Known around here
This is written from a far left viewpoint anyway. I have not looked into the Qanon movement or beliefs, is the pedophile story something that all of them believe and a main part of the movement?
"If only QAnon’s beliefs were that straightforward, benign or grounded in reality. The core tenet is that Trump, backed by the military, ran for office to save Americans from child-abusing devil-worshippers in the government and media. Backing the president’s enemies, the theory falsely claims, are prominent Democrats who extract hormones from children’s blood.
The theory spins off from there. In some versions, John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in a plane crash in 1999, is alive and hiding in rural Pennsylvania, biding his time until he reemerges to back Trump’s reelection bid. Other iterations feature celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres and religious figures, including Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama. UFOs sometime make appearances, as does the 9/11 “truther” movement and anti-vaccine beliefs."
Personally my perceptions of this is that anything that is conservative or pro-constitution will be attacked with a narrative that is conspiracy theory in it own right. To me it seems that they took some of these "beliefs" from social media that was intended in jest of the left, not actual core beliefs. Were, or are, these core beliefs?
"If only QAnon’s beliefs were that straightforward, benign or grounded in reality. The core tenet is that Trump, backed by the military, ran for office to save Americans from child-abusing devil-worshippers in the government and media. Backing the president’s enemies, the theory falsely claims, are prominent Democrats who extract hormones from children’s blood.
The theory spins off from there. In some versions, John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in a plane crash in 1999, is alive and hiding in rural Pennsylvania, biding his time until he reemerges to back Trump’s reelection bid. Other iterations feature celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres and religious figures, including Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama. UFOs sometime make appearances, as does the 9/11 “truther” movement and anti-vaccine beliefs."
The Republican Embrace of QAnon Goes Far Beyond Trump
Late last month, as the Texas Republican Party was shifting into campaign mode, it unveiled a new slogan, lifting a rallying cry straight from a once-unthinkable source: the internet-driven conspiracy theory known as QAnon.The new catchphrase, "We Are the Storm," is an unsubtle cue to a group
Personally my perceptions of this is that anything that is conservative or pro-constitution will be attacked with a narrative that is conspiracy theory in it own right. To me it seems that they took some of these "beliefs" from social media that was intended in jest of the left, not actual core beliefs. Were, or are, these core beliefs?
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