Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

i dont know about creativity stalling or not, but i can say that i am more productive at work than i am in my home office.

at work i do have fewer distractions and i stay more tasks focused, where as at home i tend to wander off and start doing non work related items like washing dishes and shit. Though not when there is a lot of work to do, just usually in the slowdown between tasks

That said i am super burnt out on my job, had this occurred a few years ago i dont think i would have been as inclined to let my mind wander. so i may not be the best ruler to provide a benchmark.

Also part of the productivity boost at work is the fact my work laptop is a lot snappier on the lower resolution monitors at work compared to my 4k one at home. Also being directly connected tot he office network vs connected via a VPN makes working in shared network folders a lot easier.

As far as creativity is concerned we have to consider that the work at home structure is still kind of evolving, as work places find new ways of engaging their employees. Many companies have been doing work from home for years and have not had the same issues as those who were forced into it. i know from a costs perspective it is cheaper to have people work from home, even with providing them equipment to do so, than it is for buying or renting the needed office space to accommodate them.
I dunno I’m pretty productive working from home, I got the front yard cut and a test camera hung before 10am yesterday ;)

Seriously I’ve done it before two jobs ago so it hasn’t been a big challenge for me. You do have to manage your time though. I find that I get the same amount of work done and then some vs the office as I’m more focused on the task or project and have fewer distractions. If I happen to work till midnight like last night for a surprise Exec meeting here in 20 minutes, I can sleep till 8 and no foul.
In a recent document put out by the CDC, on July 31st, to state health officials, regarding how to track "Covid-19" they again inform health professionals that researchers lack any evidence that masks offer any protection against the virus... 6:56

Also Tucker (who the left hates venomously) brings up some good points about social control.
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The last time I said that I was accused of blasphemy!

They are fearing the second wave in South Korea where masks are permanently affixed so they fail as the be-all, end-all they've been touted to be.
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its never been touted as the be all end all
everyone wearing masks helps mitigate an infected person from emitting the virus out to others, but its most effective when parties in question are also practicing social distancing and regularly washing their hands. It's a package approach with not one of them being the singular best thing to do.
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The last time I said that I was accused of blasphemy!

They are fearing the second wave in South Korea where masks are permanently affixed so they fail as the be-all, end-all they've been touted to be.
They are a country of >50M people and lost a total of about 250 people total in the first wave and another 50 since then.

Many COUNTIES in the US have far more deaths and cases than Korea.

They are a model of success so I wouldn't make fun of their results.

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Bullshit! Is that like climate change was global warming was global cooling? Or women's reproductive rights was pro-choice was pro-abortion?
The last time I said that I was accused of blasphemy!

They are fearing the second wave in South Korea where masks are permanently affixed so they fail as the be-all, end-all they've been touted to be.
I'm making fun of the mask mandate and any other mandate from fools who think they know better what's best for everyone else.

Hi @BobRegnar

Do you want a Strong America? ( USA ) or a weak one?
bald eagle.jpgdo you think this guy will ever wear a mask? maybe when he swoops down on you.
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back to covid.... Herd immunity in Brazil with out masks. Interesting.

Very interesting WaPo article. Thanks for posting. I've been too busy with work to keep up.

Let's make sure that for those who don't read the whole article, we are clear on what's going on:
-It's focused on a particular city --Manaus-- of 2M people that got SLAMMED early on.
-The death rate there was HORRIFIC. About 3x-4x the overall US death rate (so, if you want to compare by scaling up to the whole US, it equates to a ~700k dead in the US scenario)
-However, after paying the reaper, things there have settled down to a trickle of cases
-There is speculation about whether or not it is herd immunity. It's super interesting but far from a proven thing
-This is just one city... Brazil as a whole is still in the throes of disaster with >1000 dying each day.

Study of situations like this is VERY important.
Only an idiot would take a vaccine for covid. The flu vaccine has been around for 70+ years, and it still kills people every year. If herd immunity occurs at 20% than this is great news. 90% of the dead had preexisting conditions. 80% of the dead are over 65. This is relativity low risk for the majority of the population.

We have just this week passed the death rate in the US for the 1957-58 flu. 500 deaths per million. I did not miss a day of school for 57-58 flu. As I said in post #2 Fear mongering by the media.

I am 71 yo. I do not wear a mask outside or at church or at the gun range. I only wear a mask in the grocery store as require by county judges order.
President Xi and WHO are glad to have escaped extradition

Only an idiot would take a vaccine for covid. The flu vaccine has been around for 70+ years, and it still kills people every year. If herd immunity occurs at 20% than this is great news. 90% of the dead had preexisting conditions. 80% of the dead are over 65. This is relativity low risk for the majority of the population.

We have just this week passed the death rate in the US for the 1957-58 flu. 500 deaths per million. I did not miss a day of school for 57-58 flu. As I said in post #2 Fear mongering by the media.

I am 71 yo. I do not wear a mask outside or at church or at the gun range. I only wear a mask in the grocery store as require by county judges order.

You made my point for me without even realizing it.

So, in 1957-58, the flu killed 500 people for every million in the US (I'll trust your math; it's late and I'm heading to bed :thumb: ). Medical treatments for the flu were relatively primitive at the time compared to now, and I'll also take your word that people went about their business without much change to the daily routine. My parents hadn't even met by then so I rely on your memory. So, the flu ran rampant and over the course of the year long flu season from Summer 1957 to Spring 1958 it killed ~116k people, or ~500/1M.

So far this year, in just 5 months, COVID-19 has killed about 550+/1M in the US (per Worldometers), despite massively better medical options and unprecedented efforts to slow the spread by social distancing and masks and whatnot. Had we gone about our business 1950's style, the death toll would be multiples of what it currently is. Each time a state opened up over the late spring/summer, there was a big spike of cases and eventually deaths. Florida. Texas. Arizona. Colorado. Georgia... Eventually people got smart and distanced/masked etc. and we are now on an overall decline here in the US. But the key is reducing contact. Even now, schools are starting to reverse plans for in-person as the early-start places that did in-person schools are seeing COVID-spikes. A bunch of colleges have decided to shut down in-person classes, and lots of grade schools around the nation tried it, and a few weeks in, are planning to go either more-virtual or fully virtual.

So, the point is COVID-19 is a lot worse than the '57 flu by any measure.

Here's a reference on that pandemic for those interested:

Oh, and about the flu vaccine killing people every year, that's very rare that a routine vaccination would cause a fatal reaction; risk-benefit is strongly in favor of routine vaccination

Of course all bets are off with a brand new COVID-19 vaccine; that's what trials are going on now for. We will know the results when they conclude based on a decent sample size.
So for my unscientific poll about getting the vaccine, I'll put you down as a maybe. Just kidding, you'll be in the "no" column!