Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Thanks for sending me the information, I arranged the masks orders here and send out next week. 1000masks all have the owners now.
Andy I just received a similar offer from a Chinese supplier of solar panels I've purchased from. I gratefully accepted their offer, as I'm auto-immune and would prefer to do what I can to protect myself.

I was just curious whether this is an initiative going around export suppliers in China to ensure their customers will survive to buy again another day? Has it been suggested by the Party? Either way... it's appreciated.

Cheers, Steve
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Andy I just received a similar offer from a Chinese supplier of solar panels I've purchased from. I gratefully accepted their offer, as I'm auto-immune and would prefer to do what I can to protect myself.

I was just curious whether this is an initiative going around export suppliers in China to ensure their customers will survive to buy again another day? Has it been suggested by the Party? Either way... it's appreciated.

Cheers, Steve
Aha some of the guys asked for help never buy anything from me. Just help guys here , I will donate more later when I get more stocks. Most for old people and sick people, they really need more protection. No need be panic , but have to be very careful. Today i come to a small town , people here no one wear masks anymore, life back to normal now.
RE: Trump and Chloroquine... He just killed any chance of this drug being tested/used to its full potential. Why? Because most doctors are products of the higher education institutions, and have a very strong left bias. As I've mentioned many times in previous posts, wife is an ER MD and she has to be very careful about politics. Being conservative can be career damaging (even ending in certain circles). She's part of a FB group called Deplorable Docs... started because nearly all of the other doctor groups are dedicated to trashing Trump.

So, in that spirit, if Trump says Chloroquine is great, awesome, and cures all ailments - you can bet that the majority of docs - MD, DO, PhD - will all suddenly race to prove why it isn't. If Trump comes out tomorrow in defense of baby seals, the MSM would be highlighting the benefits of clubbing them to death.
Interesting. I’m fortunate in that I’ve gotten hooked up with a group of private practice docs who all are close and work together and are clearly conservative. GP, Cardio guy, Neuro, and Internal Med docs all who are buddy’s.

I was blown away in first visit to the cardio guy when I mentioned something to him my GP had said and he whips out his cell and in 3 rings I hear “ Hey Don, got a mutual patient here...”

Don’t guess that’s normal most places anymore.
So, in that spirit, if Trump says Chloroquine is great, awesome
If that’s the message that they want to convey then IMO it would have really helped if Fauci was on the same page yesterday.

When there’s a politician (of any party) and a subject matter expert on a stage talking about the same subject, i think most people are going to give the SME’s thoughts more weight.
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If that’s the message that they want to convey then IMO it would have really helped if Fauci was on the same page yesterday.

When there’s a politician (of any party) and a subject matter expert on a stage talking about the same subject, i think most people are going to give the SME’s thoughts more weight.

I agree, but remember that SMEs are people with political bias as well. Not saying Faucci isn't sincere but, Faucci was an ardent HRC supporter.


Keep in mind that Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the CDC director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, circumvented the administration by calling a press conference to announce that the virus will substantial affect the lives of all Americans (while DJT was on foreign soil no less), causing the initial market turmoil. She is none other than Rod Rosinsteins sister... You know, the guy that spearheaded the fake DJT Russian witch-hunt. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

Faucci is entitled to his own bias, no doubt. Like wise, Dr. Messonnier, was not wrong in her prediction - but undermining the administration by preventing a unified response by the commander in chief at the appropriate time, thereby deliberately create market panic to harm a political enemy, must be at least considered motive.

Faucci wasn't "on the same page" as Trump yesterday. Dr. Nancy Messonnier wasn't either during her presser. Never-Trumpers will say that this points to an incompetent POTUS. I say consider the motives of those who break rank.

One cannot ignore the incredible coordinated attack of DJT from "the resistance" in the media and all parts of the federal government. There are people in power who would absolutely let no good crisis go to waste, to capitalize political power to damage DJT, while Americans suffer.

Finally, the French study of 60 COVID survivors tested with chloroquine and azithromyacin show, at the very least, extremely promising potential (100% cute rate in 6 days) that must be investigated further. The fact that Faucci may not have know about or trusted the study does not make it irrelevant. All Trump is trying to do is make the public aware of the potential of a therapy... Since you know, the SMEs are biased ;)
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This is believable. Just because this is published on CNN’s website doesn’t make this fake; it’s just a thought. We need to document want we do on day to day basis and how we live our lifestyles. We need to be open to the possibility that we are contributing to these types of events. Again, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. So let’s leave at that

Not saying Faucci isn't sincere but, Faucci was an ardent HRC supporter

Faucci sending an email applauding HRC's congressional testimony in 2013 is about as much evidence of Faucci's left-bias as the President's berating Peter Alexander is evidence that Trump is a bad President. Furthermore, concluding that Messonnier's intention was to "deliberately create market panic" -- based upon the fact that her brother is Rosenstein -- is a similarly fragile argument.

You may be correct that both Faucci and Messonnier have a left-bias, but your argument is -- at best -- a very long stretch; it's weak and it's based on supporting your conclusions with supposition. Although I'm certain that your argument will be supported by those seeking evidence to confirm their own bias -- in my opinion -- if your goal is to covert the non-believers, you're going to have to come up with better evidence than that which you've presented in this post. Alternatively, if your post is simply to pander to those with right-bias you've done very well.

