Thanks for the quick reply...
Doesn't the SSH ability offset that loss?
In your opinion, is it likely that I will bump into the 'language mismatch' problem?
Is there any way to protect myself against this... that is, are there steps to take that will allow me to undo updates without having to 'reset to defaults' or a tftp update? Do I need a copy of the original FW? If so, is the v3.0.8 - 140825 FW available somewhere ( I couldn't find it!)
I believe that you are suggesting that I do the update revision by revision, as opposed to to trying the single update. Are you able to suggest a migration strategy... that is, which FW updates should I do to get me from v3.0.8 to V3.4.80, and if possible, which specific files I should download for my DS-7632N-E2/8P NVR. Thanks
You will lose the telnet capability that 3.0.8 has
Doesn't the SSH ability offset that loss?
there is a chance, depending on the apparent (if running hacked to English firmware) region of the camera you may bump into 'language mismatch' problems as you progress up the revisions of the NVR firmware.
In your opinion, is it likely that I will bump into the 'language mismatch' problem?
You will lose the EN menus if you have to do a 'reset to defaults' or a tftp update at any time.
Is there any way to protect myself against this... that is, are there steps to take that will allow me to undo updates without having to 'reset to defaults' or a tftp update? Do I need a copy of the original FW? If so, is the v3.0.8 - 140825 FW available somewhere ( I couldn't find it!)
I don't know for sure if doing a single update across many versions will be problematic, as the web GUI update has done maybe 4 configuration file format updates / translations by the time you get to 3.4.80, so the question would be - does it play nicely and have the code to deal with a very old format, or will it just clear it?
I believe that you are suggesting that I do the update revision by revision, as opposed to to trying the single update. Are you able to suggest a migration strategy... that is, which FW updates should I do to get me from v3.0.8 to V3.4.80, and if possible, which specific files I should download for my DS-7632N-E2/8P NVR. Thanks