Vimtag V-361 with Blue Iris


Feb 6, 2016
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I'm a newbie installing my first IP cameras. I started with a Vimtag V-361 and got it working wirelessly on my Windows 7 ASUS router system. I can view it live using either a web browser or a cell phone app. When I tried to install the camera under Blue Iris, I had no success. First, BI doesn't "see" the camera. Second, this camera is not on the camera selection drop down so I installed it as a Generic. After working with BI tech support, submitting my setup parameters including port forwarding and giving them access to the camera from the 'net, Ken responded that it looks like the camera is not compatible with BI. He made no reference to the Win 7 hardware acceleration issue. If anyone has contrary info, please advise. If not, maybe this will be useful to someone else.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I'm a newbie installing my first IP cameras. I started with a Vimtag V-361 and got it working wirelessly on my Windows 7 ASUS router system. I can view it live using either a web browser or a cell phone app. When I tried to install the camera under Blue Iris, I had no success. First, BI doesn't "see" the camera. Second, this camera is not on the camera selection drop down so I installed it as a Generic. After working with BI tech support, submitting my setup parameters including port forwarding and giving them access to the camera from the 'net, Ken responded that it looks like the camera is not compatible with BI. He made no reference to the Win 7 hardware acceleration issue. If anyone has contrary info, please advise. If not, maybe this will be useful to someone else.
Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately the camera uses proprietary protocols so its not compatible with any third party VMS or third party apps. That is a bad sign and will only cause problems in the future. Send it back.


Feb 6, 2016
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Will do. Thanks for the info -- can't tell you how much better if feels to have a clear reason for the problems.
Jul 1, 2016
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I have this camera. A third party app called tinyCam Monitor can view the camera images. Unfortunately, this app starts and stops streams from every camera. It's not reliable. But, if these guys can get to Vimtag's stream, why can't everyone else?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I have this camera. A third party app called tinyCam Monitor can view the camera images. Unfortunately, this app starts and stops streams from every camera. It's not reliable. But, if these guys can get to Vimtag's stream, why can't everyone else?
Tinycam is an excellent app whose developer @alexvas is a member here. Your issue is likely an unreliable camera or wifi connection.
As far as others not being able to get the stream, it may be a firmware variation issue. Some manufacturers disable rtsp streams in some firmware variations, or for whatever reason he could not find it. You can add any camera that supports rtsp or onvif to blue iris. You simply need the correct path. The camera manufacture should provide that to you.
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Jul 1, 2016
Reaction score
Your reply indicates that you misunderstand my post.

My observation was to show that tinyCam could do something that few other IP camera viewers can do. That is, discover the correct path for this camera. All credit to @alexvas for doing this when large organizations could not. I want the correct path, and I want other apps to use it. Telling me that I need the path is not helpful.

tinyCam has been the best app I have found to gather all the cameras into one app. But, each brand specific app streams their camera's video beautifully. tinyCam will work for minutes at a time, then drop each camera in turn. Assuming that each of my 5 IP cameras is unreliable is not only inaccurate, but the lack of thought behind this dismissive response begs the question "Why even reply at all?"

I'm a software developer. I understand that when I say a program is "unreliable" it will rub people the wrong way. And, just because it has not worked perfectly for me, doesn't mean it's not a great app, which it definitely is. It is likely that something in my environment is causing the issues I am seeing. It would be great to know what the problem is.

But, your response is unnecessarily defensive, and completely unhelpful.


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Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Your reply indicates that you misunderstand my post.

My observation was to show that tinyCam could do something that few other IP camera viewers can do. That is, discover the correct path for this camera. All credit to @alexvas for doing this when large organizations could not. I want the correct path, and I want other apps to use it. Telling me that I need the path is not helpful.

tinyCam has been the best app I have found to gather all the cameras into one app. But, each brand specific app streams their camera's video beautifully. tinyCam will work for minutes at a time, then drop each camera in turn. Assuming that each of my 5 IP cameras is unreliable is not only inaccurate, but the lack of thought behind this dismissive response begs the question "Why even reply at all?"

I'm a software developer. I understand that when I say a program is "unreliable" it will rub people the wrong way. And, just because it has not worked perfectly for me, doesn't mean it's not a great app, which it definitely is. It is likely that something in my environment is causing the issues I am seeing. It would be great to know what the problem is.

But, your response is unnecessarily defensive, and completely unhelpful.


Oy, I dont even know where to begin with this type of asshole post but lets try.
Your response to my post indicates that YOU misunderstood MY reply, you are technically inept, have no reasoning skills, and are a moron. The level of arrogance in your post is astounding.
Lets being.
1) You indicate the tiny cam can do something others cannot. Maybe so, but there are not enough data points to reach that conclusion. Let me explain, since you spent your time being an ass rather than reading and actually thinking. OP had the blue iris developer try to access HIS camera. OP makes no mention of the camera firmware version. Nor does OP state HIS version works with tinycam. He simply states it works with a mobile app, which for all WE know is the manufactures application.
You have not stated that the BI developer or any other for that matter has tried to access your camera. Also not that Blue Iris is not a "large organization" its developed by ONE person. Most ip camera mobile apps are one man shows as well. Large well known vms developers would never get a request to support a junk camera like the vimtag because their license fees are 50-150+ per camera and as such, their user base does not use this kind of bottom barrel crap.
You are a novice to IP cameras and therefore may be unaware that in the past, manufactures have REMOVED rtsp streaming ability in some firmware revisions. This occurred with ubiquiti and xiaomi to name two.

2) You state the the cameras own apps can view the feed without issue. You are obviously not aware the manufacture specific applications use DIFFERENT protocols than third party apps that rely on rtsp or onvif. Additionally the manufacturer apps are likely streaming the substream. Have you set tinycam to stream the substream? You fail to mention what other cams you have. Finally, you issue can be the result of a crappy network that you run or your phone.

3) Shame on you as a "software developer" (your technical ability is questionable at this point) for not researching any of the above. Also someone who claims technical expertise, why not do a bit of research before buying crap cameras. You have been suckered by a company that posts FAKE reviews.
Why have you not run wireshark or similar in an attempt to find the stream yourself?

Finally, simply on a human level. You post your first post on a support forum. Someone took the time to give you a response, yet you feel the need to reply like a complete ASSHOLE. Really baffling.
Jul 1, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks for the help. Wireshark and other sniffers can give me what I'm looking for. Have a great day.


tinyCam Developer
Sep 12, 2015
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Regarding Vimtag V-361 implementation.

Vimtag uses RTSP for getting video. But before get RTSP link to the video you need to make camera authentication. This authentication is extremely complicated. I (developer of tinyCam Monitor) spent 1 week to reverse engineering this authentication protocol. This is the most complicated protocol of the camera I've ever implemented. I do not understand why vendors still do not want to use open standards (like ONVIF).

If I were BI developer, I would not spent so much time on these cameras.

Regarding connection lost in tinyCam Monitor.

I think that Vimtag camera drops the connection periodically. I will check that. tinyCam Monitor is tested on RTSP cameras for weeks without any problems.
Jul 1, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply.

I can see a lot of HTTP requests to the camera (for authentication, UI, and streaming) it is definitely more complicated that the ONVIF cameras' traffic. For what it's worth, I think this was the stream request:


I'm going to take your advice and not spend more time on this camera, especially when the ONVIF cameras are so straight forward and ubiquitous.

Thanks again.