Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Good read from a Scientist in Seattle that has been working on tracking since day one.

To summarize, Omicron wave will be fast and intense across geographies, but is expected to burn through quickly. Even if individual potential of severe outcomes are lower for Omicron, regions with already strained hospital capacity are particularly at risk.

Complete article
From the posts I have read about the Omicron virus is that all you really need is a box of Kleenex for the runny nose. :) The symptoms are mild like having a cold.


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Report 50 - Hospitalisation risk for Omicron cases in England

To assess differences in the risk of hospitalisation between the Omicron variant of concern (1) and the Delta variant, we analysed data from all PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 cases in England with last test specimen dates between 1st and 14th December inclusive. Variant was defined using a combination of S-gene Target Failure (SGTF) and genetic data. Case data were linked by National Health service (NHS) number to the National Immunisation Management System (NIMS) database, the NHS Emergency Care (ECDS) and Secondary Use Services (SUS) hospital episode datasets. Hospital attendance was defined as any record of attendance at a hospital by a case in the 14 days following their last positive PCR test, up to and including the day of attendance. A secondary analysis examined the subset of attendances with a length of stay of one or more days. We used stratified conditional Poisson regression to predict hospitalisation status, with demographic strata defined by age, sex, ethnicity, region, specimen date, index of multiple deprivation and in some analyses, vaccination status. Predictor variables were variant (Omicron or Delta), reinfection status and vaccination status.

Overall, we find evidence of a reduction in the risk of hospitalisation for Omicron relative to Delta infections, averaging over all cases in the study period. The extent of reduction is sensitive to the inclusion criteria used for cases and hospitalisation, being in the range 20-25% when using any attendance at hospital as the endpoint, and 40-45% when using hospitalisation lasting 1 day or longer or hospitalisations with the ECDS discharge field recorded as “admitted” as the endpoint (Table 1). These reductions must be balanced against the larger risk of infection with Omicron, due to the reduction in protection provided by both vaccination and natural infection. A previous infection reduces the risk of any hospitalisation by approximately 50% (Table 2) and the risk of a hospital stay of 1+ days by 61% (95%CI:55-65%) (before adjustments for under ascertainment of reinfections).

Full report


Known around here
Jun 9, 2014
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United Kingdom
I used to think that Boris would be a fine Prime Minister. Boy was I wrong.
I hate politics and think most politicians are in it for their own gain. Boris before he was prime minister and was mayor of London, then I always thought he was a Paedophile and more so now but the truth will eventually come out as it always does and just hope I am still on this earth when it does.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Just off the phone with Mrs bigredfish. She went up to PA to be with her mom, brother, sis-in-law, niece, and her little 8 yo great? niece. (Her brother’s daughter’s child)

The niece who’s 20 something has confirmed Wuflu and is isolating with the little one who has no symptoms..

I sent her with a full adult course of IVM and she’s going to give that to the niece and I advised she call her doc and ask about availability of monoclonal antibodies.

Will follow closely obviously


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Brand new report from the UK:

• Hospitalisation and death: Using data up until 20 December, 132 individuals with laboratory confirmed Omicron have been admitted or transferred from emergency departments. Over 40% of admissions were in London. Of those patients admitted to hospital, 17 (12.9%) had received a booster dose, 74 (56.1%) a second dose and 27 (20.5%) were not vaccinated (less than 10 were unlinked or had one dose). At the data cut off, 14 people were reported to have died within 28 days of an Omicron diagnosis, age range 52 to 96 years.

42 page pdf lots of data 12/23/2021


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Our Christmas went out the window yesterday.

My daughter, SIL and granddaughters all had the CCP Virus earlier this year. They all got vaxxed and boosted too. We usually go to my daughter's for Christmas, modest sized family gathering. She called me yesterday to tell me they have the CCP Virus again! My SIL's father who lives in South Carolina is up here for Christmas. He was driven up by another relative. That relative has the CCP Virus and, apparently, spread it to everyone else.

They all got tested. My daughter and grand daughters came back negative but my SIL and his father came back positive. I'm betting the rest will come back positive in a few days as well. To top it off my daughter has a raging sinus infection.

When they had it the first time it was just like a bad flu for them. My SIL is immuno compromised, meds for arthritis so he got monoclonal antibodies that first time. I hope he gets them again this time, but it messes with his medication for the arthritis. He has to stop taking it for a few weeks then it takes a few more weeks of taking it before it starts working again.

