I spent 4 years in Wuhan when i was a bachelor from 2006-2010, it's a wonderful city, I have many friends there right now, the real situation is really bad at early Feb, this virus can spread very fast, and from light to bad just 1-2 days, the big break make the local medical system crashed. Near 3000 doctors/nurses infected. Most dead people with Basic disease, some of them didn't get good treatment. Becuase the hospital don't have enough hospital beds. So the Gov send military medical team, and other province's medical teams. I think right now around 30K people there. The outbreak is really fast, and some official guys try to stop this desease themselves, but lastly hurt all people badly. China is not as rich as media shows, but our people are really try to stop this virus soon.
Those videos some are real, hundreds people dead at early Feb, the crematoriums are not enough, workers work 24hours still can't process the bodies. But right now things real under control, wuhan people suffer a lot from this bad virus. Doctors try to save everyone, but sometimes they also feel hopeless about the virus. The death rate there has around 5% in wuhan, but at other places, around 1%.
Right now the virus spreading in Korea, japan, Italy, Iran, i think will lastly spreading all over the world, try to protect well your family and make some preparation for any emergency. No need to be too worry, but have to do somthing.
Right now we can go to work and shopping, life is back to normal. Just meat is a little expensive than before, maybe will buy more meat from US. So tell your farmer friends to product more pork,beef,chicken, China will buy a lot soon when the virus gone.

70% people in China back to work now, next week i think can be more, in the middle March, i think everything can be back to normal.
Stay away from the busy places,Take care!