Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


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Oct 2, 2020
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Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
We've been sold a bill of goods from the very beginning.

Don't mask, mask, double mask, wear a whole box of masks, Maybe the last one would work but the manufacturers and CDC data show masks don't stop viral infections and have never been designed to do so.

Social distance six feet, based on a "rule" from a pandemic back in the 1880's that didn't help one whit back then or now.

Lockdowns that insured that anyone infected would be in close quarters with people who weren't to help spread it.

Flatten the curve for fifteen days, now going on two years in a few more months.

Don't bother with therapeutics like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or antibodies because they're unproven, untested and dangerous.

Get antibody therapy because it works, AKA there's enough profit in it for the drug companies to spread some bucks around to lobbyists, Congressmen and Senators.

Get the vaccine, lose the mask, get the vaccine but keep the mask.

Get the vaccine and your safe, get the vaccine and it won't be as bad if you get it, get the vaccine and hope for the best.

Now it's booster shots of the vaccine because the advertised efficacy isn't there.

The vaccines contain heavy metals and all sorts of crap not associated with vaccines but no one is told that those components are in there.

The manufacturers are held harmless so they don't even bother to inform anyone of what is actually in them, if they know, so informed decisions can be made.

In the mean time every elected official acts like a tin horn dictator and issues edicts restricting or eliminating rights, freedoms and anything else they can think of.

Papers, papers, VE MUST ZEE YUR PAPERS.

Face it folks, between the CCP Virus, Bozo in the White House and Pelosi/Schumer in Congress we are buried over our heads. Our only hope is 2022 and I sure hope that the special election for the State Senate in Connecticut is a real bell weather.
Last edited:
Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas

Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Yes.’
Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
Bud: ‘Ok.’
Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
Bud: ‘That’s right.’
Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Certainly.’
Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘I’m not asking who’s vaccinated or not!’
Bud: ‘I’m just telling you how it is.’
Lou: ‘Nevermind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
Lou: ‘But I have a mask!’
Bud: ‘Doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘I was able to come in here yesterday with a mask.’
Bud: ‘I know.’
Lou: So why can’t I come in here today with a mask? ….If you say ‘because I’m unvaccinated’ again, I’ll break your arm.’
Bud: ‘Take it easy buddy.’
Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
Bud: ‘Correct.’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the germs from getting out.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your germs.’
Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
Lou: ‘So how in the heck can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’
Bud: ‘Third base.’


Getting comfortable
Nov 8, 2019
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Beacon, NY
no racism here!

When Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick was asked about the surge in coronavirus cases during a Thursday night appearance on Fox News, the Republican said "African Americans who have not been vaccinated" are "the biggest group in most states" contributing to the spike.

Laura Ingraham had asked Patrick to respond to criticism from Democrats that covid-19 cases and deaths were on the rise in Texas due to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's policies. The governor has resisted public health mandates aimed at mitigating the highly contagious delta variant's spread and announced on Tuesday that he had tested positive for the virus despite being fully vaccinated.

Patrick acknowledged that "covid is spreading" and that infections are largely among people who have not received the vaccine.

"Democrats like to blame Republicans on that," Patrick said. "Well, the biggest group in most states are African Americans who have not been vaccinated. The last time I checked, over 90% of them vote for Democrats in their major cities and major counties."

GOP leaders have shifted on vaccination. Their state laws have not.

Patrick's comments, one video clip of which had been viewed more than 845,000 times on Twitter as of early Friday morning, drew immediate criticism, with some calling the lieutenant governor's assertion unfounded. His office did not respond to a request for comment late on Thursday.

The latest data from the Texas Department of State Health Services shows that the African American population there is not driving the increase in cases. Black residents in Texas accounted for 16.4% of the state's cases and 10.2% of deaths as of Aug. 13. While vaccination rates are low among Black Texans, the highest coronavirus case rates are among Whites and Hispanics, who make up 34.9% and 35.8% of the state's cases respectively, according to the latest data.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
no racism here!

When Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick was asked about the surge in coronavirus cases during a Thursday night appearance on Fox News, the Republican said "African Americans who have not been vaccinated" are "the biggest group in most states" contributing to the spike.

Laura Ingraham had asked Patrick to respond to criticism from Democrats that covid-19 cases and deaths were on the rise in Texas due to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's policies. The governor has resisted public health mandates aimed at mitigating the highly contagious delta variant's spread and announced on Tuesday that he had tested positive for the virus despite being fully vaccinated.

