I bet the airport security staff just let them in. That place in Russia, Dagestan is 90% muslims mostly of ethnic Azerbaijan which in turn is ethnic Turks. Every muslim puts his religion first then his country. Thats one of reasons countries do not have muslims in protection detail of heads of states of non muslim nations.In the year 2023 I never THOUGHT I would see this shit happen again. History surely does repeat itself. So very damn sad.
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Looking at the map towards west of Dagestan is Chechnya basically that part of Russia is largely Muslim majority regions.
If Russia has to go to aid of Armenia they have to pass through muslim majority russian regions with lots of insurgency with Kidnapping, killing of russian soldiers.
Speaking of Armenia and Azebebajian. The latter is preparing for a another ethnic cleansing of Armenian region which is between two territories of Azerbaijan region including the last month annexed region.