IPCT Contributor
great thread!
Oh FuQ no! I thought we were done with this exercise in language presented as having a persuasive or impressive effect, but better described as lacking in meaningful content.

great thread!
Its 100 percent ok...its a nothing number...why does it matter to you if a person committing suicide does it by way of gun or jumping off a bridge...at least with a gun, there wound be traffic delays for thousands of people.Okay (to various replies),
So the status quo in this country is okay.
Okay, maybe we don't have a massive amount of gun homicides in this country. Suicides or other.
Okay, maybe research into gun deaths isn't allowed ( due to legislation the NRA backed. Who needs data anyway?)
okay, maybe we have more guns in our country than we have people (chart below)
Okay, guns good. Color me skeptical.
Again, I'm seeking middle ground. The current situation is flawed. Sure, I own guns and will defend my family and home. But I am really frustrated by the two sides talking past each other. If we have the gumption to come to the table, and talk, we can improve the situation.
If we don't, my freedom to have guns will be infringed (I fear). We need reasonable people on both sides. In this thread, on a Camera forum, with smart and thoughtful people, I was hoping for a smart, thoughtful, and balanced dialogue.
Instead, after posting my personal views in this forum, I think I'll bow out. Which bugs me. I don't like to be shouted down by the "guns good" crowd.
...what CNN/NYT/MSNBC and the Progressive Left wants you to feel to advance their cause. (Like Snopes, they ceased being objective years ago and no longer even try to hide their agendas. Fortunately they are becoming less and less relevant as a result)...