HKVS # help
? - alias for 'help'
base - print or set address offset
bootm - boot application image from memory
bootp - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
bubt - Burn an boot image on the Boot Flash.
cmp - memory compare
cp - memory copy
cpld - write cpld info to encrypt media
cramfsload- cramfsload - load binary file from a filesystem image
cramfsls- cramfsls - list files in a directory (default /)
crc32 - checksum calculation
erase_env- erase envirement info on flash
getinfo - print hardware information
go - start application at address 'addr'
help - print command description/usage
loadb - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
loady - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
loop - infinite loop on address range
md - memory display
mii - MII utility commands
mm - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
mtest - simple RAM read/write test
mw - memory write (fill)
nm - memory modify (constant address)
ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
printenv- print environment variables
rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
reset - Perform RESET of the CPU
run - run commands in an environment variable
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
setenv - set environment variables
sf - SPI flash sub-system
tftp - tftp - download or upload image via network using TFTP protocol
update - Update the digicap of the device.
version - print monitor version
HKVS # update
MAC: 58-03-FB-B3-85-8A
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Download Filename 'digicap.dav'.
Download to address: 0x80800000
Downloading: *# [ Connected ]
################################ [ 1.000 MB]
################################ [ 2.000 MB]
################################ [ 3.000 MB]
################################ [ 4.000 MB]
################################ [ 5.000 MB]
################################ [ 6.000 MB]
################################ [ 7.000 MB]
################################ [ 8.000 MB]
################################ [ 9.000 MB]
################################ [10.000 MB]
################################ [11.000 MB]
################################ [12.000 MB]
################################ [13.000 MB]
################################ [14.000 MB]
Bytes transferred = 14737532 (e0e07c hex)
cramfs.img checkSum ok !
Erasing SPI flash...done
Writing SPI flash...done
Upgrade check ......done
Erasing devcfg...done
HKVS # reset
resetting ...
u-Boot 2010.06 (May 13 2015 - 14:30:10)
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 1 0
### CRAMFS load complete: 2161840 bytes loaded to 0x80400000
### CRAMFS load complete: 1185719 bytes loaded to 0x80800000
timeout for link [5000]!
MAC: 58-03-FB-B3-85-8A
|RCV UDP pack timeout| TFTP server not found
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 80400000 ...
## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 80800000 ...
Loading Kernel Image ... OK
Starting kernel ...
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
init started: BusyBox v1.16.1 (2015-05-13 17:16:51 CST)
Mon Apr 4 17:36:36 UTC 2011
Starting udev: [ OK ]
show logo Mon Apr 4 17:36:36 UTC 2011
VGA LineBytes is 4096 ImgWidth is 1024 ImgHeight is 600
funcret1 = 3
CVBS LineBytes is 2880 ImgWidth is 717 ImgHeight is 576
start decompress Mon Apr 4 17:36:37 UTC 2011
end decompress Mon Apr 4 17:36:54 UTC 2011
scriptCmd: ./load3520A -i TW2964.
insmod: can't insert 'extdrv/ssp.ko': invalid module format
BusyBox v1.16.1 (2015-05-13 17:16:51 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
cpldіМРт°ж±ѕ: 21Дк5ФВ18ИХ

Working Copy Path: /usr/local/jenkins/workspace/Alarm-VIS-Branch-Package/PJ01C20161114136_дї„зЅ—ж–ЇZAO可视对讲1.4.7дї„иЇж— 楼层定制
BusyBox v1.16.1 (2015-05-13 17:16:51 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
[32m[guest[0m@[31mdvrdvs[0m [32m/] [35m$ [0mURL:俄罗斯ZAO可视对讲1.4.7俄语无楼层定制/APPS
Last Change Rev: 44470
Last Change Date: 2016-12-21 16:33:08 +0800 (дё‰, 2016-12-21)
Program Provide: ci
Program Build Time: 2016-12-21 16:52:29
>>>open /dev/msb1 error: errno = 2(No such file or directory)
>>>open /dev/msb error: errno = 2(No such file or directory)
>>>open /dev/msa1 error: errno = 2(No such file or directory)
>>>open /dev/msa error: errno = 123(No medium found)
[ERR][../../../net/netUtil/net_util.c #980]: eth0 mac address is: 58:03:fb:b3:85:8a
normal panel found.
[ERR][../../../system/param/paramLib.c #3127]: Can't open parameter file on flash, errno=0x2.
[ERR][storage/hdCtrl/stor_adaptation_layer.c #2471]: stor_update_quota_param chan(-6) error.
[ERR][storage/hdCtrl/stor_adaptation_layer.c #2471]: stor_update_quota_param chan(-5) error.
[ERR][storage/hdCtrl/stor_adaptation_layer.c #2471]: stor_update_quota_param chan(-4) error.
