Ahhh. The ongoing saga: The Testing of Mrs. Q

So you may remember that Mrs. Q

finally got scheduled for Covid-19 testing last Sunday night at 5:30 PM. So I fuQed up pretty bad on Sunday afternoon and Mrs. Q

was VERY VERY VERY PISSED OFF at me. So 5:45 PM rolls around and she texts me "YOU MADE ME FORGET TO GO TO MY TESTING!!!"
"Yikes"...I text back..."Leave now you're 10-minutes away from the drive-though testing location...you'll be there @ 5:25 PM...and that's hardly late at all".
She doesn't answer.
Later, after she has forgiven me, I get the testing story.
She arrived at 5:25 PM. Major military and police presence at the test site. NO ONE ELSE IS THERE TO BE TESTED. That's right...NO ONE...perhaps word has spread as to how nasty Mrs. Q

gets when she's pissed...anyway she's the only person apparently present to be tested. But even though she's the only person/vehicle present, she still has to drive though multiple Military/Police check points. "DON'T ROLL DOWN YOUR WINDOW LADY!" and "TURN OFF YOU AIR-CONDITIONING!" they direct. There are multiple checkpoints to traverse and her identity is confirmed at each checkpoint. She finally reaches the final stop and a person in full Contagion PPE tells her to roll down her window and does a nasal swab on her. "Results in 24-48 hours...move along!" She needs to create an account to get her test results; her password must be "at least 8 characters, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character"...fuQin' Fort Knox, eh? No results to date; I'll let ya'll know when her result comes in. As I've said previously...she'd be JUST ABOUT DEAD had she been at risk and infected when she first called to get tested many moons ago.
I had Mrs. Q

take a picture for you guys...
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