US Elections (& Politics) :)


BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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Why was only some body cam footage first released? The newest footage had to be leaked.

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Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Since the Department of Education was created performance of the school system has declined and world ranking for US students has declined, steadily. The answer has been to throw even more money at it, the DoE and schools, with the result that performance continues to drop. Inner city schools are the worst, by far. Continuing to fund that is insanity as defined by Einstein. Why is a Vice Principal needed for door knobs? Why are schools centers for nutrition? If a student mis-behaves the teacher/instructor has no real way to correct the situation because, after all, "my child is a good kid". It's all a pile of crap sucking money out of everyone's pockets. The Federal Government got involved, and like most things that the government gets involved in, has turned it into a giant sink hole sucking pocketbooks dry, not delivering on it's core mission and cheating the students, our future and the future of the nation, out of a good education.

Sure, a parent can opt for a private school or private tutors, but that parent is paying twice for the same thing. Is that "social justice"? It sure doesn't help those inner city kids at all. Regulations for home schooling? There's a wonderful idea that the Department of Education could royally screw up and waste even more money on. Standardized testing exists already and can measure the effectiveness of home schooling as well. I know, standardized tests aren't fair because some kids get a better education than others, but that's the point of those measure that education in the first place and quantify the effectiveness of it. The teachers unions don't want that so it is being swept under the carpet in the name of "social justice".

As an aside, I heard that some teachers are nervous about "virtual classrooms" because they are afraid that parents will see what they are really teaching. Their solution is to try to use apps to hide that. Nothing going on here, nothing wrong here, move along, nothing to see.


Pulling my weight
Dec 18, 2019
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Regulations for home schooling? There's a wonderful idea that the Department of Education could royally screw up and waste even more money on. Standardized testing exists already and can measure the effectiveness of home schooling as well.
So part of my job, as a background investigator, often involves verifying past education, and the ones that are the absolute worse to try to verify are home schools.

For starters the "standard" for home school varies widely throughout the country. Some places you have to do it using an approve curriculum, and all testing is done through the local school board or some other governing body; which also will issue and maintain diplomas and transcripts. (IMO this is the proper way to handle it)

on the other end of the spectrum some locations leave it up to the parents on what they want to teach, and its up to the parents to create and issue diplomas and transcripts. Some of the"diplomas" i have seen look like someone downloaded a trial version of photo shop and used the fanciest font they could find.

for these sort of home school environments; In speaking with the applicants about their home schooling education; they usually feel frustrated as now that they are an adult a lot of places aren't accepting their off the books home schooling, and an unfortunate number of these said that they basically were taught the bible, basic math (k-5 level stuff) and reading, and that's about it.

i am generally pro-home schooling, but there needs to be a standardize set of rules to establish a baseline for everyone.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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.........................said that they basically were taught the bible, basic math (k-5 level stuff) and reading, and that's about it.
So basically more than they get at many universities..... :lol:

Totally understand your point though. Seems like some standardized basleine testing would be in order, as long as the Teachers Unions dont decide what that is...


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
That's exactly why I mentioned testing which is already available and was widely used, until recently, to measure the effectiveness of home schooling. Regulations mean another department, or sub department, more bureaucrats slowing everything down, messing everything up and wasting money and physical space. Those bureaucrats also write regulations without those regulations being reviewed and approved by Congress. A system was there, that worked, but abandoned in the name of "fairness". It wasn't fair to those who were being cheated by the very system that those tests designed, in part, to monitor.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Pro CCP narrative coming out to support the re-embrace of the CCP PRC China business relationships by the Democrats

This will be used to in an attempt to white wash what the WHO and CCP did to the world to encourage the spread imho by those who will benefit financially...

Notice how the NY Times posts a misleading while accurate headline.. more nuanced when you read the article..
( yes local leadership attempts to keep bad news away from their bosses... and their bosses lie to the world and help spread the virus.. )

Local Officials in China Hid Coronavirus Dangers From Beijing, U.S. Agencies Find
A new U.S. intelligence report says top officials in Beijing were in the dark in early January on the true dangers of the virus. That could affect U.S. policy on China.

Aug. 19, 2020, 2:15 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON — Trump administration officials have tried taking a political sledgehammer to China over the coronavirus pandemic, asserting that the Chinese Communist Party covered up the initial outbreak and allowed the virus to spread around the globe.

But within the United States government, intelligence officials have arrived at a more nuanced and complex finding of what Chinese officials did wrong in January.

Officials in Beijing were kept in the dark for weeks about the potential devastation of the virus by local officials in central China, according to American officials familiar with a new internal report by U.S. intelligence agencies.

The report concluded that officials in the city of Wuhan and in Hubei Province, where the outbreak began late last year, tried to hide information from China’s central leadership. The finding is consistent with reporting by news organizations and with assessments by China experts of the country’s opaque governance system.

