20 Ways To Wipe When The Toilet Paper Is Gone
It's been said that toilet paper will be worth its weight in gold after a disaster. Here are some toilet paper alternatives.

Your post really peaked my interest so I decided to search on the internet for information. From what I found (I could be mistaken of course), this proposal was in response to the governor's push to have inmates manufacture the hand sanitizer in prisons where inmates get paid $.16 / hr. The push back it appears comes from the businesses that will soon not be supplying any of this material to government agencies because there is no way they can compete when their competitor (the prisons) are paying $.16 / hr.
LMAOChinese communist party is upset that people are giving credit where credit is due for the SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19 / Wuhan virus.
Q: During a press interview on March 6, US Secretary of State Pompeo called the novel coronavirus "the Wuhan coronavirus". I wonder if you could comment on that?
A: Despite the fact that the WHO has officially named this novel type of coronavirus, certain American politician, disrespecting science and the WHO decision, jumped at the first chance to stigmatize China and Wuhan with it. We condemn this despicable practice.
Republicans face backlash over racist labeling of coronavirus
China says US politicians are stigmatizing the country with ‘despicable’ practice of calling the virus ‘Wuhan coronavirus’ and ‘China coronavirus’www.theguardian.com
I know the solution.. let's call it the "Chinese Communist Party Virus of 2019" - or CCP-virus-19
It's so racist. Those poor Lymeians.LMAO
I live in Connecticut - about 50 miles from Lyme, CT. Ever hear of Lyme disease? No coincidence. . .
Also... remember to pay attention as some brokerage accounts have had recent failures.. Robin Hood for example.
btw Schwab just bought TD Ameritrade
Over the weekend I read that it's now not OK to ask someone "where are you from"?It's alleged discrimination. You pick the category. Someone is always offended for an immutable characteristic. Everyone cries foul. Everyone is a victim (except for the old white old, of course - he's not even allowed to say "it's ok to be white").
And with that buyout, I'll then be with my 4th Brokerage company, even though I never switched accounts...![]()
My 3rd I think, was with Scottrade..
Your post really peaked my interest so I decided to search on the internet for information. From what I found (I could be mistaken of course), this proposal was in response to the governor's push to have inmates manufacture the hand sanitizer in prisons where inmates get paid $.16 / hr. The push back it appears comes from the businesses that will soon not be supplying any of this material to government agencies because there is no way they can compete when their competitor (the prisons) are paying $.16 / hr.
Therefore the proposed act is in defense of these other companies - to make the product more expensive so they can compete. The posts that followed yours relating to this seemed to indicate that this was another leftie bleeding heart proposal. . .
... Why be a carrier? Remain vigilant and prevent the spread...
I think we all saw this coming. No need to fuel the hype. ..
Man! Thanks for the WHO to really let us know in time... ( sort of like my friends which tell me to buy TESLA after it hit it's high .. )
Did they call the "regular" flu a pandemic?
Why would he change his mind? Nothing has changed.So do you still feel this way or have you had a change of mind?