Approx 30,000 gun related deaths in the US annually.
Approx 20,000 are suicides
That leaves 10,000 (Actually a bit less than that but we'll use this for simplicity sake. 8124 in 2014 the last comprehensive number from BJS) out of a population of what? About 320,000,000?
Of those 10,000, if you discount just 7 counties out of 3144 in the US (Think Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, Detroit, Newark, Oaklandl/LA, NYC) you are left with less than 5000 gun related deaths. And that doesnt break down defensive shootings from homicides...
*There is a temptation to use a "per capita" rate when comparing US States. So one rancher kills another in Montana and the per capita rate is something like 100/100,000. Not really helpful. Look at the TOTAL number of firearm related homicides.
**Car accidents (30,000), Drug overdoses(60,000), and the usual suspects like heart disease and cancer are FAR bigger problems than the approx 5000 firearm related deaths by a huge margin.
***By the way, dont confuse the total number of "Murders" or "Violent Crime" with the total number of gun related deaths. There are a lot of ways to kill or hurt someone if you really want to without a gun. Many "journalists" get these things confused as it takes reading comprehension and logic skills which they are apparently born without, and the ability to report without bias/agenda, which they choose to ignore.