US Elections (& Politics) :)

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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The problem is the Dims and their Puppet Masters are panicking and in a corner now.

They will do anything to stop Trump, and at this point, it would have to be something evil and illegal. Both ideals they're familiar and comfortable with
Biden did tell Trump more charges are headed his way...


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Lots of possibilities, and it may not be settled yet?

  • Clearly the Dims knew Biden would fall on his face and all of the MSM got very clear marching orders to turn on him overnight and demand a replacement.
  • Biden (well Jill, he doesnt really know whats going on) has dug in his her heels and the WH put out a statement already saying he's not leaving

That said
Biden is forced to step aside by the $ people running things BEFORE the Convention, then in comes?
  • Big Mike?
  • They dont want Kamala to run for fear she'll lose, but she's a "woman of color" so thats gonna be a tough nut to crack
  • Hillary still wants it badly
  • Newsom, but he's very white and has a penis (well in theory anyway)
  • Some other "minority" candidate
Biden stays in, Kamala drops out as her 15 minutes is up and she's smart enough to read the room, and they promote a NEW and improved VP choice at their "convention". One who can take the top job just as soon as they can get rid of the dementia patient.

OR, what if they ARE playing 3D chess and let Bidet run, knowing they're gonna rig the vote anyway, then force him out via Article 25 AFTER the election...?

Still that begs the question, who can they put in as #2 temporarily that will take orders and do as they';re told once Bidet is at the extended care facility?


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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Still that begs the question, who can they put in as #2 temporarily that will take orders and do as they';re told once Bidet is at the extended care facility?
That's why this years VP is very important. They would have swapped Brandon long time back, if some one other then Kamala was the VP. Everyone knows she is dumb and incompetent. The deep state will have enough dirt on her to force to stay out.

Hillary has got face fillers and has got her wrinkles removed a few weeks back. Newsome has a smug evil smile after the debate.

Big Mike appears to be not interested.

Nikki Haley is donar approved and she is of the right skin color for democrats.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Trump made one huge mistake... he should have never agreed to a debate before the convention... Now they can change jockeys mid race...

No way Biden gets the nomination now...
Perhaps the democrats wanted Biden to trip up and replace him .. so they offered up and of course accepted this debate timeline ..


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Lots of possibilities, and it may not be settled yet?

  • Clearly the Dims knew Biden would fall on his face and all of the MSM got very clear marching orders to turn on him overnight and demand a replacement.
  • Biden (well Jill, he doesnt really know whats going on) has dug in his her heels and the WH put out a statement already saying he's not leaving

That said
Biden is forced to step aside by the $ people running things BEFORE the Convention, then in comes?
  • Big Mike?
  • They dont want Kamala to run for fear she'll lose, but she's a "woman of color" so thats gonna be a tough nut to crack
  • Hillary still wants it badly
  • Newsom, but he's very white and has a penis (well in theory anyway)
  • Some other "minority" candidate
Biden stays in, Kamala drops out as her 15 minutes is up and she's smart enough to read the room, and they promote a NEW and improved VP choice at their "convention". One who can take the top job just as soon as they can get rid of the dementia patient.

OR, what if they ARE playing 3D chess and let Bidet run, knowing they're gonna rig the vote anyway, then force him out via Article 25 AFTER the election...?

Still that begs the question, who can they put in as #2 temporarily that will take orders and do as they're told once Bidet is at the extended care facility?
yup, .. certainly 3D++ chess happening .. illegal stuff .. evil stuff already baked into this ..

I did wonder why Team Biden accepted the debate, should be clear now the insiders knew Biden would do poorly and this gives them a chance to move some new puppet in ..

Newsom, Hillary, .. top of my list of replacements ..


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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"What I’m going to do is fix the tax system. For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America—I mean billionaires in America. And what’s happening? They’re in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2 percent in taxes. If they just paid 24 percent, 25 percent, either one of those numbers, they’d raise 500 million dollars, billion dollars, I should say, in a 10-year period. We’d be able to wipe out his debt, we’d be able to help make sure all those things we need to do—child care, elder care, making sure we’d be able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the, uh, with the COVID, excuse me, with, um … dealing with everything we have to do with … uh … look … if, we finally beat—Medicare."
-Joe Biden on CNN June 27, 2024


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Biden’s Mental State Was a Media Lie Too Big to Fail

In recent weeks, the media had taken to claiming that suggestions that Biden was old, confused and out of it were ‘cheapfakes’ and election misinformation.

In the first 10 minutes of the debate, Biden destroyed the ‘cheapfake’ lie by being undeniably old, confused and out of it.

What went down was more than Biden’s reputation but the entire media narrative. After nearly a decade of the media telling the public that its common sense observations were misinformation and disinformation to be remedied with media fact checks, everyone could see that it was the media that had been lying.

And the media was forced to see it too.

Suddenly media figures began arguing that someone should have reported on Biden’s condition. And when the Wall Street Journal and other outlets did, they were attacked for it. Biden’s mental state was another lie too big to fail.

Now it did. And it doesn’t just discredit Biden or his party. It further demolishes the remaining credibility of the media not only among conservatives or independents, few of whom like or trust the media, but even among Democrats.

That’s why the media is suddenly rushing to get ahead of the issue among its own people. Lying to the country for the greater good is not a problem. Lying to the people who think you only lie to Republicans is.

Biden's Mental State Was a Media Lie Too Big to Fail | Frontpage Mag