US Elections (& Politics) :)


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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A little truth on Biden's tax plan - whether you like the truth or just like being gaslit by the gaslighter in chief.

From the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) - an independent think tank. California, being affected the most is shown here as the example.

Biden’s plan would generate over $289 billion in tax revenue, according to research from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). About 1.9% of the U.S. population would see an increase in taxes.

The top 5% would bring in most of the tax revenue. (Graphic: David Foster/Yahoo Finance)

The top 5% would bring in most of the tax revenue. (Graphic: David Foster/Yahoo Finance)
The ITEP data broke down the impact by state. Population has a major impact on the overall total in tax increases.

Who actually pays
With its massive population of over 39.5 million people and median income of $71,228, it’s no surprise that California would see the highest tax increases under Biden’s plan.

On Biden’s campaign website, it states that “he won’t ask a single person making under $400,000 per year to pay a penny more in taxes.”

Here’s what the ITEP research shows.

On average, the bottom 95% in California will see no change in their taxes, even though collectively their tax bill may increase or decrease, according to ITEP. It’s those in the top 5% that will see a higher bill, with those making $347,200 to $948,300 a year paying $5,310 more on average each year. Those in the top 1% would see their tax bill increase by $279,300 on average.

How Californians would be impacted. (Chart: ITEP)

How Californians would be impacted. (Chart: ITEP)
In total, the state would see a $54.6 billion more in tax revenue.
lol another lie. Its like you have issues telling the truth from your home in the suburbs in the woods where you sip fine with other elites.. Please point me to ANY just one, single tax increase plan that either generated more income OR actually generated the results the claim it will. DO you think we are so fucking stupid as to believe your "chart". Liars like you are very good at making charts and graphs to make the lies more believable.
Let me give you some cold hard facts. I employ 10 people. Their annual income range from 40,000 to 150,000. Every single one saw a tax decrease under the trump tax cuts. On average about 40 bux a week for those on the lower end. Biden claims he will eliminate those cuts. Tell me how they are going to get their 2k per year back? Half of these are minorities.
Biden also claimed we would keep our insurance and our doctors. Now we suffer with bullshit fake insurance with 7k deductibles.
Take your soft bigotry and shove it up your elite white ass. Stop with your racist rhetoric. Most of all stop lying.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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@ctgoldwing Ill add, Why have you not donated a single dollar to help the people you claim you want to help. Why is it that you are sticking your white old male fat greasy fingers into my pocket. Why have you not invited a single criminal illegal alien or someone from the hood to live with you - you have plenty of room. We know why. Because you are a RACIST LEECH.


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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@ctgoldwing Ill add, Why have you not donated a single dollar to help the people you claim you want to help. Why is it that you are sticking your white old male fat greasy fingers into my pocket. Why have you not invited a single criminal illegal alien or someone from the hood to live with you - you have plenty of room. We know why. Because you are a RACIST LEECH.
It's difficult, if not impossible to fix stupid. But we keep trying :D


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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Yet the effort doesn't go unnoticed by the lying media. Yahoo stopped allowing comments to their insane articles because there were too many people posting common sense....they couldn't allow that to happen so close to the election. I suspect they'll reopen articles to comments after the election.


Getting comfortable
Sep 1, 2020
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A little truth on Biden's tax plan - whether you like the truth or just like being gaslit by the gaslighter in chief.

From the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) - an independent think tank. California, being affected the most is shown here as the example.

Biden’s plan would generate over $289 billion in tax revenue, according to research from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). About 1.9% of the U.S. population would see an increase in taxes.

The top 5% would bring in most of the tax revenue. (Graphic: David Foster/Yahoo Finance)

The top 5% would bring in most of the tax revenue. (Graphic: David Foster/Yahoo Finance)
The ITEP data broke down the impact by state. Population has a major impact on the overall total in tax increases.

Who actually pays
With its massive population of over 39.5 million people and median income of $71,228, it’s no surprise that California would see the highest tax increases under Biden’s plan.

On Biden’s campaign website, it states that “he won’t ask a single person making under $400,000 per year to pay a penny more in taxes.”

Here’s what the ITEP research shows.

On average, the bottom 95% in California will see no change in their taxes, even though collectively their tax bill may increase or decrease, according to ITEP. It’s those in the top 5% that will see a higher bill, with those making $347,200 to $948,300 a year paying $5,310 more on average each year. Those in the top 1% would see their tax bill increase by $279,300 on average.

How Californians would be impacted. (Chart: ITEP)

How Californians would be impacted. (Chart: ITEP)
In total, the state would see a $54.6 billion more in tax revenue.
Apparently the new 10% property tax Biden is proposing is excluded from the “not a penny more” promise.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Found Pelosi's Tweet an interesting contrast with her example of how to behave:

Nancy Pelosi
Oct 28
The best thing the President can do for our country is to stand up and take the results of this election like a man. #MSNBCLive


Just like Pelosi gave us a fine example in 2017 and took his election win with dignity and honor...



Getting comfortable
Aug 1, 2018
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Probably auto banned, and waited for a human to review imho, still there should be whitelist:

Twitter briefly suspended CPB Commissioner after he touted border wall
Oct 29, 2020

Presuming you're being facetious. It took more than 24 hours and an appeal to undo. It looks more like intentional election interference.
