies we have seen.

Each day I learn, that many in Russia are unable to effect a change to your nation's path, and have to vote with their feet.

Each day I learn, that this stupid war must continue and more people will suffer and die due to Russia's insistence to inflict suffering on Ukraine and the World.

Each day I learn more about the horrific lies that are spread in Russia by their Government, their approved Media, by their people

Each day I learn to trust more what those next to Russia have to say about their neighbor to the East .. to what the Ukrainians ( who know the Russian's very well ), to the Baltics ( who also know the Russians very well ), to the Poles ( likewise ), and to the Finns. All of whom are 100% supporting Russia leaving Ukrainian lands .. and are 100% for Ukraine being restored.

Each day I learn that Russia will have to fail for this to end .. otherwise, Russia will just keep going once it re-arms and re-loads .. the is no satisfying the current expansionist power hungry Russia .. it was not satisfied with the 2014 gains .. it was not satisfied when Ukraine gave up their Nuclear Weapons ..

Re: massive lies and ..

Of course, the same applies to what I think about those who are currently in the USA's Whitehouse and many of those in the USA .. the USA Whitehouse and US Government is full of deceptive lying power hungry corrupt people .. many Americans dislike this .. AND WE LEGALLY ARE allowed to say that .. in public .. in the streets .. and we are legally allowed to carry arms .. ( some authoritarian types are actively attempting to reduce American rights to stop civilians from this .. you can see that in the original thread here .. )

The woke people in the West .. well, they are just the Neo-Marxists. Woke concepts are from those who have taken the theory of Marxism and applied it to the next area, what we call "identity politics".

As many in Russia seem to enjoy and wish their Marxist History would return .. I'd be happy to send you all our Woke people .. they philosophically are not compatible with the Western Democratic Principles which the USA and other Nation States in the West were founded upon. ( individual liberty and principles of equality .. )
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Crimean Bridge ( 12 mile long bridge ) is crippled .. of the 2 rail lines, one has been tested with a short train and shown functional .. uncertain if carrying capacity has been significantly reduced ( on the remaining rail line )

Other rail line still has the damaged cars on it and is not yet usable.

Roadway is now narrowed to a single lane .. significant reduction in capacity ..

This is a significant crippling of the bridge .. it has dramatically reduced the capacity of this bridge ..



Crimean Bridge Update -- A Ferry, Train Test and Repairs

Remember, this Bridge is one of the most heavily defended areas in the world .. reportedly ..

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Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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@Griswalduk, your post is propaganda, an attempt to give wishful thinking. Show a photo where Jews with one suitcase fled to Germany, asking for protection from Hitler. And now those living in Ukraine, including Ukrainians, are fleeing to Russia. Your pictures don't fit together.
I hope this might sound familiar to you

German chancellor Adolf Hitler had rattled his saber at Poland for months. As he had done prior to the occupation of other countries, Hitler claimed that ethnic Germans were being persecuted inside Poland. Addressing the nation hours after the firing of the first shots, Hitler said he acted strictly in justifiable self-defense in response to Polish attacks on German soil the night before. Those attacks were not launched by Poland, however, but were carefully choreographed operations stage-managed by the Nazi propaganda machine as a pretext for an invasion.

“The Polish State has refused the peaceful settlement of relations which I desired, and has appealed to arms,” Hitler wrote of the phony attacks in his proclamation to the army. “In order to put an end to this lunacy, I have no other choice than to meet force with force from now on.”

Once the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east on September 17, the country was squeezed in a vice grip.........

. It was just the beginning of the suffering for the Polish people, who were victims of some of the greatest horrors in a monstrous war. Six million Poles, half of them Jewish, died during World War II at the hands of the Nazis and the Soviets.

As a reminder of your countries role in enabling the Nazi war machine in WW2

When the Soviets annexed eastern Poland, about 300,000 Jewish refugees from German-occupied Poland were trapped. The vast majority of these refugees remained in Soviet-occupied Poland. In 1940 and 1941, Soviet secret police officials arrested and deported—as "unreliable elements"—hundreds of thousands of residents of eastern Poland, including thousands of Jewish refugees from German-occupied Poland. Those arrested were deported to Siberia, central Asia, and other locations in the interior of the Soviet Union. About 40,000 Jewish refugees continued their flight from Poland, fearing arrest and persecution in either German- or Soviet-occupied territory. More than half of those who fled Poland went to Romania and Hungary. 15,000 went to Lithuania, most to Vilna, Kovno, and the surrounding regions

And a reminder of what a duck looks like



Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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Больше смерти и разрушения

When the rocket flew, she screamed that she was Russian? From the very beginning, Ukraine has been bombing civilians because Ukraine does not need Russian people. They're lying to you. I repeat - this is said by living people who came from there, not Wikipedia.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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AND WE LEGALLY ARE allowed to say that .. in public .. in the streets ..
And what is the meaning of your words on the street? If there is no difference. If you don't stop the gender madness now, I'm afraid that you will start spreading it to other countries and we will have to respond. While you're talking in the streets... Where is your democracy in action? Who can hear you?


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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Ukrainen soldiers dumping body of civilians with hands tied behind their back. Basically killing any one who might pro russian. You can see the unedited versions posted further down in that tweet. Waiting for MSM to label them as russia.
Guys with US made carbine and Nazi bracelet.


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Maybe we should go free you from Biden? We will free your children from hormone blockers.

LMAO, yes... If only we can be freed from the communist/socialists ilk ruining our country and yours. The leftist nonsense of Biden and those who support the leftist policies you are concerned are a concern to so many over here. I'm glad you and I can find common ground; Biden is garbage and so are all the policies of his leftist/socialist/communist party.