The object the US shot down over Canada on Saturday was a “small, metallic balloon,” the Pentagon wrote in a memo to lawmakers Monday offering one of the first descriptions of the myste…
Here's a thought - should these geniuses be shooting down or at objects that are unidentified? Should they not be identified before a decision is made to shoot? Surely telescopes exist that can determine what it is before just blowing it up...!
I know I've seen this in the movies. Alien spacecraft on a friendly mission gets shot down. Next move is they destroy the earth. What the earthlings should do is guide them to our leader Biden, who will then rule the term space alien as insensitive and derogatory, call them undocumented space travelers instead, give them a guaranteed monthly income, and everybody can go home happy.
Aim9x is a thermal missile. As the 4th object was small and with no source of propulsion, it probably had a very low thermal signature consisting only of the heating of the metal on the one side facing the sun. As such it probably presented a hard to hit target.
AIM9 was originally heat seeking but, times changed! The AIM9X has lasers to illuminate the target thus rendering flares useless!
The B52 might be your grandfather's plane but, the Aim9 series of air to air missles have been dipped in "The Fountain of Youth"!
The thing is, a professional airforce should know what its target is and use the appropriate technology efficiently and not be making a 50-50 guess as to its effectiveness. Seems kind of like we didn't know what we were doing. I'm going with alien aircraft on this one dudes...LOL. Yes, I'm a UFO nut believer. I saw a strange flying object about 45 years ago and have been intrigued for years about the possibility. Let's see if we can find what went down.
The thing is, a professional airforce should know what its target is and use the appropriate technology efficiently and not be making a 50-50 guess as to its effectiveness. Seems kind of like we didn't know what we were doing. I'm going with alien aircraft on this one dudes...LOL. Yes, I'm a UFO nut believer. I saw a strange flying object about 45 years ago and have been intrigued for years about the possibility. Let's see if we can find what went down.
All I'm saying is that objects should be identified and then a decision made as to whether they have hostile or a nefarious information gathering intent.
Seems to me the last step/resort is blowing it up. But Mongo only pawn in game of life.
I suspect that the crap they're shooting then examining now are some university meteorological experiments and the like, but that's just a guess.
(in classic Stallone voice)
"Let it go....or I'll give you a war you won't believe."
It wouldn't surprise me if people in the US start releasing large balloons with aluminum foil dangling from them just to see what happens. People do crazy stuff these days.
It's great that we dropped several million bucks in jet fuel, pilot time, aircraft maintenance, and let's not forget those tasty sidewinders to blow some non-spy related balloons out of the sky. Way to go potato!