Local officials often withhold information from Beijing for fear of reprisal, current and former American officials say.

The new assessment does not contradict the Trump administration’s criticism of China, but adds perspective and context to actions — and inactions — that created the global crisis.



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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The battle... for freedom...

Nathan Law 羅冠聰
Aug 17
Three years ago, I was imprisoned due to my leadership role in Umbrella Movement. Everything was so uncertain — a month ago I was a parliamentarian, then i turned into a cellmate. But I always know that we are for the right cause and justice, we can overcome any hurdles.



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
CONFIRMED: Chinese Communist Newspaper Endorses Joe Biden – “Joe Biden Is Smoother to Deal with than Donald Trump”

The Global Times is a daily tabloid newspaper and voice of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing.

On Thursday (China time), on the same day as Joe Biden’s much anticipated Democrat Party convention speech, the Chinese Communist newspaper endorsed Joe Biden for President of the United States.

The Global Times says Joe Biden may reactivate the job-killing TPP and the Iran nuclear deals pushed by the Obama administration.

China is rooting for a weak America. Trump is rooting for a strong America.



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Because BLM for the Democrats...

Kamala Harris' Prosecutors Sent This Innocent Man to Prison
Oct 10, 2019

Back when she was San Francisco D.A., U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, now a presidential contender and a self-described "progressive prosecutor," cost the city of San Francisco millions of dollars and cost Jamal Trulove more than six years of his life. Harris allowed the people working under her to pursue a murder charge against Trulove that was ultimately overturned by an appeals court. Harris has yet to account for this incident, which is in stark contrast to the progressive image she is trying to project as she runs for president. Trulove shares his experience growing up in San Francisco and his thoughts on Harris' role in his case. (Despite numerous attempts to reach her, Harris did not return VICE's requests for comment.)

The article:
Dirty cops. A bogus eyewitness. Years in violent prisons. And a liberal politician whose star keeps rising.

Trulove's story of wrongful conviction and eventual exoneration has been told before; he even won a $13.1 million payout from the city of San Francisco. But now one of the key players is making a serious run for the White House, and Trulove is anxious to tell his story again—this time including the role Harris played in it, he told VICE in his first-ever interview about Harris and his wrongful prosecution.
In a New York Times op-ed published in January, University of San Francisco law professor Lara Bazelon described various instances when Harris, either as district attorney or state attorney general, vigorously defended cases in which prosecutors were accused of fabricating testimony or withholding potentially exculpatory evidence—stacking the deck against the accused.
He does remember a brief period of excitement when she was first elected—but it quickly became apparent that for Harris, justice was political, he said.

"When election year comes around, I don't care if it's mayor, district attorney, president, attorney general," he said, "it seems like more people start going to jail."


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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"...Smoother..." :lmao:

CONFIRMED: Chinese Communist Newspaper Endorses Joe Biden – “Joe Biden Is Smoother to Deal with than Donald Trump”

The Global Times is a daily tabloid newspaper and voice of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing.

On Thursday (China time), on the same day as Joe Biden’s much anticipated Democrat Party convention speech, the Chinese Communist newspaper endorsed Joe Biden for President of the United States.

The Global Times says Joe Biden may reactivate the job-killing TPP and the Iran nuclear deals pushed by the Obama administration.

China is rooting for a weak America. Trump is rooting for a strong America.



Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Democrats want to give free community college. For What? Vocational Jobs Only? Give free 4-year undergraduate education if you really mean it.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of parents who are not well educated enough to make a difference in their children's education.

Certainly it is a good time to revisit the education provided in all levels of our society. No doubt too many proto marxists teaching.. too many anti-liberty people in the universities even...


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Irony: The system is broken to allow people to participate in democracy ;)

Without a broken system, there is nothing to whine about :rofl:


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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With virtually everybody succumbed to media and not following their own intuition, the media is going to decide how this election turns out :facepalm:


Pulling my weight
Dec 18, 2019
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Democrats want to give free community college. For What? Vocational Jobs Only? Give free 4-year undergraduate education if you really mean it.
TBH this isnt a bad idea. I dont know the full extent of it, but allowing all citizens and permanent residents the ability to get enough credits for at least an associates would go along way towards lowering the overall cost of a college education. Community colleges are cheaper, and a AA or AS degree generally covers all of the pre&general education requirements 4 year schools make you take, but 4 year schools generally require more credits to do this than a standard AA degree needs.

So going the Community college route to get your AA, and then going to a 4 year school allows you to focus purely on what you wanted to learn in the first place, lets say mechanical engineering for instance. It's not only cheaper but you can shave a semester or two off of the overall time it will take to get your bachelors degree.

now lets kick it up a notch. Say you have a high schooler that is pretty smart, well you could dual enroll them into the local community college and they can work towards that associates while also in high school. When they graduate they will either have their associates or be fairly close to it; meaning the time it will take them to get their post secondary education finished and enter the job market has been reduced.