From that article...I feel sorry for the vast majority of the Chinese people. Their unelected authoritarian leaders are always working overtime to cover up the truth. I wonder how much the vast majority of Chinese know what's really going on.
Beijing dismisses Chinese news assistants working for U.S. bureaus - Committee to Protect Journalists
Washington, D.C., March 20, 2020 -- The Chinese government should immediately reverse the dismissals of Chinese employees working for U.S. news organizations in Beijing, and stop creating obstacles to news gathering by foreign outlets in China, the Committee to Protect Journalists said
...The dismissals come after China announced measures on March 17 that would lead to the expulsion of at least 13 U.S. citizens who worked as correspondents at The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post, as CPJ documented at the time...
Is this good or bad? I feel DJT should have gone further in regards to trade with China. Or anywhere in world for that matter.China's NO2 emissions rising as country recovers from coronavirus lockdown
As Chinese industry recovers, so do its emissions
China emissions return with coronavirus recovery
I have not understood why America has allowed any products to be imported from any foreign country that does not have to follow the same environmental laws and guidelines that we in America do. And that would mean all levels of a products manufacture. And also worker wages and standard of living.
Yeah I'm guilty in that regard. So much product that we America takes advantage of cheap labor, being produced under lax health standards, from around the world.Says the guy who is buying Chinese made cams.I'm guessing YOU were the importer?
So, update to my wife's predicament. She worked 4 shifts last week, with the last one being Thursday night. It was the first time she encountered patients with symptoms extreme enough that she ordered tests... on two patients.
The first one was transferred out to Ehrlinger (Chattanooga) for suspected PE, but in retrospect, she is fairly confident that one also had a COVID infection. They presented with shortness of breath (SOB) with creation (kidney) levels too high to do a CT with contrast. A D-dimer assay showed probably PE - so they were transferred. After doing more research, she found out that COVID can cause an elevated D dimer.
The other two patients were SOB, fever, diaphoretic (profuse sweating), and GI pain. Turns out almost half of the most recent reported COVID infections are reporting some GI involvement. In fact, there are docs reporting that the 'ground glass' pneumonia is discovered as an incidental find on CT when they're doing the abodminal scans.
In any case, the hospital where she works had only one box of gowns. So, she approached the first with surgical mask (not N95) because they didn't suspect COVID. She did have hair net, gloves but no goggles. On the subsequent two, she wore N95, gloves, hairnet, and goggles. But again, no gown - so she possibly contaminated her personal scrubs. The hospital has no scrubs so she ended up driving to the camper (we keep near the hospital so she doesn't have to commute between shifts). She stripped outside the camper, and went inside to shower. She did everything to prevent contamination.
She came home this morning and went straight into isolation and hasn't left the bedroom. She wears mask, as do I when I bring her food/drink. She has a sore throat.
During her confinement, she's been doing more research - including asking doctors in private FB groups if any had seen GI and diaphoretic patients - they responded by saying yes, and that they'd never seen patients sweating so profusely. She's now very concerned.
We'll try to get an appointment with our primary to get a script for chloroquine prophylactically if the patients' test results are positive (3-6 days test delay). Nerve-wracking!
Wash Hand, wear a mask,keep distance, if you do these, there is 0 to be infected. Sure, you have to make sure all of your families to do it like this. Doctors in hospital have to wear N95 ONLY. I come to a small town this weekend, people here there is no one wear mask, really back to normal.Anyone have any idea if a mask made for VOCs, volatile organic chemicals, is effective against COVID19?
If you believe those cherry picked statements orchestrated in a way to implicate a narrative, without hearing what was said before and after that is your choosing.I was a Trump supporter - voted for him (or against Hillary). I think this virus has finally tipped the scale for me. There is an old saying, "Crisis brings out the character in leadership".
You can believe whatever you like, science doesn't care what you believe. The earlier our government got ahead of this the better chance we had.
How's this for leadership?
I was a Trump supporter - voted for him (or against Hillary). I think this virus has finally tipped the scale for me. There is an old saying, "Crisis brings out the character in leadership".
You can believe whatever you like, science doesn't care what you believe. The earlier our government got ahead of this the better chance we had.
How's this for leadership?