We're dropping off some turkey chili and Christmas presents on their porch tomorrow.
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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Just off the phone with Mrs bigredfish. She went up to PA to be with her mom, brother, sis-in-law, niece, and her little 8 yo great? niece. (Her brother’s daughter’s child)

The niece who’s 20 something has confirmed Wuflu and is isolating with the little one who has no symptoms..

I sent her with a full adult course of IVM and she’s going to give that to the niece and I advised she call her doc and ask about availability of monoclonal antibodies.

Will follow closely obviously
Sorry to hear this news. However I believe you are on the right track in your recommendations. :clap:


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
New Zealand Okays Euthanasia for COVID Patients

Patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 can die by euthanasia if doctors decide they might not survive, the New Zealand government has declared.

The Ministry of Health confirmed that a right to a lethal injection under a new euthanasia law could extend to patients who were either dying from the coronavirus or suffering unbearably from its consequences.

In response to a request for clarity on a euthanasia law which came into force last month, the government declared that “in some circumstances a person with COVID-19 may be eligible for assisted dying”.

The admission that COVID patients were eligible for a lethal jab came after Henoch Kloosterboer, editor of the anti-euthanasia The Defender website, made a request under the Official Information Act – the New Zealand equivalent to the 2000 Freedom of Information Act.

He said the policy left “the door wide open for abuse” of elderly and vulnerable patients – especially if the country’s health service came under pressure from a COVID surge.

He said: “It would not be hard to envisage a situation in which a speedy and sizeable rise in COVID-19 hospitalisations could result in pressure to utilise euthanasia and assisted suicide as tools to resolve such a serious crisis.”

The euthanasia law, he added, “has now made the COVID-19 pandemic potentially even more dangerous for the people of Aotearoa New Zealand”.

New Zealand okays euthanasia for COVID patients - Catholic Herald

My Comment: This is incredible that this is happening. So the doctors in New Zealand get to choose who lives and who dies.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
New Zealand Okays Euthanasia for COVID Patients

Patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 can die by euthanasia if doctors decide they might not survive, the New Zealand government has declared.

The Ministry of Health confirmed that a right to a lethal injection under a new euthanasia law could extend to patients who were either dying from the coronavirus or suffering unbearably from its consequences.

In response to a request for clarity on a euthanasia law which came into force last month, the government declared that “in some circumstances a person with COVID-19 may be eligible for assisted dying”.

The admission that COVID patients were eligible for a lethal jab came after Henoch Kloosterboer, editor of the anti-euthanasia The Defender website, made a request under the Official Information Act – the New Zealand equivalent to the 2000 Freedom of Information Act.

He said the policy left “the door wide open for abuse” of elderly and vulnerable patients – especially if the country’s health service came under pressure from a COVID surge.

He said: “It would not be hard to envisage a situation in which a speedy and sizeable rise in COVID-19 hospitalisations could result in pressure to utilise euthanasia and assisted suicide as tools to resolve such a serious crisis.”

The euthanasia law, he added, “has now made the COVID-19 pandemic potentially even more dangerous for the people of Aotearoa New Zealand”.

New Zealand okays euthanasia for COVID patients - Catholic Herald

My Comment: This is incredible that this is happening. So the doctors in New Zealand get to choose who lives and who dies.
Leftism is a disease worse than any Wuhan Flu


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Good read from a Scientist in Seattle that has been working on tracking since day one.

To summarize, Omicron wave will be fast and intense across geographies, but is expected to burn through quickly. Even if individual potential of severe outcomes are lower for Omicron, regions with already strained hospital capacity are particularly at risk.

Complete article
Indeed, so far the data I have seen reviewed.. looks like Omicron may result in the ending of this pandemic soon ..

Looks like we will know in 2-3 months ..

Peak Prosperity sums it up well with this video ...


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Those DIY test kits are not 100% reliable. The results are subjected to how each individual performs the test. Although I am not surprised to hear people's Christmas plans being canceled at the last minute due to unfortunate reasons. One thing to bear in mind is this virus isn't going to simply disappear. Cases will decrease and the pandemic will be declared over. However, the virus will still linger around and most people will just forget about it as the virus becomes part of the ecosystem.

Now wait second...Military games to army developing the vaccine...Outbreak anyone?
The army started developing the vaccine two years ago when cases were in their single digits in Wuhan, China

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