Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Great idea, try on various masks to determine which ones you like and put the ones back that you don't like...


ps - heard there are condom shops also... wonder if they have a try on before you buy option...


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
Seriously, if ALL 4 of the channels I noted called this a Pandemic before our "elected leaders" did.. well, that says a lot.
Unfortunately in hindsight those 4 channels weren't what the elected leaders were listening to. The official scientific spokesman Dr. Fauci was downplaying the risk until at least mid-March. Trump started the China travel ban in late January as soon as WHO said covid was a national emergency. That's when covid changed from a medical issue to a political issue. Anything and everything Trump did was declared as harmful by the democrats, so no matter where you stand there's a large group of experts to support you, and a different large group to oppose you. With two esteemed groups saying opposite things, there are of course some who were right and some who were wrong. If you listened to Pelosi on Feb 24 encouraging "everybody" to come to Chinatown, that was the wrong choice. Likewise if you listened to Fauci on Feb 29 saying that malls, movies, and gyms were ok, that was a bad pick. Ditto for DeBlasio encouraging New Yorkers to get out on the town on March 24. If you listened to the 4 channels you cited, you made the correct choice.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Honestly,I think this is why there is a minority not taking this pandemic seriously. Because they think this whole pandemic is a ploy to control and influence people's lives especially in the United States of America. This idiocy has to end. No way should they even encourage consumers to try on masks before buying. This is outstandingly absurd.

Great idea, try on various masks to determine which ones you like and put the ones back that you don't like...

View attachment 66638

ps - heard there are condom shops also... wonder if they have a try on before you buy option...


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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I think mature people will not endorse any type of reopening. Everything should stay closed until the damn curve is flattened nationwide. Look at what happened in New York City yesterday,
Shame on these idiots, oh and here's the irony, majority millennials

How do we describe this audacity?

Unfortunately in hindsight those 4 channels weren't what the elected leaders were listening to. The official scientific spokesman Dr. Fauci was downplaying the risk until at least mid-March. Trump started the China travel ban in late January as soon as WHO said covid was a national emergency. That's when covid changed from a medical issue to a political issue. Anything and everything Trump did was declared as harmful by the democrats, so no matter where you stand there's a large group of experts to support you, and a different large group to oppose you. With two esteemed groups saying opposite things, there are of course some who were right and some who were wrong. If you listened to Pelosi on Feb 24 encouraging "everybody" to come to Chinatown, that was the wrong choice. Likewise if you listened to Fauci on Feb 29 saying that malls, movies, and gyms were ok, that was a bad pick. Ditto for DeBlasio encouraging New Yorkers to get out on the town on March 24. If you listened to the 4 channels you cited, you made the correct choice.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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This is a waste of resources,

COVID-19 will be a permanent issue in our lives only if we as a civilization let it be a permanent issue. Once this issue is resolved, normalcy will be restored in the skies, and we will need to deal with crap economy seats with limited leg room again, especially on domestic flights ;)


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Unfortunately in hindsight those 4 channels weren't what the elected leaders were listening to. The official scientific spokesman Dr. Fauci was downplaying the risk until at least mid-March. Trump started the China travel ban in late January as soon as WHO said covid was a national emergency. That's when covid changed from a medical issue to a political issue. Anything and everything Trump did was declared as harmful by the democrats, so no matter where you stand there's a large group of experts to support you, and a different large group to oppose you. With two esteemed groups saying opposite things, there are of course some who were right and some who were wrong. If you listened to Pelosi on Feb 24 encouraging "everybody" to come to Chinatown, that was the wrong choice. Likewise if you listened to Fauci on Feb 29 saying that malls, movies, and gyms were ok, that was a bad pick. Ditto for DeBlasio encouraging New Yorkers to get out on the town on March 24. If you listened to the 4 channels you cited, you made the correct choice.
Hi Tigerwillow1

These 4 channels are an example of those OUTSIDE of the halls of power making independent assessments of the facts.
If these folks can make these determinations, then clearly those in "leadership" should have been able to so.

I DO NOT expect our 'leadership" to have been following those channels, in fact I expect them to be ahead of those folks as they should have better information from any of the US intelligence and US CDC related organizations.

