The reason why the CPU usage of the i7-8700K appears to be affected so heavily is likely due to hyper-threading.Hey more data point for you:
As mentioned above, after I got the system running at a reasonable CPU load, I decided to go in and cherry pick a few cameras to bring their FPS back up to something more useful (to me anyway). So I chose 6 cameras that I had set to 10 FPS, and changed them to 20 FPS. Here's the results:
Core i9-7980xe Went from 28% to 33%
Core i7-6960x Went from 35% to 41%
Corei7-8700K Went from 55% to 93%
Super interesting how the change affected the i7-8700K so heavily!
So, now I' m having same probleem (8600k).
This: Memory Leak: Quick Sync (Hardware Acceleration) | IP Cam Talk don' t help.
I have tried (twice) clean install of windows, nothing. Different drivers and that Media SDK files, still nothing.
Yes, when I stop using quick sync, blueiris will work, but it uses more cpu power and 8mp cameras playback isn' t smooth (this is main point what I changed to 8gen).
Am I doing somehing wrong? Or is there a way for using quick sync and 8gen processors?
It is possible that the fix I put in the wiki doesn't work for all the 8th-generation CPUs. I only know it works for i7-8700K. If you send me teamviewer connection details in a private message, I could put in some time to see if I can get it working. Unfortunately due to the slow-leaking nature of the bug it might take some time to be certain if anything I do makes a difference.
Have you tried the .4982 driver released a couple days ago? Download Intel® Graphics Driver for Windows* [15.65]
Follow-upHave a Gigabyte Brix I7 7500, running BI with just 2 HIK 4MP and 8MP cameras. CPU is constant on 56% and Motion recording going up to 96% and stutters. Constant recording not even possible because CPU is then constant on 100% and everything stutters and when I say everything I mean everything. Feels like I am on a old 486 computer. What a bummer. My next try is installing iSpy and see what happens.
Your issue is not related to the memory leak. ..Just improper setup ...Read the wiki .... direct to disk and hasdwaha acceleration ..Have a Gigabyte Brix I7 7500, running BI with just 2 HIK 4MP and 8MP cameras. CPU is constant on 56% and Motion recording going up to 96% and stutters. Constant recording not even possible because CPU is then constant on 100% and everything stutters and when I say everything I mean everything. Feels like I am on a old 486 computer. What a bummer. My next try is installing iSpy and see what happens.
its not yes and no...why in the world would you install a 3 year old version of BI then complain? not only is it an old version but its basically the first release of v4 - there were the newest installer (its freaking FREE) and perform a clean install....also follow the wiki, missing a setting like the direct to disk on one camera can make all the is evident that you are not using direct to disk or hardware accelerations...your cpu would be in the teens if you followed directions...Thanks fenderman, Yes and No. I run BI ~2 Years and did not have that problem until about a month ago when it started. First I was just to lazy to do anything about it and let it stutter since I am not using it professionally but then it got on my nerves.
After installing iSpy and iVMS and got much better results, I actually installed a very old version BI (4.0.2) yesterday and the problem is down to what it was running "in the old days". I still don't get the results as low as with iVMS and iSpy but it went to CPU 54% during recording, running the 3 HIK and Panasonic Cameras.
Originally installed BI just worked and I had no stutter problems, used it as installed, always only changed recording location to a different HD (SSD actually) and never paid attention to CPU or Memory usage since everything worked. SSD is not the problem, checked. BI 2 years ago was probably running the CPU that high too but since nothing stuttered I never checked either and never bothered to check or "optimize" anything.
Have a great day
Sorry fenderman, for the confusion, I don't complain, Hmmmmmm, maybe I do, but not about the old version, my complain is about the "latest" version, I just could not use the computer anymore since everything came to a crawl, crash and stutter.its not yes and no...why in the world would you install a 3 year old version of BI then complain? not only is it an old version but its basically the first release of v4 - there were the newest installer (its freaking FREE)..................
going back to 4.0.2 is idiotic it is OVER THREE YEARS old ...there are other versions available in between those two...lots of missing features as well as security enhancements (ill bet 100 percent you are not using a vpn)...based on your posts, ill guarantee its 100 percent user has nothing to do with blue iris because there are thousands of users here without your just dont know what you are doing...the next time you want to brainstorm, start by reading the proper setup procedure in the wiki and stop blaming the update.Sorry fenderman, for the confusion, I don't complain, Hmmmmmm, maybe I do, but not about the old version, my complain is about the "latest" version, I just could not use the computer anymore since everything came to a crawl, crash and stutter.
The installed BI version was working perfectly fine and computer was running perfectly fine too, then I got the glorious Idea to download and install the latest version. I know I had upgraded BI before but since BI erases the version number with the updated one, I don't know what version was installed just before the latest one.
After upgrade to the latest, that's when I got all the problems. A almost unusable computer. Going back to the older version solved the stuttering problem and 4.0.2 was the one I just had handy on a HDD. I have other old versions of BI somewhere on one of my HDD's. Uninstalled BI with Revo uninstaller, then installed 4.0.2.
4.0.2 is running now for 3 days without a problem, this also means nothing else installed on the computer caused the problems since I only changed BI. Somewhat high on the CPU percentage number but i7 7500 seems to handle everything just fine. I could go, find the older versions and upgrade the 4.0.2 version but this one seems to work so why bother. I just stay away from BI upgrades for the time being..
Next time I get the "upgrade" brainstorm I will make an Acronis backup first and then upgrade, that way I would be back in 2 minutes to the working version. When I get the time or problems with the computer I will look into Direct Disk and hardware acceleration but that's not pressing anymore.
Thanks fenderman, appreciate your time and input
Thanks fenderman don't get a Heart-Attack just because I use and have an old version installed. Visually and on screen I don't see a difference between the working one from ~2 weeks ago, the latest upgraded one, the one I think made my computer crash and stutter and this old 4.0.2 that made my computer usable again. I searched in my Catalog program for BI and it came up with 5 BI on hand but it can't tell me which versions they are. Therefore if I get a problem I will dig out the HDD and upgrade the 4.0.2 to one of the other 4 with whatever versions they are. Right now I am pretty happy with the setup since I am back to "Normal". Task-Manager has the BI usage this moment between 18 and 61% and memory around 1014mb.going back to 4.0.2 is idiotic it is OVER THREE YEARS old ...there are other versions available in between those two...lots of missing features as well as security enhancements (ill bet 100 percent you are not using a vpn)...based on your posts, ill guarantee its 100 percent user has nothing to do with blue iris because there are thousands of users here without your just dont know what you are doing...the next time you want to brainstorm, start by reading the proper setup procedure in the wiki and stop blaming the update.