5 MegaGixel 1/1.8" low light destroyer for $90-AVOID LONGSE JUNK

such a shit solution.. *sakes head*

you know you got problems when one camera's shit results in all cameras going down at the same time.
I agree, it's a lousy solution, especially when it means the cameras are out for a mininum of thirty minutes every night. But for sub-$10, it's the quickest fix. Unless HeroSpeed eventually works out whatever in their firmware is failing, anyway.
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30mins!? damn dude, at least buy a cheap digital timer.. you can set those to 1min intervals unlike those big old dial timers.
My camera will lose it's video source after about two to three days, making the weekly reboot capability ineffective. I've since put an old-school 24-hour timer on the POE switch that powers the camera, and it now cuts power every evening and reboots the camera.
FYI You can set the camera to reboot every hour or even less (at least in the latest firmware)...not a solution to this crap though..
I agree, it's a lousy solution, especially when it means the cameras are out for a mininum of thirty minutes every night. But for sub-$10, it's the quickest fix. Unless HeroSpeed eventually works out whatever in their firmware is failing, anyway.

The firmware is no longer on the HeroSpeed website. I'll assume this means they are done supporting it. Too bad for us.
The firmware is no longer on the HeroSpeed website. I'll assume this means they are done supporting it. Too bad for us.

Hopefully it's because they found (the) critical issue(s) and took it down. Maybe a fix is incoming.

...I know, wishful thinking.
It seems I'm just lucky in that I have had a couple of Longse cameras up for the best part of a year, with zero problems, though I did leave the monthly reboot active.
It might be worth a quick look at the error counts on the network interface - a small proportion of dropped packets are no big deal, but other errors may be indicative of some network issues.
Example from S500 :

alastair@PC-I5 ~ $ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

(none) login: root
Welcome to HiLinux.
None of nfsroot found in cmdline.
~ # ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:1B:06:B2:F3
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:444809399 errors:0 dropped:18 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:225015994 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:3777527842 (3.5 GiB)  TX bytes:2234339851 (2.0 GiB)

~ # free
             total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:         59552        58032         1520            0            0
-/+ buffers:              58032         1520
Swap:            0            0            0
~ # df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                12.0M     10.9M      1.1M  91% /
tmpfs                    29.1M      4.0K     29.1M   0% /dev
tmpfs                    29.1M      8.0K     29.1M   0% /tmp
~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type jffs2 (rw,relatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
~ #


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ugh I did leave the monthly reboot active.
It might be worth a quick look at the error counts on the network interface - a small proportion of dropped packets are no

+1 here. Four Longse cameras. Zero problems. I guess I'm lucky also.
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There's actually a newer 7.x release available on their website,
If anyone is curious about the contents of this firmware, this (crude) shell script will unpack it.
*edit* Fixed an arithmetic error for extract_2.
# This script unpacks the contents of the Longse 3516A_IMX178_W_7.1.3.3.fls firmware file.
# The offsets will be specific to that version of firmware. There is no attempt to
# use logic or error trapping to make it universal - it's as much a memory-jogger as anything.
dd bs=1 if=3516A_IMX178_W_7.1.3.3.fls of=extract_0.hdr count=24
dd bs=1 if=3516A_IMX178_W_7.1.3.3.fls of=extract_1.txt skip=24 count=4276
# Now for an ELF program.
dd bs=1 if=3516A_IMX178_W_7.1.3.3.fls of=extract_2 skip=4300 count=232083
# And another one.
dd bs=1 if=3516A_IMX178_W_7.1.3.3.fls of=extract_3 skip=236383  count=12429
# And another one.
dd bs=1 if=3516A_IMX178_W_7.1.3.3.fls of=extract_4 skip=248803  count=27964
# And a gzipped tar archive section.
dd bs=1 if=3516A_IMX178_W_7.1.3.3.fls of=extract_5.gz skip=276767
# Extract what's in the gzip file. It does comment on trailing garbage.
# Should ideally check if it's significant.
gunzip -k extract_5.gz
# The result is a tar archive
mv extract_5 extract_5.tar
[ ! -d extract_5 ] && mkdir extract_5
cd extract_5
# which then extracts to a large /app folder tree.
tar -xvf ../extract_5.tar
cd ..
# And that's the lot!
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Many thanks. And for sharing.
You're very welcome! I just found it Saturday afternoon, while searching for 3516A and IMX178. They put the word "Download" all over the page, but there's only one of them that actually presents a hyperlink. :(
I'm curious though how you did that - I know the site responds differently on IE and Firefox - but with either I can't see the download.
I honestly can't remember. I had my head in a bunch of databases all afternoon, and felt lucky to find it again. Thought I'd better post it here and save everyone else the problems.

I used DuckDuckGo to search for "3516A_IMX178 firmware download" and it turned up as the first result. I'm using Firefox.
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I applied it to both of mine.

FYI there's a new web plugin with it. I haven't had much time to mess around with it but at first glance options and GUI look the same.
I dunno about that bro. You could be missing out on some major improvements!