The US Congress and US Senate has access to secret non-public information on topics of national interest from US intelligence organizations, as well as our top scientists working for the US government

All the folks you mention failed us in significant ways, as did numerous others you have not mentioned. Some of those failed more than others... still from a systematic analysis they as a collective group of "leaders" did extremely poor.

If my job performance was similar to some of those, I would be terminated.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Why COVID-19 Breaks Our Brains
Jul 2, 2020

Top pinned comment:
Ad Astra Magdalene2 weeks ago
I was one of the first kids to get the oral polio vaccine. My mother stood in line with us for hours because she spent every spring worrying about the first mosquitoes appearing and spreading illnesses. I had friends in wheelchairs from polio; I don't think that's been a thing for 60 years. I'm not sure how you convince someone who's never seen people in the street every day on crutches and in wheelchairs that this is no fucking joke, no attempt to unseat a political leader. Diseases still exist, and they are happily mutating to avoid detection and treatment, and every person infected gives the virus access to new genes and new chances to get stronger.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Weeks and months of progress in the tristate area could soon vanish thanks to these individuals that partook in partying on the streets of NYC

The worst of the pandemic is yet to come

The New York Metropolitan area should prepare for a surge of cases (particularly as a result of 20-29 year old individuals going nuts)


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
Seriously, this is not a joking matter...
Thank you Matt.

Democratic and Republican political leaders leaders who promote political conspiracy theories, minimize the depth and breadth of this pandemic, refuse to model effective behavior to counter the virus, who work to stoke fear and panic, and who have used this pandemic to score political points have betrayed America. As a result, more Americans are going to die than will have had to. In fact, more Americans have already died as a result of this pandemic than died during the entirety of the time which America fought in World War One.

Real-world outcomes depend on how people respond to calls for changes in stay home, for example, or wear masks in public...sacrifices that require A SENSE OF SHARED NATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Our Democratic and Republican political leaders have betrayed us.

Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
CDC acknowledges mixing up coronavirus testing data

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledged Thursday that it is combining the results from viral and antibody COVID-19 tests when reporting the country's testing totals, despite marked differences between the tests.

First reported by NPR's WLRN station in Miaimi, the practice has drawn ire from U.S. health experts who say combining the tests inhibits the agency's ability to discern the country's actual testing capacity.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told The Atlantic. “How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess.”



Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
And we should all listen to the CDC, yeah right. Problem is that they can be right with so much, but when they make mistakes like this, and it is caught and publicized, it makes everything they say look questionable. Separating the wheat from the chaff is problematic. Once again, they're supposed to be smarter than your average wabbit, so they are either dumber than we want to think or make deliberate mistakes. Choose one.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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It will be interesting to eventually learn where the directive to combine the data came from. It is a mess for sure and serves no good purpose whatsoever.

Interesting: from the The Hill article:

The combining of the tests could lead to the skewing of the overall positivity rate of the test, a measurement that is one of the benchmarks used in the reopening guidelines released by the White House and CDC.

"I suspect it will artificially lower the percent positive," Caitlin Rivers, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told NPR.

The White House's guidelines say that for a state to reopen it must observe a downward trajectory in its number of daily cases or its percentage of positive cases.

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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Positivity % isnt what makes the headlines. Cases do. Who would want those to be higher? (Nancy? Chuck? Joe?...)
Cases are important but aren't just specifically tied to tests exactly. It's a different reporting stream. So the botched test data doesn't necessarily mean botched case data. For example my wife is a case based on doctor evaluation but the swab was negative at the hospital (doc said relatively short period of detection by swab, and she was apparently two weeks in by then). Still waiting for earlier test result nearly two weeks after it was collected.

States with diluted positivity data are mostly "fast reopening proponents" I think Texas, Florida, Georgia. Maybe Pennsylvania too (PA aren't fast reopening though).

It's easy to assume I'll intent but this may be incompetence instead, but the dilution of positivity plays right into the Republican playbook it seems.

