So let's get this straight. Virus breaks out in China, and reasonable precautions to limit spread from China to US are enacted, though with insufficient controls to actually make them work. Then nothing much happens for 6 weeks while pres touts great stock market performance, completely ignoring need to develop effective tests. Realizes it's going badly and puts Pence in charge as the public face, mostly for political reasons so he can hang a failure on him. Pence isn't stupid, realizes testing is critical and assembles the right corporate players to get testing up and running on the quick, and we already now (part way into the testing ramp) realize the virus not only is here, all over in most states, but probably has been for a while. Then, Pres decides to close the border with EU, ostensibly to prevent more cases coming in, but at this point it is already here and spreading faster than anything the occasional infected passenger is going to do.
The markets should be fun tomorrow, for sure.
This will go down in history as the biggest epidemic/pandemic botch in US history.