Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Lib media is garbage...contrast in coverage shows lib bias

Yeah... Human Sacrifice LOL. Of course the Republican one throwing babies into the volcano.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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And on the topic of can't fix stupid I give you our president's statement yesterday, taken from a politico article but you can find his words anywhere, as everyone is reporting on it:

“America has now conducted its 10 millionth test. That’s as of yesterday afternoon. Ten million tests we gave. Ten million,” Trump said from a stage at the warehouse event, which had the trappings of a campaign-style rally. “And CVS has just committed to establish up to 1,000 new coronavirus testing sites by the end of this month, and the 10 millionth will go up very, very rapidly.”

“And don’t forget, we have more cases than anybody in the world,” he added. “But why? Because we do more testing. When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

Trump said the news media had refused to report his “common sense” explanation for the country’s high case numbers. He repeated the misleading claim that the U.S. has tested more people than other countries, sidestepping the reality that testing as a share of the population is lower than in other countries.

Ok, so we shouldn't test and that will solve our problems?

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Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
And on the topic of can't fix stupid I give you our president's statement yesterday, taken from a politico article but you can find his words anywhere, as everyone is reporting on it:

“America has now conducted its 10 millionth test. That’s as of yesterday afternoon. Ten million tests we gave. Ten million,” Trump said from a stage at the warehouse event, which had the trappings of a campaign-style rally. “And CVS has just committed to establish up to 1,000 new coronavirus testing sites by the end of this month, and the 10 millionth will go up very, very rapidly.”

“And don’t forget, we have more cases than anybody in the world,” he added. “But why? Because we do more testing. When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

Trump said the news media had refused to report his “common sense” explanation for the country’s high case numbers. He repeated the misleading claim that the U.S. has tested more people than other countries, sidestepping the reality that testing as a share of the population is lower than in other countries.

Ok, so we shouldn't test and that will solve our problems?

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Stupid Democrats.jpeg


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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He repeated the misleading claim that the U.S. has tested more people than other countries, sidestepping the reality that testing as a share of the population is lower than in other countries.

Ok, so we shouldn't test and that will solve our problems?

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Nothing misleading there unless you want to twist it.
It is true we've tested more people, it's also true that its a smaller share than some other countries.

The two statements are not contradictory nor is it 'sidestepping reality"


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Trump said the news media had refused to report his “common sense” explanation for the country’s high case numbers. He repeated the misleading claim that the U.S. has tested more people than other countries, sidestepping the reality that testing as a share of the population is lower than in other countries.
You are right, the idiot libs needs a explanation on # of tests vs percentage of population tested preferably using a coloring book explanation or a sesame street skit because you rightly pointed out they don't understand the difference.


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2019
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Dallas, TX
The numbers are fake and we all know it. If you talk to the right people the truth comes out.
Only 6 of the 194 reported cases in San Diego are pure C-19 deaths.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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You mean roughly half of "us" live in those counties. The point, once again, is that high density population areas, especially if there is extensive mass transportation in use, leads to high infection/death rates. Even though this is extremely obvious, the rest of the country, roughly 50% are stuck with the same "shelter in place" restrictions as those high density areas. Not I say this even though I'm in that high density Northeast Corridor area.

I find it interesting that one group wants to open the economy while the other doesn't along pretty obvious party lines. Problem is that is we don't open, in a meaningful manner, soon there will be no economy left to open, unless you want to use a wheelbarrow to carry enough cash to buy a loaf of bread.
Hi @mat200 and whoeverdecides to read what follows. Welcome!

1.) I've looked at it a while ago. I'll refresh and see what has been updated. Though it's not going to change much of the below. Thank you for sharing the source though, I always like to critically evaluate a plethora of different sources.

2-3) We agree, you're just restating the same information using slightly different words...., hopefully, we're not going to descend into pedanticism .....
4.) Healthcare workers are making cloth masks and or sourcing their own due to the following

A.) The gross inability of institutions to prepare and or do their duty to protect their employees all the while having no real qualms about not having or getting the stuff they should have had.
aa.) Big money be it VC or the politically connected of every form and many others smelled opportunity and jumped into the grey market. It got brutal fast...

B.) Once shielded from liability for workplace safety/exposure/etc... via various gvt executive means; they decided to wait for states and the fed to show up with their wishlist of gear free of charge. No need to spend capital chasing gear when the gvt will bring it.....eventually....Also no need to buy any because well the states and or fed will bring the gear....

Really, you need to keep that cash handy, never know when you're going to need it like down in point C or so....

There is also that part where you get to skip explaining to the board why you spent it when the gvt was bound to come and since they're indemnified from liability...if some of those front line heroes die nice things will be said but generally "shit happens"...We saved the capital and it's around ya know for bonuses and incentives and such.