Once again, I am not claiming that you are wrong, and I am not trying to start a fight or to attack you...rather, if your goal is to truly present a convincing argument which is intended to sway the opinion of those Americans who are on the political fence, then you're going to have to do better than presenting weak suppositions that support a deep-state conspiracy intended to damage the President.
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Faucci sending an email applauding HRC's congressional testimony in 2013 is about as much evidence of Faucci's left-bias as the President's berating Peter Alexander is evidence that Trump is a bad President. Furthermore, concluding that Messonnier's intention was to "deliberately create market panic" -- based upon the fact that her brother is Rosenstein -- is a similarly fragile argument.

You may be correct that both Faucci and Messonnier have a left-bias, but your argument is -- at best -- a very long stretch; it's weak and it's based on supporting your conclusions with supposition. Although I'm certain that your argument will be supported by those seeking evidence to confirm their own bias -- in my opinion -- if your goal is to covert the non-believers, you're going to have to come up with better evidence than that which you've presented in this post. Alternatively, if your post is simply to pander to those with right-bias you've done very well.

Once again, I am not claiming that you are wrong, and I am not trying to start a fight or to attack you...rather, if your goal is to truly present a convincing argument which is intended to sway the opinion of those Americans who are on the political fence, then you're going to have to do better than presenting weak suppositions that support a deep-state conspiracy intended to damage the President.

It wasn't to provide a convincing argument. In fact, I started the post by saying I agreed that, in general, a SME's opinion ought to carry more weight than any politician. My point was to remind him that everyone has bias, and while that's ok, it can and often does impugn motive for actions. Each of these things on their own provide no "proof" of any conspiracy, but when taken as a whole, especially in light of the continued resistance offered by bureaucrats vehemently opposed to Trump, it would be naive to take any claim at face value.
everyone has bias, and while that's ok, it can and often does impugn motive for actions

Thank you. I understand and I would agree with this. However, claiming that Messonnier's intention was to "deliberately create market panic" is a tad different than simply "reminding" us that everyone has bias. If this charge were to be true then such an action would be treasonous and therefore -- as a result -- I'm wondering if your not being disingenuous. Am I missing something?
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Thank you Andy @EMPIRETECANDY, really appreciate sending masks our way.

China's NO2 emissions rising as country recovers from coronavirus lockdown
As Chinese industry recovers, so do its emissions
China emissions return with coronavirus recovery

Good news!

..My last Computer Job was Wednesday and I guess I cannot do anymore work unless deemed essential and that might come up, I have some contracts with large municipalities but they are shut down also. We know this will end but once these use of powers are acted on, I hope it does it not become the normal.

From what I have gathered reading some of the fine print:
Supporting those working from home is considered essential, as well as IT support for essential companies.

..The only problem is we got six people doing the work fit for one person. I don't see how we'll be able to keep everyone on. These are people I've worked with for 30-years. :( I actually fuQing cried today...

ouch. This is going to get very painful... some small businesses are being asked to pay their rents, while their landlords will have options to not pay their monthly mortgages ( and perhaps also taxes ).

expect significant social unrest if the end result seems unfair to many...

..., seems a bit of uptick in domestic issues being locked up in one household. This is definitely testing our human psyche, being glued to the TV I find is NOT helpful. o_O

Indeed! Gonna get very hard for parents to keep those teens locked up...

"The recommendation of worker protection change almost daily. We are already rationing and reusing masks, and not even N95s, just plain old simple masks for longer than suggested periods of use. ... "

I can confirm this. Normal masks. Strict rationing. Not going to be pretty.
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Anyone have any idea if a mask made for VOCs, volatile organic chemicals, is effective against COVID19?
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Thank you Andy @EMPIRETECANDY, really appreciate sending masks our way.

Good news!

From what I have gathered reading some of the fine print:
Supporting those working from home is considered essential, as well as IT support for essential companies.

ouch. This is going to get very painful... some small businesses are being asked to pay their rents, while their landlords will have options to not pay their monthly mortgages ( and perhaps also taxes ).

expect significant social unrest if the end result seems unfair to many...

Indeed! Gonna get very hard for parents to keep those teens locked up...

I can confirm this. Normal masks. Strict rationing. Not going to be pretty.
Thank you Andy @EMPIRETECANDY, really appreciate sending masks our way.

Good news!

From what I have gathered reading some of the fine print:
Supporting those working from home is considered essential, as well as IT support for essential companies.

ouch. This is going to get very painful... some small businesses are being asked to pay their rents, while their landlords will have options to not pay their monthly mortgages ( and perhaps also taxes ).

expect significant social unrest if the end result seems unfair to many...

Indeed! Gonna get very hard for parents to keep those teens locked up...

I can confirm this. Normal masks. Strict rationing. Not going to be pretty.
No problem. The virus can be controlled very soon if everyone work together, 2 weeks later we will see the results. 80% of the infections can be recovered by themselves, Social distancing is the best way to anti the virus. So keep away from the busy places can orotect you and your families.