Introducing Last Watch AI

akmolina28/last-watch-ai is yet another open source tool for glueing Blue Iris to Deepstack AI, inspired by gentlepumpkin's AI tools.
I created this tool last year to address some of the gaps and frustrations I was experiencing with the other Deepstack tools available at that time, namely:
Here are some links to get started:
More about myself and my setup:
Thanks for reading!

akmolina28/last-watch-ai is yet another open source tool for glueing Blue Iris to Deepstack AI, inspired by gentlepumpkin's AI tools.
I created this tool last year to address some of the gaps and frustrations I was experiencing with the other Deepstack tools available at that time, namely:
- Web Interface - No need to login/remote to your BI server, just open a web browser on any device in your network to manage profiles and view detection events. Desktop- and mobile-friendly!
- RESTful API - Everything can be managed from the API. In fact, the web interface is just a skin that runs on top of the API. For example, you could set up Home Assistant to enable/disable certain AI profiles when you leave the house or go to sleep.
- Platform Independence - everything runs in Docker (including Deepstack) and works on Windows and Linux. This also makes it easy to automatically start everything when your server boots.
- Forkability - the code is intentionally designed to make it easier to fork and add more features and automations. One of my frustrations with gentlepumpkin's project is actually just a frustration with windows UI code and how difficult it is to maintain over time.
Here are some links to get started:
- Full introduction - Introducing: Last Watch AI
- Setup Guide with Blue Iris - Last Watch AI + Blue Iris Walkthrough
- Github - akmolina28/last-watch-ai
- User Guide - Last Watch - Getting Started Guide
- API documentation - akmolina28/last-watch-ai
- Home Assistant Example - Car Presence Sensor with Home Assistant and Last Watch AI
More about myself and my setup:
- I am a professional software engineer based in Florida currently working in transportation logistics. I have a strong background in full stack web development. In my free time I work on music and audio engineering, and home automation. I started working on Last Watch AI during coronavirus lockdown last Summer and I have been using it in "production" for a few months now. So far, it has been remarkably stable and free from errors or issues, to the point that I'm running out of things to fix or tinker with. I have been lurking here for a while now and thought this was a good time to share with the community. I hope you all find this useful and welcome your feedback, suggestions, and contributions.
- I am running Blue Iris with 3 cameras on a dedicated windows server, and I have Last Watch running in a Ubuntu container on my Proxmox server. I originally had Last Watch running on my windows/BI server, but found the performance was much better on Linux and migrated over. I have a samba share set up on my ubuntu container and set that up as an output folder in Blue Iris. I allocated just 2GB of memory and 2 CPU cores (intel core i5) for Last Watch and that seems to be more than enough to handle everything I can throw at it.
Thanks for reading!
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