I mean who's going to race uphill explaining why they pent and spent to get gear for a long-shot scenario, and lots of it has a shelf life. It's so no Bueno and more headache than it's worth. Better to just go low friction right boys and girls? So buy PPE for the guys in units or on the street? No. ...Hell no...I mean No thank you....

They weren't buying, the red cross and state and local businesses were coming along and doing it for free. others were so valiantly doing the right could they put a damper on that?? That's bad PR best to encourage it, stay on with the messaging.....yeah!

wait for it

wait for it

Some places are still waiting, no gear (from the fed state, or corp buyers hey everything goes to voicemail right...we have like zoom meetings and have to figure out how to source from more than 1's a hard knock life man!) or 10 pcs of it which is the same as none. But you're ready to move on to the next point already...right?

C.) When the hospital systems realized the gvt wasn't going to appear in any sort of normal timely manner with PPE gear ( or C-5's full of cash like the Iranians got) they jumped into the market fray that was thoroughly already carnivorous, and thoroughly FUBAR and made it worse. At some point, those without very deep pockets realized they couldn't afford or compete with most of the players. Those with deep pockets were shoved around by the fed, states and 150 other sovereign countries trying to secure gear for their peeps. There were suitcases full of cash and armed coercion happening on runways and elsewhere. Threats were made, political favors and bribes paid all over. People started getting creative; flying charters into Indian reservations and bouncing across multiple free trade zones..a real 21st century anything goes how creative can you be and how fast....

D.) Manufacturer avarice caught up with the market and suddenly tire factories were world-class PPE manufacturers......selling counterfeit non-functional gear...downright dangerous to have in some cases worse than nothing at all......still are but that's getting cleaned up. Seriously squeaky clean. So clean the tooth fairy will be by to take cocktail orders for drinks that include unicorn tears, aged olive oil, and ghost peppers... No wait, that's the Fleets enema Spa menu for the #qualintine 4 real....but, I digress...

E.) The CN foreign ministry got sick of taking Ambassadors calls and fielding high-level direct plainly worded complaints about point D. So they got all 12th century and buddies up with MSS and justice and started throwing their weight around...a little. They shut down shipments and started their own QA system that made everything worse.....P

F.) Manufacturers supply chains started to fail, they couldn't keep up with the demand for raw materials and components so they started jacking up pricing to factories 3X,....5X...then 50X, and so on....Now they can't supply much at all, the cupboards are bare $$'s have no bearing. Manufacturers now have to wait, and the raw component suppliers are getting the same feeding frenzy the manufacturers got earlier....

and we're back to wait for it.... wait for it.....except there is no fast forward button here.

G.) more of repeating points A-F again, and again....

H.) net end result....Folks who need the gear the most are left begging won't and trying to get free donations of cloth masks so they can have some level of delusion about being protected and not having to go without anything....

I.) It's very slowly getting better but by like 15% not 99% or more. This is why healthcare workers are wearing cloth masks and paramedics on the street are wearing the same ones for a couple weeks at time in some places.

Does all of the above piss you off? If not it should!

5.) We can agree to disagree. Let's just say application and variance in application decrease a lot of the efficacy/supposition put into the origin data/rationale for such claims..As you aptly illustrate in your points 7 and 8

6.) If I want great protection I'll get a 1 micron filter system combined with a PAPR and full-face shield along with other appropriate gear and use it because I don't want what everyone else has got...Think of me as a no sharing zone. A real it's better to give viral load than receive any type of miser. Except I don't have any or want it

*note= there's a lot of ways to have effective protection....the aforementioned is just 1, yours may or may not be different.YMMV

7.) You can't fix stupid, it's organic and forever.

8.) See #7
HI @sebastiantombs
Q: Does all of the above piss you off? If not it should!
A: F* YES.

I do try to keep my cool as much as I can, as I have little influence.

The more I dig into this.. the more I am very frustrated that none in power paid enough attention to the warnings to be prepared.

This is why I believe we really should not call many in leadership positions "leaders" - but simply managers who kept following along the path.

Kyle Bass did an interview with Oslo Freedom Forum,
and mentioned that the PRC produces a large amount of API ( Active Pharma Ingredients ) and that there were people who had brought up the issues of over dependency on PRC in our supply chain. ( example in 2018 Rosemary Gibson wrote a book on the US over reliance on PRC for our drugs - Rosemary Gibson - The Hastings Center )

China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America's Dependence on China for Medicine Hardcover – April 17, 2018
by Rosemary Gibson (Author), Janardan Prasad Singh (Author)


Millions of Americans are taking prescription drugs made in China and don't know it--and pharmaceutical companies are not eager to tell them. This is a disturbing, well-researched wake-up call for improving the current system of drug supply and manufacturing.Several decades ago, penicillin, vitamin C, and many other prescription and over-the-counter products were manufactured in the United States. But with the rise of globalization, antibiotics, antidepressants, birth control pills, blood pressure medicines, cancer drugs, among many others are made in China and sold in the United States. China's biggest impact on the US drug supply is making essential ingredients for thousands of medicines found in American homes and used in hospital intensive care units and operating rooms. The authors convincingly argue that ther

“Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh do an outstanding job of guiding the reader through the inherent risk to the United States to become dependent on any one country, such as China, as a source for vital medicines, and the risks from weak enforcement of safety standards and quality control by foreign manufacturers.”

