Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Getting comfortable
Nov 8, 2019
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Beacon, NY
Yes we're saying the same thing.
Ya know, not for nothing, as they say. We shouldn't be arguing about this kind of stuff. I'm not a doctor. I admit it. Want to talk about ohm's law? I'm your guy.

The pandemic isn't a political issue. I'm pretty sure we all want the same thing. Let the scientists do their thing. Trump did the right thing in pumping billions into the pharmaceutic companies - to those that showed the most promise for a cure and / or vaccine. Are they all going to be successful? Any be successful? Only scientific studies will show us. It will be pretty sad to be cured of corona by one of these drugs only to develop cancer a year later.

Let's all root for the good guys - the guys trying to find solutions!


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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The swift and severe reaction about a choice of medicine is just more blatant hypocrisy from the left.

Aren't they the guys who have described themselves as pro choice?!

What happened to "it's strictly between a doctor and a patient?"
Believe it or not, I actually agree with this mostly. It sets a dangerous precedent, to get between the patient and what a doctor wants to do for an approved medicine via off-label use. The problem was, after nutso endorsed the product, his followers started buying out the store. All sorts of bogus prescriptions started getting written so that people that really needed the drug for things like Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis started having trouble getting it. I'm not saying I approve the ban on its use for COVID, but I understand where it came from. Once again, Trump waded into areas where he had no place being, and started a furor that continues to this day.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Voting is an act performed privately, and many of those "anti-Trump" people will be voting for him when the time comes, because they are sick of the other side. The only way Trump loses the next election is through sheer voter fraud on a scale never seen before. And they know it, which is why they are desperately pushing vote by mail and why they are so vehemently against a Voter ID.
Very much disagree with you here.

Yes, Hillary was "ahead in the polls" and still lost. We all know there were a couple percent of "hidden Trump voters" (like, 2%, maybe 3% at most) that the polls didn't find, in key states. And, the polls couldn't react fast enough to the Comey treachery. She would have won anyway if she a) had showed the rust belt that she gave a damn and b) didn't make the "deplorables" crack that really fired up the Trump base.
But by and large the polling wasn't that bad then, and there's no good reason to think it's any farther off now.

Guys... you do realize that for the past month, TEXAS has been a state that's in contention, right?
Sure, give Trump his 2-3% "invisible voter" boost and he takes the state. I expect him to take Texas. But, the fact that it's even on the map as a conceptual Dem pickup should say something.

I'm not making any prognostications about November because as with last year, many things could --and probably will--happen before then. Hell, after the Pandemic, murder hornets, and whatnot I'm half expecting to see an outbreak of Kaiju coming ashore from a rift in the Ocean a la PAcific Rim.

However, if the vote were today, any way you measure it, Trump would lose big.

This is one of the things that bugs me about some folks here... and frankly the Trump wing of the Republican party, is that a shockingly large number of you refuse to accept data. Sure, we should all be skeptical. We should question assumptions. But for gosh sakes, look at what's happening around you. Your guy is down 10-15 points nationally because he botched this whole pandemic and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT.

I know personally 8 people who told me in 2016 that they voted for Trump. 3 of them are religious conservatives (believe it or not, two are "young Earth" fundamentalists who don't believe in natural history). These folks are voting Trump 2020 for sure. But the other 5 have all sworn to vote for Biden. Actually 4 said they were voting Dem no matter who it was that was the candidate, because they voted TRump in favor of disrupting the "Washington As Usual" state of affairs. Within a year three of them were openly regretting it. These are educated people who are reasonable that were fed up with the status quo. The last two of the five committed Democratic by early March when it was clear Trump had botched the national response. There are a lot of 2016 Trump voters that are appalled at what he has done.

I mean, seriously, our VP met with a representative of a group this week who have an outspoken member who believes our government is (or, was in 2015) run by "Reptilians." She thinks astral sex is the cause of gynecological problems and that alien DNA is used in vaccines. Seriously???? This is who you want meeting with Pence? And you are fighting to keep their nutball videos circulating? AAAIGGH!

Meanwhile, you've got an orange Hitler wannabe who is using the Nazi playbook step by step and you guys don't seem to see it. Step 1, break people's faith in the system. Step 2, break their trust in experts and have them look just to you. Step 3, give them an internal enemy to hate (In Germany, it was Jews. Today, it's immigrants). Step 4: Give them an external enemy to to hate (China). Step 5, provide a Trumped up idea that elections can't be done accurately.

Election fraud happens mostly on on small local races and most of the time it's found out. There's no wide spread election fraud going on in 2020 except maybe by the republicans to steal the election.

Seriously, look around you.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Ya know, not for nothing, as they say. We shouldn't be arguing about this kind of stuff. I'm not a doctor. I admit it. Want to talk about ohm's law? I'm your guy.

The pandemic isn't a political issue. I'm pretty sure we all want the same thing. Let the scientists do their thing. Trump did the right thing in pumping billions into the pharmaceutic companies - to those that showed the most promise for a cure and / or vaccine. Are they all going to be successful? Any be successful? Only scientific studies will show us. It will be pretty sad to be cured of corona by one of these drugs only to develop cancer a year later.

Let's all root for the good guys - the guys trying to find solutions!

On this we agree. I don’t politicize the pandemic. In fact most on “my side” don’t.

Some people however can’t seem to talk about anything without combining the two subjects.


BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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Sure, give Trump his 2-3% "invisible voter" boost and he takes the state.
If this is really the number you believe, then I'm afraid you are going to have an even bigger jaw drop in Nov than you likely had in 16.

I'm extremely conservative, bordering on libertarian, as you may have guessed. But even I won't tell people who I'm voting for. My friends and family obviously know. I wouldn't dare let this info loose to a client through work, or someone I don't know. Especially a pollster. You see, I'm not worried about my personal safety. I'm proficient enough to ward off a would be triggered person who does not agree with me. What I am worried about is the harm that might come to my family, house, belongings, or livelihood should one of the cancel culturists research me after learning my beliefs.

This is coming from me. Imagine how many people out there that are not as mentally strong.

Sorry, get ready for some screaming.


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
Step one - Dissolve the family
Step two - Eliminate religion
Step three - Devalue human life
Step four - Start chaos, rioting, looting and arson
Sound familiar?? Seriously, look around you.
Seriously. Look around you. I thought it was this...
The recipe for populism is universal. Find a wound common to many, find someone to blame for it, and make up a good story to tell. Mix it all together. Tell the wounded you know how they feel. That you found the bad guys. Label them: the minorities, the politicians, the businessmen. Caricature them. As vermin, evil masterminds, haters and losers, you name it. Then paint yourself as the savior. Capture the people’s imagination. Forget about policies and plans, just enrapture them with a tale. One that starts with anger and ends in vengeance. A vengeance they can participate in.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Step one - Dissolve the family
Step two - Eliminate religion
Step three - Devalue human life
Step four - Start chaos, rioting, looting and arson

Sound familiar?? Seriously, look around you.
And once they complete their objective, everything will be all hunky dory, and this is the song we will all hear every day thereafter...


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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V was a crazy and unexpected show. Particularly, the remake had some intimate moments

Arguably, the best scene ever (need to be signed into YouTube to watch)




Flat-earth believers still think dinosaurs roam the earth in the form of reptilian-human hybrids, lol

Well, Dr. Stella Immanuel may be right on one front:

"A Houston doctor who praised hydroxychloroquine as a miracle coronavirus cure in a viral video retweeted by President Donald Trump blames gynaecological problems on sex with evil spirits and believes the US government is run by “reptilians”. '

This is among her most plausible beliefs.

I mean seriously, remember the cult-classic TV show from the 80's, "V" where aliens came and took over. Only, the human-appearance of the Aliens was a lie, they hid their reptilian nature underneath a fake skin:

View attachment 67456

Actually that guy sorta looks like Trump, albeit with a more natural skin tone.

@ctgoldwing what was the source for your thorough debunking article? I'd like to cite it elsewhere.
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IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
Most of what I read in the press blames Trump for not doing enough. No matter what he does, he gets hit from both directions.
Here’s what I don’t get with the anti-mask trope. It seems to me that the president would want to preserve as many right wing lives (votes) as possible, and especially those of older Americans (our most Covid vulnerable) who tend to more conservative thoughts than younger generations (I also believe it clear that most who stand on the left aren’t marching in the anti-mask parade).

And yet the president has continued to cast about doubt, confusion, aspersion, division and degradation with regards to Covid and the protection which the mask offers his base? It’s clear that face masks work and help save lives...and those who wear them face a better chance of survival. That ain’t fake news.

But this strategy doesn’t make a heckuva lot of sense..unless the president doesn’t truly care about preserving American lives and cares more about creating political wedge issues which divide Americans into conflicting political tribes and thus into the positions he deems beneficial to himself (regardless of the toll taken by his base). This theory does not make a heckuva lot of sense. Furthermore, applying Occam’s razor to Pesident Nutso’s word spew suggests the only thing this president truly cares about is himself (and doesn’t appear to have a firm grasp on reality for that matter). This isn’t a train’s an American tragedy where the guy at the wheel thinks it’s all about him while you guys chuckle and mock the doctor with his mask down at the baseball game.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Here’s what I don’t get with the anti-mask trope. It seems to me that the president would want to preserve as many right wing lives (votes) as possible, and especially those of older Americans (our most Covid vulnerable) who tend to more conservative thoughts than younger generations (I also believe it clear that most who stand on the left aren’t marching in the anti-mask parade).

And yet the president has continued to cast about doubt, confusion, aspersion, division and degradation with regards to Covid and the protection which the mask offers his base? It’s clear that face masks work and help save lives...and those who wear them face a better chance of survival. That ain’t fake news.

But this strategy doesn’t make a heckuva lot of sense..unless the president doesn’t truly care about preserving American lives and cares more about creating political wedge issues which divide Americans into conflicting political tribes and thus into the positions he deems beneficial to himself (regardless of the toll taken by his base). This theory does not make a heckuva lot of sense. Furthermore, applying Occam’s razor to Pesident Nutso’s word spew suggests the only thing this president truly cares about is himself (and doesn’t appear to have a firm grasp on reality for that matter). This isn’t a train’s an American tragedy where the guy at the wheel thinks it’s all about him while you guys chuckle and mock the doctor with his mask down at the baseball game.
Excellent point Q™ , been wondering myself about this a lot:

" It seems to me that the president would want to preserve as many right wing lives (votes) as possible, ... And yet the president has continued to cast about doubt, confusion, aspersion, division and degradation with regards to Covid and the protection which the mask offers his base? It’s clear that face masks work and help save lives...and those who wear them face a better chance of survival. That ain’t fake news."

I really am very unhappy to see the American experience with this Pandemic... and the massive polarization and splitting of the American people...


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
I really am very unhappy to see the American experience with this Pandemic... and the massive polarization and splitting of the American people... certainly benefits America’s enemies: China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and the radical Islamists must be dancing in the fuQing asile. And that’s fuQing with a “Q” brother which is some serious shit.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
Here’s what I don’t get with the anti-mask trope. It seems to me that the president would want to preserve as many right wing lives (votes) as possible, and especially those of older Americans (our most Covid vulnerable) who tend to more conservative thoughts than younger generations (I also believe it clear that most who stand on the left aren’t marching in the anti-mask parade).
There's a lot I don't get either. From a political perspective I would have expected the Dems to want schools opened and the Repubs to want to keep them closed. Maybe it's just random whatever one side speaks up about first, the other side opposes.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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good coverage in Peak Prosperity on 7/28

Note: reported 1/3 of those with COVID-19 who are not hospitalized have long-term illness.
"long hauler" issues... not good Twitter @ahandvanish reports her experience being sick for 4 months with COVID-19

Chris pauses his much needed vacation to address a number of developments & data on the lasting effects of COVID19 and highlights the latest news on the Hydroxychloroquine fiasco.

COVID19: Long Lasting Damage & More HCQ 'Controversy'
Jul 28, 2020

1) The data continues to come in; COVID-19 is a terrible illness for far too many people
2) Recovery is slow for up to a third of all patients, regardless of youth or prior health.
3) HCQ is now 100% a politicized event. Bad science and worse humanity are now exposed yet continuing.
4) What's the harm? If HCQ is safe, and it is, then what's the issue? ( note previously here we had some notes on potential supply chain issues for HCQ .. )
5) Be sure to get plenty of vitamin D

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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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There's a lot I don't get either. From a political perspective I would have expected the Dems to want schools opened and the Repubs to want to keep them closed. Maybe it's just random whatever one side speaks up about first, the other side opposes.
In my view the Trump narrative is all about keeping things open, minimizing the apparent scale of the disaster to make it seem like this whole tragedy is no big deal. The more he makes it seem like life is normal, with economy chugging along as much as possible no matter the long term cost, he thinks this will help his election chances. Meanwhile people are spreading it like wildfire.

Dems that I know are split on school opening. Many are pro-opening but many think it too risky because for the strong likelihood they will serve as breeding grounds for the virus and then the kids bring it home to families. There's also health risk to school employees.

My kids are old enough to be mostly self directed, they did fine last quarter remotely, so we are keeping them home to lower kid density in the classroom to aid the situation for those who choose to send their kids. Since my wife works in a health care facility she is actually at risk of spreading it to our kids who would then spread it at school. Virtual school is an option for us and seems the prudent course for this semester. Our school system as a whole reports we will be 80% in class, 20% virtual at start of the term. Probably higher percentage in class with the younglings and more virtual for the older ones.

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IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
Here's what I thought was quite an interesting article here on the (recent) huge increase in Afghan heroin production due to the introduction of solar panels to power water pumps, and the subsequent increase in heroin supply and associated interplay with the pandemic. Here's a quote...
..But he says he has started to see what he calls "new generation" of addicts coming in for help. Mr Higham, like many older addicts, developed his habit in the 1980s, when unemployment topped three million and high-quality Afghan heroin had just started to arrive in the UK. Like many drugs workers across the country, his big fear is that a deep post-Covid recession with prolonged mass unemployment will coincide with these bumper solar-powered supplies of Afghan heroin. If that happens, he warns, you can expect crime rates to soar, because most addicts have to steal to fund their habits...

Super interesting stuff imo.