Patrick acknowledged that "covid is spreading" and that infections are largely among people who have not received the vaccine.

"Democrats like to blame Republicans on that," Patrick said. "Well, the biggest group in most states are African Americans who have not been vaccinated. The last time I checked, over 90% of them vote for Democrats in their major cities and major counties."

GOP leaders have shifted on vaccination. Their state laws have not.

Patrick's comments, one video clip of which had been viewed more than 845,000 times on Twitter as of early Friday morning, drew immediate criticism, with some calling the lieutenant governor's assertion unfounded. His office did not respond to a request for comment late on Thursday.

The latest data from the Texas Department of State Health Services shows that the African American population there is not driving the increase in cases. Black residents in Texas accounted for 16.4% of the state's cases and 10.2% of deaths as of Aug. 13. While vaccination rates are low among Black Texans, the highest coronavirus case rates are among Whites and Hispanics, who make up 34.9% and 35.8% of the state's cases respectively, according to the latest data.
That is absolutely true from what I have read. African Americans are way behind in getting their shots. However the dimoKKKRATs like to blame the Trump supporters for all their ills.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Another group that leads in being not vaccinated are those with PhDs, more than likely Marxocrats, too.
Yep, I read that too. I think the reason CTGoldwing posted that story is that he thinks it is racist for Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to speak the truth about African Americans and the Covid shot.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
Black residents in Texas accounted for 16.4% of the state's cases and 10.2% of deaths as of Aug. 13. While vaccination rates are low among Black Texans, the highest coronavirus case rates are among Whites and Hispanics, who make up 34.9% and 35.8% of the state's cases respectively, according to the latest data.
This is garbage statistics. Stating black case percentages without also stating the percentage of blacks in the overall population is useless information. Comparing black case numbers to white and hispanic case rates is apples and oranges. Not stating the start date of the raw data means it could be totally useless for the current situation. The vax pushing statistics I've seen are using raw data starting from January 2021 to show how many covid diagnosed and/or hospitalized people haven't had the jab, making the information totally useless for what the current situation is. If the vax pushers weren't so obviously cooking the data more people with some intelligence might believe it.


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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No need to worry anymore;:rolleyes:

FDA will grant full approval to Pfizer's COVID vaccine on MONDAY

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans on giving full approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine by Monday, according to The New York Times.


BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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You said it yourself, vaccines are only "90 something percent effective."

Efficacy are based on measuring how well it prevented symptomatic COVID-19 infection seven days through up to six months after the second dose and how well it preventing severe disease.

Since the vaccines are NOT 100% effective, that means SOME people will get sick.
They are not even close to being 90%, and it has only been out for months. I suspect we will see a lot more breakthrough cases, which will bring the efficacy level even lower. The 90 percent number was sold to us that 90+ percent who got this shot would not get the virus. Yet the leaders are calling for vaccinated people to wear masks. They know they lied.

They rushed it, and lied about it. This is why many do not trust it. It's not a vaccine. It's a pre treatment.

Why are the leaders not pushing harder for full FDA approval like every other "vaccine"? Seems like that would be a way to build more trust, no?


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
They are not even close to being 90%, and it has only been out for months. I suspect we will see a lot more breakthrough cases, which will bring the efficacy level even lower. The 90 percent number was sold to us that 90+ percent who got this shot would not get the virus. Yet the leaders are calling for vaccinated people to wear masks. They know they lied.

They rushed it, and lied about it. This is why many do not trust it. It's not a vaccine. It's a pre treatment.

Why are the leaders not pushing harder for full FDA approval like every other "vaccine"? Seems like that would be a way to build more trust, no?
IMHO you are correct. You will notice the goal posts have been moving in regards to the Covid vaccine. Now they say you need to take the vaccine because if you get Covid the side effects are a lot less.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
And with everyone likely needing annual booster shots (just like the flu, cough cough), you think there would be more pushback to get it actually approved, not just for emergency use.
More than annual. Now every 6 months which I am sure will be shortened again.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Again, everyone will eventually get the CCP Virus, that's the nature of a virus that goes pandemic.

The vaccine isn't a vaccine, it's a therapeutic of questionable reliability and results. The original intent may have been a vaccine, but it hasn't turned out well in that respect and one has to wonder what else will come out as being wrong with it as time goes by.

Given the goal posts on every aspect of this "pandemic" have all been moving constantly and with increasing speed, it's not at all surprising, at least to me. If we're not being outright lied to, we are being lied to by omission and total lack of knowledge by people that should know better.