Known around here
Dementia Joe will catch coronavirus in October and be unavailable for debates. You know it’s coming.
Dr John Campbell covers the recent publication of an article on the topic of SARS2 airborne transmission ( SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Corona Virus )
239 Scientists agree on Aerosolization transmission
Jul 8, 2020
Dr. John Campbell
It is Time to Address Airborne Transmission of COVID-19 (Clinical Infectious Disease, 6 July)
An update on my wife's condition for anyone interested:
-Still no results from the Tuesday swab. I'm told Quest (who runs them for CVS here) has a 7-8 day turnaround except for ones coming from the hospital (1 day turnaround on those).
-She was doing a little better yesterday evening and even got some appetite back, but then woke me up at 4 am with shortness of breath. She was really scared. I dropped her off at the ER.
-The good news is her O2 levels were fine and her lungs are ok; no pneumonia (yet). The shortness of breath was due to congestion and drainage. She was discharged with an O2 monitor so she can tell what's serious and what isn't with that.
-She was swabbed again for COVID-19 and should have results tomorrow since it was a hospital-based test. Her diagnosis provisionally is COVID-19; she apparently is taking a fairly common path through it. A televisit yesterday with MDLive also said COVID-19 was the likely cause of her symptoms.
-She's now quarantined on doctor's orders (guest bedroom, but I believe if I am to be infected it has already happened); as a precaution I'm isolating myself and will mostly stay at home for a while and only go out for drive through or widely distanced things. Her period of maximum infectivity (if really COVID) was probably last Saturday through this past Wednesday or so, but it's not a hard and fast thing.
So far me and the kids have no symptoms. Taking it day by day.
Thanks!Again prayers sent @Frankenscript . Gotta be nerve racking.
My Wife was exposed at her workplace. 3 of them came down with mild to moderate symptoms (and tested positive) about 3 1/2 weeks ago. She tested negative (took 5 days for results) and also later that week tested negative for antibodies. I didnt get tested based on those results. So far so good.
Im working from home full time since March and dont venture to too many places, always with mask and wipes. Never in crowds. She's back to going into the office, but its only 12 people, they distance themselves well in separate offices, and they're all required to wear masks. She showers every day upon coming home first thing, and sheds clothes into the washing machine upon entry. Because she flew to PA 7 days ago, we;re social distancing at home and she sleeps in the guest bedroom (her choice). Not sure any of that makes a difference, but we're being extra cautious.
Once again, it doesnt cost $3000 per shot and if Big Pharma cant get stupid rich off of it, then you dont need it!
A plasma shot could prevent coronavirus. But feds and makers won't act, scientists say
I'm sorry but setting aside the front line docs and nurses, the medical industry is severely borken. Much like their masters in the Insurance Industry.
We're all simply potential revenue.
Toner is a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and a world leader in pandemic preparedness. The threat of a novel coronavirus is not new to him. In fact, in October 2019, Toner and the team at Johns Hopkins ran a coronavirus pandemic simulation in New York, months before COVID-19 started spreading across the world. As part of the half-day, tabletop exercise, Toner met with other health professionals to walk through a theoretical coronavirus outbreak and examine how governments and private businesses would respond.
Ok, that's three times recently in this thread where we agree.Once again, it doesnt cost $3000 per shot and if Big Pharma cant get stupid rich off of it, then you dont need it!
A plasma shot could prevent coronavirus. But feds and makers won't act, scientists say
I'm sorry but setting aside the front line docs and nurses, the medical industry is severely borken. Much like their masters in the Insurance Industry.
We're all simply potential revenue.
I hope you get better soon!I've been switching between two masks for the last 6 months. I think that's going to give rise to a whole new infection. Woke up this morning with a headache, chest congestion, and slightly stuffy nose, colloquially-speaking. Last night, had to sleep early because I had back and shoulder pain. Earlier yesterday morning I paid a visit to Target for some groceries (some customers were coughing and attempting to hoard disinfecting wipes before being intervened by store manager); it was the first time I held a cart without gloves; I also also went into a neighbor's home and was informed about someone with history of COVID-19 from early-March in the exact spot I was standing. Had me puzzled. All this coinciding with Tropical Storm Fey. I was wearing an old N95 mask. I know they can be reused only a finite number of times (with certain caveats in mind). I hope I'll be okay; the fluctuating weather to me is to blame; have had the AC cranked up high; the humidity is unbearable. I'm still 99% SpO2 with 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit temperature reading.
I hope you get better soon!
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Question to CNET: What does this have to with the pandemic that necessitates a disclaimer before the documentary even starts?
Inside the luxury prepper bunker for the rich and frightened
A climbing wall, a waterslide, a gun range... preparing for nuclear war just got deluxe.www.cnet.com