Using mini pc for viewing BI

I wanted to use my Echo 10 for BI viewing the Silk browser @looney2ns mentioned does pull it up via the Silk browser, but, the browser is programmed to shut off after 10 minutes, real annoying!

For viewing it on various TVs, I just have set up a browser bookmark for UI3 on my Google TV devices...
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Well truth be told.....I used to know a stripper.....Mickey....but that was the 80's.....what happened in the 80' know....:)
Well now....a small detail....when I married her she was 18 and her name was Kim.
One night she came in the door with $700 and high on Blow...she was Mickey....
And so the divorce was finalized in Aug 85.....:love:
and now back to our regularily scheduled problem...
Beelink T4 Mini PC, Intel x5-Z8500 Windows 10 (64-bit) 4G/64GB Mini Computer