Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

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Right on Schedule, COVID Pivots for Biden

Lowering the cycle threshold means fewer cases going forward, not due to anything Trump or Biden did or did not do but simply because of a new way of counting cases. Interestingly this notice was created on Jan. 13, but not released until Jan. 20, Biden's inauguration day.
What a coincidence!

On the cusp of finally getting rid of Trump, the past year’s lockdowns are suddenly a bad idea. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tweeted on Jan. 11, “We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass. The cost is too high. We will have nothing left to open. We must reopen the economy, but we must do it smartly and safely.” Ya think? Did this sudden revelation just occur to him as Trump was leaving? After his lockdowns all but destroyed New York City economically?
What a coincidence.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot joined the chorus at the same time, suddenly deciding, “I want to get our restaurants and our bars reopened as quickly as possible.” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer agreed, confirming “that restaurants in the state will be able to open starting Feb. 1 with restrictions.”
What a coincidence.

Was all this ever about the virus or just about the election? The curious timing of the changing rules and guidelines suggest an answer to that question.

Watch the numbers now drop, cases and deaths, all because of the brilliance of Joe Biden compared to the buffoonery of Donald Trump. COVID guidelines are changing right before our eyes, just as the news reporting has morphed from orange man bad to senile man good. Was it ever about the virus or just about the election?
The fact that Democrats played with the lives of Americans for political gain should be enough for most people with a conscience to despise them...
Heh, and it has to be that interpretation because Reuters says so. I'm not saying positively that it isn't but I tend to not believe corporate media any more...
The fact that Democrats played with the lives of Americans for political gain should be enough for most people with a conscience to despise them...


help reduce the sun exposure and thus the vitamin-D levels - so you see a lot of middle east countries people are vitamin-D deficient
face covering is like a simple mask ( only 1 layer though ) - so yes that helps partial reduction in the R value

Once someone in the household in the Middle East gets the Wuhan / Corona the entire household will get nailed.. iirc the women do not wear burkas in the house.

So just like the men bring herpes back into the home they will bring Wuhan / Corona back into the home.
I say 74 million REAL voters need to flip the table and cancel them. Cancel every leftist company you might do business with. Cancel your Amazon, you will get over it and find a way to adapt. Cancel your Facebook, delete your profile completely and tell everyone one else you know to do so also. Cancel your Twitter and tell conservative news to not link to any of these scumb. Don't give them a dime or support anyone that does.
INSANE: Joe Biden Signs Executive Order Banning the Term "China Virus"

Apparently 'ol Dementia Joe has banned the use of the words "China Virus" to describe the China Virus that began in a lab in Wuhan China. This China Virus is thought by most people who can read and have critical thinking skills to be a China Virus that began in China. The China Virus began in Wuhan China, it was funded by our very own Dr Flip-Flop Fraud Fauci. The China Virus was a man made China Virus that escaped, intenitonally or unintentionally from a lab. Other China Viruses (or is that Viri?) have proceeded this China Virus. Dementia Joe is trying to cover up the facts of this China Virus for his handlers in China.