I have updated my NVR firmware which somehow made changes to my cameras and half of them are now firmware unchangeable (2032's).
i.e.: the new firmware changed the camera screens to 2048x1536, which seems 4:3 rather than 16:9.
I can access these cameras still via LAN, but, I do not get the familiar activeX "ALLOW" screen, which then does not show pic AND does not allow changes to the video resolution and other video settings.
Strangely, 2 new cameras (2032's) I received are accessible and changeable and Active x is working.
So, would the best thin be to reset the cameras to factory and start from scratch?
And, if so, which is the latest ENGLISH firmware which I can upload into the cameras via GUI on cameras received from China?
This ftp stuff sounds a little Greek to me, but If I have to I will have to learn.