The log indicates that you are successfully calling the DB API when BI alerts on a plate. And it looks like the image is saved successfully, but then the rest of the plate read data doesn't save correctly. Can you post the complete text of your post/payload from the "On Alert" that makes the http/API call?
That all looks correct. I'll have to defer to Charlie or Mike, or someone that knows why the database might be failing on the insertion of a new plate.
That all looks correct. I'll have to defer to Charlie or Mike, or someone that knows why the database might be failing on the insertion of a new plate.
OK, I need you to slow down as this is a steep learning curve for me. I did the migration process and that was successful. Then went to "GitHub - algertc/ALPR-Database: Fully-Featured Automated License Plate Recognition Database for Blue Iris + CodeProject AI Server" and downloaded all the files including "migrations.sql" and of course "schema.sql". They're in my download folder. Now I need some guidance on the "mount migrations.sql on the same way as schema.sql" part and then where/how to "open postgres docker console and run: psql -U postgres -d postgres -f /migrations.sql". I appreciate your patience.
OK, I need you to slow down as this is a steep learning curve for me. I did the migration process and that was successful. Then went to "GitHub - algertc/ALPR-Database: Fully-Featured Automated License Plate Recognition Database for Blue Iris + CodeProject AI Server" and downloaded all the files including "migrations.sql" and of course "schema.sql". They're in my download folder. Now I need some guidance on the "mount migrations.sql on the same way as schema.sql" part and then where/how to "open postgres docker console and run: psql -U postgres -d postgres -f /migrations.sql". I appreciate your patience.
Hmmm.... it looks like your containers are running. If you click on where it says app-1 and db-1 it should open up a window with six diagnostic tabs. I would look through the logs and stats tabs to see if there is anything that stands out and gives you an indication of what could be wrong.