[ERR][storage/hdCtrl/stor_adaptation_layer.c #2471]: stor_update_quota_param chan(-3) error.
[ERR][storage/hdCtrl/stor_adaptation_layer.c #2471]: stor_update_quota_param chan(-2) error.
[ERR][storage/hdCtrl/stor_adaptation_layer.c #2471]: stor_update_quota_param chan(-1) error.
[ERR][storage/hdCtrl/stor_adaptation_layer.c #2471]: stor_update_quota_param chan(0) error.
[ERR][../../../dataManagement/database/db.c #102]: sqlite3_exec fail: 1(no such table: ring_info)!
======>sql: [delete from ring_info ;]
read decNoSignle file n=101376
read calling image file n=460800
getMaxIPCCount 0
[0;35m** **
[0;35m** MODULE : DSP snv_37017
[0;35m** BUILD TIME : Sep 27 2016 15:46:27
[0;35m** INITPRM SIZE : 1316960 Bytes
[0;35m** **
[0;32m[DSP] >>>> DSP_SetParam(pDspInitPara,pFunc) ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< DSP_SetParam(pDspInitPara,pFunc) Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> DSP_SetStatus() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< DSP_SetStatus() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> DSP_Secret() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< DSP_Secret() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitDateTime() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitDateTime() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitSys() ...
[m[0;35m[DSP] HI_VERSION=Hi3520A_MPP_V1.0.8.1
[m[0;32m[DSP] POOL ID:0, u32BlkSize=460800, u32BlkCnt=8
[m[0;32m[DSP] POOL ID:1, u32BlkSize=152064, u32BlkCnt=8
[m[0;32m[DSP] POOL ID:2, u32BlkSize=784, u32BlkCnt=8
[m[0;32m[DSP] POOL ID:3, u32BlkSize=1382400, u32BlkCnt=2
[m[0;32m[DSP] POOL ID:4, u32BlkSize=0, u32BlkCnt=0
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitSys() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitModuleChanManger() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitModuleChanManger() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitCmd() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitCmd() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitStaticImg() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] callpic set OK!
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitStaticImg() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitStreamPack() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitStreamPack() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitStreamPool() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitStreamPool() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitVi() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitVi() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitVo() ...
[m[1;33m[DSP] vo.c|VoLayerBind|443: Layer 0, return
[m[1;33m[DSP] vo.c|VoLayerBind|443: Layer 2, return
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitVo() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitAudio() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] himpi_CreateAi AudioDevId 2
[m[0;32m[DSP] AI_ATTR_S enSamplerate 8000, enBitwidth 1, enWorkmode 1, enSoundmode 0,u32EXFlag 1, u32FrmNum 30, u32PtNumPerFrm 320, u32ChnCnt 2, u32ClkSel 1
[m[0;32m[DSP] himpi_CreateAo AudioDevId 2
[m[0;32m[DSP] AO_ATTR_S enSamplerate 8000, enBitwidth 1, enWorkmode 1, enSoundmode 0,u32EXFlag 1, u32FrmNum 9, u32PtNumPerFrm 320, u32ChnCnt 2, u32ClkSel 1
[m[1;33m[DSP] WARN: HDMI disable
[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitAudio() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitDecoder() ...
[m[1;33m[DSP] WARN: InitDecoder chan 0, malloc memory form arm orgBufLen 0x100000
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitDecoder() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitGrahpics() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitGrahpics() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitEncode() ...
[m[0;35m[DSP] AinDev 2, AinChn 0, AencChn 0
[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitEncode() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitOsd() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitOsd() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitVProc() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitVProc() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitJpegSoft() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitJpegSoft() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitAes() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitAes() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] >>>> InitLowPower() ...
[m[0;32m[DSP] <<<< InitLowPower() Done! ret 0x0
[m[0;32m[DSP] total alloc 6768976
[m[1;33m[DSP] dec.c|TskDecDownloadStream|590: LOAD = 0, tid=803, pid=784
[m[0;35m[DSP] TskAudioDisplay LOAD, tid=799, pid=784
[m[1;33m[DSP] WARN: TskAudTalkBack LOAD = 0, tid=802, pid=784
[m[0;32m[DSP] InitDsp OK!!!
[m[0;32m[DSP] DSP (SvnVersion:37017) Build Time: Sep 27 2016:15:46:25
[m[0;32m[DSP] Size 1316960
[m[0;32m[DSP] viResolution =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] bHaveVo =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] viType =7
[m[0;32m[DSP] aiType =8
[m[0;32m[DSP] cpuFreq =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] encChanCnt =1
[m[0;32m[DSP] decChanCnt =1
[m[0;32m[DSP] IpcChanCnt =1
[m[0;32m[DSP] dispChanCnt =3
[m[0;32m[DSP] bHaveMenu =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] menuDispChan =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] bHaveVga =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] dispMode =4
[m[0;32m[DSP] boardType =15
[m[0;32m[DSP] sn =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] machineType =57351
[m[0;32m[DSP] bDetectViSignal =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] voStandard =2
[m[0;32m[DSP] voType =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] device_type =7
[m[0;32m[DSP] device_info =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] bDspStarted =1
[m[0;32m[DSP] bViInited =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] bVoInited =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] logBuf.bufLen =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] streamParam:
[m[0;32m[DSP] videoEncType =5
[m[0;32m[DSP] videoSubEncType =5
[m[0;32m[DSP] strPacketType =5
[m[0;32m[DSP] strSubPacketType =4
[m[0;32m[DSP] bWaterMark =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] streamParam.audioParam:
[m[0;32m[DSP] encType =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] samplesPerSecond =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] samplesPerFrame =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] boardSamplesPerSecond =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] encChans =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] bitRate =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] talkBackType =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] talkBackSamplesPerSecond =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] talkBackSamplesPerFrame =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] boardOutSamplesPerSecond =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] talkBackBitRate =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] talkBackChans =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] boardOutChans =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] audOutVolume =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] mouseParam.X =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] mouseParam.Y =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] mouseParam.I =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] bVgaDisp =1
[m[0;32m[DSP] bVoExchangeOk =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] bResetFpga =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] viSigState =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] bChanUnmatch =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] kyNum =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] device_memsize =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] bOnechnDec =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] maxD1EncChns =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] armNeedBufLen =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] pArmNeedBuf =(null)
[m[0;32m[DSP] NetOsdType =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] dspIdx =0
[m[0;32m[DSP] bSupportZeroEncode=0
[m[0;32m[DSP] chipId =-868586728
[m[0;32m[DSP] malloc Encode Buf:
[m[0;32m[DSP] NetPoolMain[0].totalLen = 512 K
[m[0;32m[DSP] NetPoolMain[0].vAddr = 0x40eca008
[m[0;32m[DSP] NetPoolSub[0].totalLen = 128 K
[m[0;32m[DSP] NetPoolSub[0].vAddr = 0x2f486f0
[m[0;35m[DSP] Total malloc len user 6768976(7) dsp 7481856(8)
[mg_pDspInitPara->viType = 7
[ERR][src/interface/comSubDefine.c #2891]: Read bmp error!! logoPath:/home/app/logo/logo.bmp
iMainIdx 2,iAuxIdx 1
[ERR][event/interactCtrl/osdCtrl.c #520]: seems not init!

ublic_base64_len 188 len 140
init_stor_system maxEnChanNo = 1 maxIPCount 0
encParam fps = 0
[1;33m[DSP] encHostCmd.c|HostSetEncoderParam|172: chan 0 videoType 2 resolution 1010
[mencParam fps = 0
[1;33m[DSP] encHostCmd.c|HostSetEncoderParam|172: chan 0 videoType 2 resolution 1010
[m[1;33m[DSP] encHostCmd.c|HostSetSubEncoderParam|242: subChan 32 videoType 2
[m[1;33m[DSP] encHostCmd.c|HostStartEncode|109: chan 0
[m######## w = 1024, h = 600, depth=16
--------end of InitGAL--------
[ERR][../../../net/netUtil/net_config.c #905]: wlan0 get_netmask ioctl error and errno=99
[ERR][../../../net/netUtil/net_config.c #905]: wlan0 get_netmask ioctl error and errno=99
[ERR][../../../net/netUtil/net_config.c #905]: wlan0 get_netmask ioctl error and errno=99
[ERR][transProtocol/transParse.cpp #1812]: getDoorInfoFromDb err
[ERR][protocol/control.cpp #955]: AppKey:bd9731ed82d6413daeecd9841c54a1cc
[CRIT][misc/misc.c #705]: ###### error Ctrl yPos, Ctrl : auto_accept, yPos_desc : auto_acceptt_y######
[1;33m[DSP] encHostCmd.c|HostStopEncode|126: chan 0
[mIAL Native Engine: mouse device has been connected.
=======Init GUI [ [5mOK[0m ]=======
IME: Loading Input Method 0: pinyin
keyboard index error!!, current_board_idx:2,index:2.
keyboard index error!!, current_board_idx:2,index:2.
<dataManagement/storManagement/storManage.c, 156>Param error!
iYoffset[0] = 0
====== del line feed character 1 ======
====== del line feed character 1 ======
====== del line feed character 1 ======
====== del line feed character 1 ======
====== del line feed character 1 ======
keyboard index error!!, current_board_idx:2,index:2.
[ERR][src/gui_localConfigurationApi.c #898]: roomNum is 0
[ERR][../../../net/netUtil/net_config.c #905]: wlan0 get_netmask ioctl error and errno=99
[ERR][../../../net/netUtil/net_config.c #905]: wlan0 get_netmask ioctl error and errno=99