Young grasshopper
Well, i did download the last version it gives me an error for connecting to blue iris:
I can connect locally normal, also local passcode is turned off... is blue iris
remote registery service is enabled..
Give the current user (DESKTOP-S7AI4BS\Home Security System) access to '': Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. [UnauthorizedAccessException] (In BlueIris.RefreshBIInfoAsync:121 > BlueIris<>c__DisplayClass15_0<RefreshBIInfoAsync>b__0:121 > Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive hKey, String machineName, RegistryView view) > Win32.RegistryKey.Win32ErrorStatic(Int32 errorCode, String str))
If you don't get a reply here post the problem in GitHub