—Maj. Gen. Larry J. Lust, US Army (ret.)

“A compelling book that reveals America’s troubling dependence on China for essential medicines and the pattern in US-China trade where intellectual property and value-added production are shifted to China to the detriment of US workers, businesses, national security, and the health of our citizens.”

—Daniel Slane, commissioner, US-China Economic and Security Review Commission

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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Youtube is marking channels and video as "Hateful content" which are covering the Pandemic and the CCPs response to it.

Example: Crossroads with Joshua Philipp shows the youtube "hateful content" strike.


Joshua Philipp covers this in the first 4 mins or so... ( btw this is a very good video covering the PRC CCP economic war with the world going on )

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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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11 Million in Wuhan to be tested asap.

  • no social distancing
  • people waiting in long lines to be tested
  • people forced outside of their homes to gather in large crowds
  • testing personnel unable to change PPE

Thus expect more infections from this process due to cross infections




Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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The numbers are fake and we all know it. If you talk to the right people the truth comes out.
Only 6 of the 194 reported cases in San Diego are pure C-19 deaths.

Um, er, I dont know where to start.

There seems to be a wealth of disinformation on both sides, .... in this case we have a local "politician" pontificating out his ass with 0 evidence or knowledge, with a single clear objective of getting businesses open again. His statement is not only stupid its downright dangerous to be misleading the public.

It seems fewer and fewer want to address this reasonably, it always has to be one absurd extreme or the other.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Come on Finklescript, you know you need 4 more years of this...
Gosh no. For the record I hold no grudge against the first lady and I avoid making fun of her; I consider presidential family off limits for my snarky remarks unless they do something outrageous. So, occasionally I rag on Ivanka because she puts herself out there, but the only time I came down on Melania was when she wore some noteworthy jacket potentially as a statement.
Sep 5, 2019
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Is anyone else starting to get concerned about what's happening with the coronavirus from Wuhan? It's difficult to know what is trustworthy information, and why is hype, but honestly, I'm starting to get a real uneasy feeling about what little 'legitimate' info is being reported from the WHO and CDC.

The latest information indicates the virus has an incubation period of up to 14 days, and just today, the CDC announced that someone infected may be infectious for the entire time they are asymptomatic. That's scary since it means infections are happening in areas that haven't seen any symptoms, for possibly a week or more.

As an ER doc, my wife is at the tip of the spear when it comes to treating people. And while I'm sure most that are not in the medical field will learn of local infections from word of mouth or local news reports, those reports come from those on the front line - who ultimately will be exposed before any warnings are issued.

I live in a very, very remote area (closest neighbor is more than a mile away, and the closest town with a Walmart is a 2hr RT drive). If things get bad, I can shelter in place (we have adequate food and supplies), but that will be of little consequence if wife is infected in the process of finding the first case of the virus in our area.

If anyone is concerned, the time to prepare is quickly evaporating. N95 and higher masks are all but sold out on Amazon. Emergency food rations are also expected to be exhausted as more people become aware of how real this threat is. As soon as people begin to hear of the increasing death toll and infections within their states, shelves will start to go empty. People will refuse to go to work - refuse to send their kids to school. It could get really ugly.

Many of us have cameras for, among other reasons, due to the distrust of fellow humans. The thin veneer of civility will quickly evaporate in conditions like this. I hope I'm wrong. But I am planing for the worst.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Um, er, I dont know where to start.

There seems to be a wealth of disinformation on both sides, .... in this case we have a local "politician" pontificating out his ass with 0 evidence or knowledge, with a single clear objective of getting businesses open again. His statement is not only stupid its downright dangerous to be misleading the public.

It seems fewer and fewer want to address this reasonably, it always has to be one absurd extreme or the other.
You can't base anything off that article. What is that, a single paragraph article, if that. You would have to listen to the Armstrong & Getty Extra Large Interviews podcast the author references. Never heard of "Disrn" before this, who are they?

I listened to that. This San Diego guy just points out a fact that out of all the Covid case deaths only 6 can be attributed to solely Covid and not another ailment that the person had. He sounds logical in that we need to get our businesses back in business.

It is stupidity to not get back to work safely. You can't just stop everything forever like Libs-tards want. And they are only doing it because of politics, and to keep people in fear and cowardice.
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