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Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Heck, why investigate the CCP and WHO, when the US has its own set of problems in respect to integrity of data and information spread :rofl:

Cases are important but aren't just specifically tied to tests exactly. It's a different reporting stream. So the botched test data doesn't necessarily mean botched case data. For example my wife is a case based on doctor evaluation but the swab was negative at the hospital (doc said relatively short period of detection by swab, and she was apparently two weeks in by then). Still waiting for earlier test result nearly two weeks after it was collected.

States with diluted positivity data are mostly "fast reopening proponents" I think Texas, Florida, Georgia. Maybe Pennsylvania too (PA aren't fast reopening though).

It's easy to assume I'll intent but this may be incompetence instead, but the dilution of positivity plays right into the Republican playbook it seems.

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Getting comfortable
Aug 1, 2018
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HI @BobRegnar

Re: The VA ..... sigh, they really should be doing a better job... oh well, guess they just do not care much about vets...

You should be even more pro-mask if you really feel this way "I take it those with smart-ass replies aren't struggling to feed their families or pay their rent or losing their small business to the lockdowns."

Seriously, this is not a joking matter. The information you are getting is pure BULL.
Lockdowns would not need to happen had we controlled this as well as Taiwan. They use masks to help control it. Seriously, look at how well they are doing and what they are doing differently.

We as a society threw away numerous opportunities to manage this better... and are now paying the price.

Masks reducing O2 levels... not in any significant manner for the masks we are talking about. The data and science is there.

The sources you are looking at and believing are incorrect and misleading.

Look for those who actually do scientific tests on the subject.

Here's better sources for you:
MedCram youtube
Dr Mike Hansen
Dr John Campbell
Peak Prosperity

And they've f'ed up royally since the start of this.... this is why I really do not consider them leaders anymore, but managers who follow.

Seriously, if ALL 4 of the channels I noted called this a Pandemic before our "elected leaders" did.. well, that says a lot.

All the "elected leaders" are slow on this game... they did not understand the logarithmic function of the spread of this.. had to move quick and decisively, which they clearly are not able to do.

"Re: The VA ..... sigh, they really should be doing a better job... oh well, guess they just do not care much about vets..."

Hardly what I meant by posting that. Funny though. The VA is under unusual scrutiny nowadays to perform to standards. I'm pretty sure it's not much different with those employees than anywhere else. I'm certain Walmart is ever more careless.

"The sources you are looking at and believing are incorrect and misleading.
Look for those who actually do scientific tests on the subject."

What do you think the Hanoi study I put up is? It is scientific, unbiased, peer reviewed. What's incorrect and misleading about it?

The mindset to dismiss everything that doesn't lineup exactly with our beliefs isn't scientific.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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"Re: The VA ..... sigh, they really should be doing a better job... oh well, guess they just do not care much about vets..."

Hardly what I meant by posting that. Funny though. The VA is under unusual scrutiny nowadays to perform to standards. I'm pretty sure it's not much different with those employees than anywhere else. I'm certain Walmart is ever more careless.

"The sources you are looking at and believing are incorrect and misleading.
Look for those who actually do scientific tests on the subject."

What do you think the Hanoi study I put up is? It is scientific, unbiased, peer reviewed. What's incorrect and misleading about it?

The mindset to dismiss everything that doesn't lineup exactly with our beliefs isn't scientific.
Hi BobRegnar,

The article you referenced has numerous issues when it comes to the facts...
( Wearing Masks – A Sledgehammer to Health - LewRockwell )

I don't have time to address them .. thus I pointed you to better more valid sources..

Simple test:
"The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, determined the optimal range of oxygen in the air for humans runs between 19.5 and 23.5 percent. " ( from the article referenced )

IS there OSHA approved masks???

And why is that???

If OSHA has approved masks - do you think that OSHA is attempting to suffocate Americans?


Getting comfortable
Aug 1, 2018
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I didn't ask about that one because it is an opinion piece, albeit by a medical professional. You can call it bull if you want. I asked about the Hanoi mask study there's a link to that as well.

You did say the study was bull so I assumed you'd read it. And I thought you said you were serious.

OSHA? Oh, I don't know, why did OSHA let all those nursing homes kill so many people?


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Serious Coin Shortage? No problem, use Venmo and PayPal and Credit Card and Debit Card. Problem Solved? No. :facepalm: