Mini movie. Get your popcorn!


Pulling my weight
Aug 30, 2014
Well, here we go again... Not going to go over too much this time, the video will speak for itself. Time to start looking for a new neighborhood.

( Here is the same disclaimer I used on the YouTube video. )

Small mini movie of recent incident in my driveway. If you encounter a similar situation, please call 911 and try to avoid any confrontation. I acted on impulse and without good judgement.

All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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@djangel wins for the best video of the year...the ending was unexpected.
Its amazing how the kid knows there are cameras but doesnt move on to another house..good for you..
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+1 here too! His new prison pals will give him a welcoming party that he deserves.
Title of thread did not disappoint. Superb, this is the best video I've seen on the forum, I think.

THREE cameras on your driveway. Nice. So much evidence it's sick, what a slam dunk for prosecution on this one.

How did you know someone was in your driveway? I've thought about this scenario before. I would tell wife to call 911 and I would then grab my flashlight and keys and phone, if I had time, and chase them around until po-po got to where I am.
Whoa! Twice in the same year, @djangel ? Do you have "rob me" written on the side of your cars or something? Glad you were able to get another one off the streets.
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Superb. This video is the gold standard as an example of the value of IP cams. Be a long time before anybody tops it. Thanks ...
Superb. This video is the gold standard as an example of the value of IP cams. Be a long time before anybody tops it. Thanks ...
He should post a sign on his driveway saying "In the past 12 months police have arrested two people burglarizing my property."
It is sad this continues to happen, but that's the reason I decided to invest in a better surveillance system and with all the help setting it up from this forum and community, it did not disappoint. At the same time, I wish my wife would lock her vehicle as I have told her many times. It's not like we haven't had this problem before! At the end of the day and after the dust settled, I do regret coming outside without any type of protection and without calling 911 first, since it could had been a different story if he had a weapon or others with him. It is crazy how you think everything is already thought out and how you would handle these types of scenarios, but when the times comes it is hard to follow any type of plans. You seem to react more in instincts than anything else, and that's when a simple car burglary could turn into a crime scene. So I cannot reiterate this enough, if you encounter a similar situation just call the cops and let them deal with the punks. ( I know, I know... SO hard to do!!! ) Stay safe and God Bless!

Awesome! Can't believe he escaped the cop car.

I know! While watching footage I could see him already out of his handcuffs and messing with the windows while the officer was inside the vehicle with him!

Its amazing how the kid knows there are cameras but doesnt move on to another house..good for you..

Like I tell my wife, they either learn from this and change their ways, or become "smarter criminals".

How did you know someone was in your driveway? I've thought about this scenario before. I would tell wife to call 911 and I would then grab my flashlight and keys and phone, if I had time, and chase them around until po-po got to where I am.

I have a dual monitor setup in my office with a video feed from BlueIris in the corner of one of them. All my cameras are there and occasionally I glance at them, specially when I notice some type of movement. That's when I noticed him in the vehicle and just took off like a bat out of hell! :D

Whoa! Twice in the same year, @djangel ? Do you have "rob me" written on the side of your cars or something? Glad you were able to get another one off the streets.

No, I have a wife that doesn't lock her car! :D , but think I might be investing in some neon signs pretty soon with arrows to the cameras. Maybe that will help them!
I would have probably pulled him outta the car and beat the hell out of them, but I don't want to hurt anybody, but don't touch my stuff.
When the cop car rolled up in the one camera, it looked like one of those trike motorcycles? I said wtf, is that robocop? lol It looked so odd at first, the flashing lights at first kept you from seeing the outline of the cop car until the camera adjusted.

Even if someone knows there are cameras, it won't stop them if they are stupid or determined enough. Sometimes an unlocked door saves a broken window.
I have a neighbor, who lied in court saying he never trespassed, we had video of him like 5 different times. He had no idea we had cameras, even though he didn't want to believe it after being told. To this day, he still does stuff almost every other day.

Reminds me of a story, I'm up until like 3am almost every night, I have my camera monitor on all the time. I saw someone at 2am crawling on the ground, I thought they were trying to sneak up to my cars and do something. Come to find out, it was a drunk person, if they'd been 50 foot the other way, they would have fell into this creek near my house. HAHA

A few minutes later after going outside, I see some people in a car looking around, it was someone looking for this person. They asked how I knew she was out there, I said I see everything.
We are going to need some subtitles here...would love to know what that conversation was like.
We are going to need some subtitles here...would love to know what that conversation was like.
Here is my guess:

"Wtf are you doing?"
"Hey, bro, it's okay, bro, sorry man, I'll be on my way, sorry bro."
"@*#( that, I just called the cops!"
"Bro, dude, no big deal, on my way..."

Just a guess :)

I assume it's extremely scary to be breaking into somebody's car and have them surprise you and up in your face realizing you are cornered. This video should almost prompt a hall of fame sub forum and only top-rated footage goes in them.
We are going to need some subtitles here...would love to know what that conversation was like.

Too easy, it went something like this...

(Disclaimer: Names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals)

Scene 1

Pippi Longstocking: (thinking) This is too easy. Getting paid tonight! Where should I go... ok, let's check these cars here... damn! locked (sad face). Wait, how about these??? (covers face, looks down, slowly approach and checks doors) Bingo!!!

Pippi Longstocking: (happy) I knew it! (thinking) This is soooooooo easy... I'm a bad boy! (grins)

Zorro: (working at his computer) Wait! (approach monitor for closer look) Is that my wife? Son? WTF!!! (takes off like a cheetah)

No lock doors queen (aka, wife): (while watching tv in living room, noticed flash of light go by and thinks to herself) WTF was that? Humm... nvm, I must continue to ignore hubby with his continuous nagging about everything! (roll eyes back to tv)

Pippi Longstocking: (thinking) I'M A BAD BOY!!! I'M A BAD BOY!!!

Scene 2

Zorro: (looks closely at individual) Unknown identity! ATTACK!

Pippi Longstocking: (eyes wide open) Oh damn! You got me.

Zorro: WTF are you doing?

Pippi Longstocking: My bad. You got me. Let me go.

Zorro: Your bad? Don't worry, I'll let you go when the cops get here! (yells at NLDQ) CALL THE COPS! CALL THE COPS!

No lock doors queen (aka, wife): (still watching tv ask kids) Do you hear something?


Pippi Longstocking: Please let me go. Here, take my phone.

Zorro: (shakes head in disagreement) I don't need your *#%ing phone! Keep your hands down! Don't move!

Pippi Longstocking: I'm 14! Let me go!

Zorro: Don't worry, I'll let you go pretty soon. (yells) CALL THE COPS! Keep your hands down!

Pippi Longstocking: (waiting for an opportunity) SNAP! Ha ha, I got you!

Zorro: (beast mode) YOU MOTHER$&%^! KARASH! BAM! POW!

Pippi Longstocking: (screams) SORRY! SORRY! I want my mommy (fake cry) waaa, waaa... I'm 14! I'm going to sue you!

Zorro: Keep your hands down!

Pippi Longstocking: (begging mode) Let me go... I want my mommy! waaaaaaa... waaaaaaa... Let me go... (hears siren) LET ME GO!!! (struggles) LET ME GO!!!

Zorro: Don't worry, I'll let you go pretty soon. (yells) KEEP YOUR HANDS DOWN!

Scene 3

Robocop [thanks @badmop] : (runs in style and yells with high pitch voice) Get on the ground!

Pippi Longstocking: waaaa...waaaa.....

Robocop: STOP CRYING! (slaps Pippi) <- fictional event added to script

Zorro: (thinks) I wish Robocop would slap this little punk...

Robocop: (calls dispatch) Yeah, 10-4... subject is in custody. All secure. I got this! (winks)

Zorro: (talks to robocop) I have video footage of the event. Let me go inside and put something together real quick.

Robocop: 10-4 . Everything is under control (winks)

Zorro: (rolls eyes)

Final scene

Robocop: (while inside vehicle with Pippi) ... <-unknown conversation

Pippi Longstocking: waaaa....waaaa......

Robocop: (cell phone rings) Give me a second. It's my supervisor. STOP CRYING!

Pippy Longstocking: HOUDINI!

Robocop: OH SNAP! (runs slow)

Pippy Longstocking: HA HA!!! SAYONARA SUCKERS!!!

Robocop: (calls dispatch) ahhhhh... yeah.... well.... can you send the k9 unit and helicopter this way?

Dispatch: What happened?

Robocop: HOUDINI!

Think I got most of it cover... Might be missing some details here and there, but you get the picture. :cool:

Roger out!
How long did it take them to run him down after he Houdinied
Whoops, did he get something in his eye?
How long did it take them to run him down after he Houdinied
Whoops, did he get something in his eye?

It took them about 45 minutes to find him a few blocks away, hiding in a backyard (I think). K9 was able to trace his scent, not to mention the helicopter too. Hard to run away from that.

The booking report has his eyes color listed as blue, which I know for a fact one of them is ... :black_eyed:
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