IPCT Contributor
- Jan 17, 2017
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The Stasi: The Most Terrifying Secret Police in History? | History HitVia the DNC's Stasi.... They will monitor what you do and say.
Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned 2020 election (
Just wait for the next 100,000 haha..
Dylan Fernandes, a state representative who represents Martha's Vineyard, wrote on Twitter: "These immigrants were not met with chaos, they were met with compassion. We are a community & nation that is stronger because of immigrants. The community coming together with water, food, interpretation help, & resources to support these families represent the best of America.
"Our island jumped into action putting together 50 beds, giving everyone a good meal, providing a play area for the children, making sure people have the healthcare and support they need," he said. "We are a community that comes together to support immigrants."
Christina Pushaw, DeSantis' rapid response director, tweeted in response: "Great, then you won't mind taking in a few thousand more."
Newsweek asked the DeSantis team whether Pushaw's tweet indicated an actual intent to send thousands more migrants to Martha's Vinyard, but had not received a response Thursday afternoon.
Later, Pushaw tweeted that Martha's Vineyard residents "should be thrilled" about welcoming migrants.
"They vote for sanctuary cities — they get a sanctuary city of their own. And illegal aliens will increase the town's diversity, which is strength. Right?"
Author Mark Russell commented, "I'd take a hundred migrants any day of the week over a hundred DeSantis voters," to which Pushaw responded, "Duly noted, sir. I hope you have a large mansion or else it might get a bit crowded."
so.......he writes gay comic books? I've seen enough.....hmmm ... looks like has some DC credit .. can't say I heard of him either .. but then again, I mostly focus on the top talent ..
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Well......that didn't take very long.......Fucking hypocrites!
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Doug Casey on Class Warfare, "Eat the Rich" Sentiment, and What Happens Next
The rising anti-wealth sentiment seems to be taking the US into dangerous
Ahahaha!! Yeah, it must be really tough to be flown in to Marthas Vineyard, directly escorted to a nice air conditioned bus, then taken to a nice church where they got the first of many free meals, free health care, free billion dollar attorneys, free planning to take them where they want to go.......Yeah, must be a really tough life......"They deserve so much better"......this woman is a fuckin stooge.....
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Should just flood that place with them. Literally, and "Liberally" (no pun intended of courseFucking hypocrites!
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Here we go again. The Deep State is so Ingrained I find it hard to believe that anything will come of this. I mean come on, we had nearly 4 years of false Russian Collusion narrative, of which the Deep State and their MSM were the actual colluders trying to bring down a sitting President, and not one person is behind bars for that failed American Coup under the quise of the American Justice System with fabricated foreign intelligence, which included sitting congress members and Senate member, and the DNC. And Sussmann walking free.New filing in the Igor Danchenko case -
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Reveals Special Counsel Durham intends to introduce as evidence the internal LYNC messages of FBI Analysts/Agents.
This includes the messages of FBI Analyst Brain Auten - who helped "manage" Danchenko and helped cover-up Hunter Biden evidence.
Sep 15 at 16:41
QUOTE: A new vote-by-mail law enacted in Delaware earlier this summer was ruled unconstitutional by a judge on Wednesday, meaning that Delawareans will not be able to vote by mail in the upcoming election scheduled for Nov. 8.
In an 87-page opinion, Vice Chancellor Nathan Cook ruled that the law, which allows Delaware voters to vote by mail in the general election without providing a reason for doing so, violates a provision in Delaware's constitution known as Article V, Section 4A.
"Our Supreme Court and this court have consistently stated that those circumstances are exhaustive," Cook wrote. "Therefore, as a trial judge, I am compelled by precedent to conclude that the vote-by-mail statute's attempt to expand absentee voting to Delawareans who do not align with any of Section 4A's categories must be rejected.""I must find that the vote-by-mail statute is unconstitutional for purposes of the general election," the judge added.
Greg Abbott wasn't to be outdone, though. News broke on Thursday morning that two busloads of illegal immigrants were dropped off at Kamala Harris' doorstep. That came just days after the vice president had proclaimed the border "secure."
Fox News actually took the time to do some actual journalism, something the rest of the mainstream media couldn't be bothered to do as they clutched their pearls. Here's one of the illegal immigrants saying that the border is "open" because they entered "free, no problem."
Most of the illegal immigrants in this case were apparently from Venezuela. They were sent voluntarily north because border towns in Texas are completely overwhelmed and simply do not have the resources to care for these people. Besides, who better to take them in than the very Democrats who have spent the last decade promoting sanctuary city policies and proclaiming the wonders of diversity? Abbot is doing them a favor by making the transition of these illegal immigrants into welcoming liberal communities smoother. Or at least, that's what you'd think the response would be given past rhetoric. But nope, leftwingers are freaking out, calling the move inhumane and exploitative.
QUOTE: Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, leader of the Social Democrats, has resigned after admitting defeat in Sweden's national election, opening the way for a new centre-right coalition government that could include Sweden's populist party.
Prime Minister Andersson resigned Thursday following the final results of the national election which took place on Sunday.